餐廳: 翠玉軒



港鐵中環站 A 出口, 港鐵香港站 A1 出口 繼續閱讀
翠玉軒位處中環交易廣場,環境寬敞舒適,適合舉辦各類型宴會。由獲獎名廚主理的粵菜,深受城中老饕愛戴。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2015)
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯 JCB
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (164)
等級2 2023-12-17
3437 瀏覽
只是只有幾個月沒去翠玉軒,不如爲何態度這麼差!可能因為我同操國語的朋友一齊? 我問佢講廣東話都唔正的侍應一道餸有幾大。答我例牌,我問,即係幾大。又唔講!我話唔該叫其他人熟悉的人解釋一下。佢話佢熟。之後先說例牌是4人分量。之後個個都好似死老豆咁樣,嬲爆爆。成晚佢哋服務都好差!唔怪之得無咗米一星!真心想投訴!?食物還可以,三個人叫了五道菜,其實對三個女士是多了很多,個侍應又唔提醒話我哋點多,勁唔pro. 唔知佢係咪D新香港人,蝦我呢個地道香港人。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-06-18
6864 瀏覽
Spending my afternoon with my family at this restaurant was definitely warming, not only their comfortable seatings, warming interior with half sunlight from the big windows, but also their loving staff. Staff were efficient but never forgot about their politeness and big smiles even when it's packed. Well done to their service.Starting with their appetiser, peanuts with fried noodle fish. It was not too salty but extremely crunchy. Definitely could feel how heaty it would be if finishing the whole bowl.First came first was the barbecue pork rice. It was my all time favourite when going to yumcha for no reason. My family claimed it was pretty famous or even their signature. Rice as usually, soft, not too dry or moist but with a hint of rice flavour. Perfect pair with the honey barbecued pork. They served half fat and half lean type. Barbecued pork was incredibly moist and soft that one small bite could tear it. Few had a chargrilled edge which gave an extra smokey flavour. It was a very good char siu rice to be honest. Next was the deep fried bombay duck fish with salt and pepper. In my opinion it was a very flavourful dish. Fish was moist and soft while crispy on the outside. The crispy coating just licked the heat inside the fish which kept them hot until you finished the whole dish. Sadly, some of my family found it too soft that the fish was kind of fell apart while holding with a chopstick. Anyway flavour wasn't disappointing.Deep fried bean curd with garlic flavour came next. Tofu size was in small cube which nice to serve with tea. Tofu was soft and silky smooth while batter thickness was just right. Similar taste with the deep fried bombay duck fish (wonder if it's same batter) but it was served with loaded garlic crisps. The garlic flavour wasn't as pungent though.Steamed vegetables dumplings were served in four big pieces. I wasn't a big fan of the wrapping as it's on a thick side. Stuffing was like the traditional veggie dumplings that contained load of diced vegetables and mushrooms. Earthy and crunchy. It went cold easily so better eat that first if ordering that. Steamed rice roll with prawns was a delightful dish. Thin soft rice roll wrapped with few big crunchy prawns. It tasted wonderful that the rice roll balanced out the heaviness from the deep fried batter. The only flaw which was personal was that it consisted of few coriander leaves which I dislike. In general, it was not bad. Barbecue pork puff was a little smaller than I thought. Pastry was thin and flakey. Even eating with hand, your fingers won't get too greasy. Barbecue pork was juicy and on a sweet side. An evil bite with both sweet pork and buttery (despite it wasn't made with butter) pastry. Good job! Forgetting about the deep fried pumpkin corn dumplings were a savoury dish, I was pretty surprised after one first bite expecting to be sweet. Few minced and corns were stuffed while wrapped with pumpkin glutinous coating. Chewy but also crispy while savoury inside. Personally prefer pumpkin flavoured glutinous wrapped food shall be on a sweet side instead. Last but not least, baked egg tart was a good round up. Something not too sweet with a hint of eggy flavour plus a buttery cookie crust. It was a deluxe especially pairing with a cup of tea.It was a meal with many deep fried dishes but we all didn't end up stuffed or feeling too heavy. It was a wonderful restaurant serving good food and also a cozy place to sit and chill. Highly recommend. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-05-28
15032 瀏覽
酒樓位置在交易廣場二期,門面好高級,每台座位置都比較遠,啱而家社交距離,環境光線比較暗。我們叫咗四人個套餐,有六道菜和一個甜品。未食過咁超鹹菜式😰!連花膠翅都好鹹,又沒有浙醋點,蒸魚豉油又係超鹹味道,炸雞一樣都係超鹹,我們不斷咁飲水。除了蝦仁帶子、煎釀遼參伴岩米,煙燻蹄叉燒半鮑片係正常味道之外。甜品薑汁燉奶,冇乜薑味,燉奶唔滑。成為二千幾蚊咁嘅價錢,我覺得係唔值囉。咁嘅價錢,我認為北京樓仲好味好多。唔知係咪之前冇晚市,炒咗啲大廚,請返啲臨時廚,當日嗰個廚師係咪輸咗馬?落重手咗,菜式超鹹。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-12-31
11164 瀏覽
位於中環交易廣場嘅翠玉軒係美心集團旗下星級粵菜酒樓,係連續七年獲評為米芝蓮嘅星級食肆今次有幸同朋友嚟食飯首先,呢度地理位置非常方便,環境亦相當幽靜我哋六個人叫咗個六人套餐湯轉咗萬壽果燉鮑魚,好清甜花膠焾滑,炆得入味整體食物味道和服務都好好,一分錢一分貨,消費自不然較高! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
記得某年既生日,係中環既翠玉軒同兩位好朋友一齊過, 有滿意既食物,真係不亦樂乎。時至今日,再次返到黎,時至今日,食物依然出色,與姊妹淘亦有個好開心暢談既晚上~煙燻鬈毛豬叉燒「叉燒」係高級中菜廳常見既前菜,而翠玉軒出品一個好大既特色係係有微微既煙燻香,質感上肥瘦均勻~有機腐衣鮮淮山目測係好簡單嘅一道前菜,薄層腐衣+ 淮山,但係個醬汁再加上呢個配搭,成件又真係夠突出。金沙肉崧脆茄子金脆香口既茄子沒甚麼油膩感,鬆脆可口 ~松茸鮑魚燉土雞踏入秋冬天,就特別適合飲滋潤湯水了,呢個燉土雞湯夠熱得黎又潤到不得了,意猶未盡,真係超級好飲。雪𥚃紅醬蒸海鱸魚如果要從一眾菜式中選一道最出色既,定必係呢款蒸海鱸魚,雖然係蒸既海鱸魚,反而盡顯魚肉既鮮味, 仲要驚豔的嫰滑無比,醬汁剛好畫龍點睛。叉燒薑蔥小瓜麵到最後確係已經飽意滿滿,而呢個貼心既麵食係蔬菜質感主導,係清新既。難得既係連環境方面都好適合傾計,下次定必再來。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)