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焦糖咖啡 (Caramel Macchiato) 紅木花茶 特色公司三文治 (Club Supremo) 藍莓芝士蛋糕 (Blueberry Cheese Cake) 雞肉磨菇批 (Chicken and Mushroom Pie)
食評 (10)
等級3 2020-03-16
228 瀏覽
有優惠卷兌換,當然選擇啲特別版飲品,因為通常貴少少。今日唔想飲咖啡,就飲薑味蜜糖抹茶,選擇脫脂奶。奶泡打得幾鬆,我鍾意,面頭嘅抹茶粉甜甜地,令成杯飲品都唔會有苦味。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-12-27
859 瀏覽
難得見到 <星巴克咖啡> 供應意粉類!於是中午走到公司附近的分店買來試試!當我走到 counter 問女店員,仲有無煙斗粉呀?她即時答無!原來她是新員工,好多嘢都不清楚!要問忙於沖調咖啡的男咖啡師!她在雪櫃找到一盒凍冰冰的煙斗粉,即時為我焗熱,不過需時…!午餐:芝士煙肉羽衣甘藍煙斗粉 $52 & 南瓜批鮮奶咖啡 中杯裝 $41芝士煙肉羽衣甘藍煙斗粉 $52煙斗粉夠汁總算夠味,質感帶乾,混合羽衣甘藍及西蘭花,口味清新,加入芝士及煙肉提味,整體不過不失!南瓜批鮮奶咖啡 中杯裝 $41忌廉表面灑上肉桂粉,帶出獨特的香氣!入口香滑順喉,卻是偏甜!Matcha $55一盒五個獨立包裝!本身只有抹茶及糖,不含牛奶;包裝建議加入牛奶,來自日本宇治的抹茶粉很清香! 第一次嚐試以熱水沖製不加入牛奶,抹茶的甘與糖份的徑甜很平衡;如果加入牛奶後,質感更順序喉香滑! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
平時都好少幫襯,但幫襯都係買同一款飲品 - Green Tea Latte (Soy Mike), 今日經過見到有新產品 - 石榴牛奶抹茶 Teavana Christmas Ribbon Matcha Latte,好又試下先Tall Size: 飲一啖,咦🤔梅味既,再飲一啖,紅苺味既又話石榴既,唔係我想像中既味道。下次都係飲番我既至愛算啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-08-23
594 瀏覽
Boyfriend and I stopped here for a Starbucks break and we wanted a nice cold frap. We saw there was a new item so decided to try it out. Even though it was a weekend, this place was very quiet. The staff even quickly cleaned up a table for us to sit down. It may be quiet as it was a weekend and no one was at work in the area? Anyways, a rarity to find a seat in Starbucks!Orange Honeycomb Crunch Frappucino ($43). This is the large size as boyfriend likes his large. I, personallly, didn't like it. It tasted like an orange creamsicle and I don't like creamsicles. Boyfriend liked it more and he said he liked creamsicles. So, if you like creamsicles, this drink is for you. It did have nice crunchy bits of honeycomb on top that was superb. Crunchy and not too sweet. It's the same honeycomb you get from the affogato that Starbucks Fashion Walk sells. There was a drizzle of caramel sauce on top that didn't really add much to the drink.Mocha Honeycomb Crunch Frappucino ($33). This is the mocha version in a regular size. I can't drink that much coffee in one go. I asked for less cream so they gave me a small squeeze of it that was perfect amount for me. I liked this one a lot more than the orange honeycomb version. It had a nice mocha taste, though not enough coffee flavor. It also had the honeycomb topping that I think is the winner here. Crunchy, doesn't stick to your  teeth. There was also a drizzle of chocolate syrup on top. The frap was thick and not too much ice.Don't think I'd order it again. Definitely not the orange version. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Dada1025最近真的很喜歡Loaf cake! 由店員重新翻熱(翻熱是重點,一定要翻熱),外脆內軟的!保持了濕潤的蛋糕,入口有蛋香,最可口是上面酸酸的Cream及上面的水果粒,太好吃了!Lemon Loaf Cake 是經常有的款式,這款是Christmas限定的款式,因此好好把握機會吃,吃了令人心情好好!店員有禮,效率高! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)