港鐵北角站 B1 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (6)
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 21:30
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 現金 八達通
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (139)
近日相約朋友於北角午餐小聚,附近有間人氣台式便當「那個」,總店則位於大角咀,主打台式鐵路便當;而北角分店以台灣復古鐵路為主題 🚋 不論是座位、窗戶或是店門都以台灣的鐵路站為藍本,餐廳的椅子和餐枱以深色木系作為主調,靠近落地大玻璃的座位更有如舊式台灣鐵路站的候車室般,增添多一份「古早味」。其中招牌滷排骨便當 HKD68 🍱 以激巨大份量聞名,上枱一刻的確名不虛傳~排骨份量蓋過整個飯碗,超級大份!可惜滷排骨味道令人大感失望,色澤深但卻淡而無味。便當配料非常豐富有炒粉絲、紅燒茄子、玉子等。另一份紅燒牛魔全席麵 HKD86 🍜 頭湯藥材味重,味道偏甜;厚切牛腱牛味還可以;貢丸爽口彈牙,麵條最為失色,口感一般。午市套餐可以優惠價加配小食,台灣腸 HKD12 大概是全枱最好吃的東西 🤭 ,香酥炸雞兩件 HKD28 微暖而且味道一般;而餐飲另加 HKD16 黑糖仙草牛乳 和 HKD12 檸檬冬瓜愛玉。餐廳標明人齊入座,午市亦特別多人排隊等候,雖然入座時間有限,但仍然等候了半小時;等待的心和期望值的心成正比 😄 可惜食物質素一般,而且定價偏貴,整體性價比低! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-28
1336 瀏覽
Never expect to visit Taiwanese restaurants twice in a roll, especially I am not a big Taiwanese cuisine fan. Staff was friendly and welcoming. Allowing customers to choose wherever they wish to sit. Ordering via QR code which served variety options. Even from their pictures for reference, portion looked enormous. My deep fried porkchop noodle definitely a big wow when served. Porkchop size was indescribably big. Longer than the receipt placing beside, bigger than my palm. Really a big wow. Porkchop was so big that even half cut, still difficult to hold by a pair of chopsticks. Fun to say, my hands numbed half way through because of the heavy pork slices. Porkchop was juicy and tender. Insanely crispy crust while attached with the pork on every bite. Love the coarse salted. Broth was on a sweet side, neither beefy nor savoury. Noodle was very al dante and smooth. Love the texture. Whole dish was incredibly filling.Taiwanese sausage and mince rice was another drooling dish. Sausage was half fatty and very meaty. Two sausage portions was just right for its richness. Minces was neither wet nor salty. Just perfect to mix with the rice. Appreciate also giving corn, cabbages and glass noodle as sides to cleanese the palate. Whole rice dish wasnt heavy at all. Again, very filling.We also added the spring scallion pancakes as a side. Sadly, it was quite disappointing that we couldnt even finish it. Not because of the big portion of main filled us up, just totally different from what we expected. Should have asked gor omitting the sweet sauce, which was so odd pairing with savoury earthy food. We wished to stuffed with loaded Chinese chives or spring onion but more on spring onion oil and minced. It was an explosion of oil when bite. Very greasy. Dough itself was chewy because of the monchi but just not right. Personally, not our cup of tea.Overall, enormous portion with quality. Will visit again for more of their main if no queue. Their tea was also in great aroma and base which I will try their bubble tea next time. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-10
116 瀏覽
特登嚟到北角,就揾定幾間出名嘅餐廳一次過試晒,實行少食多餐。呢間餐廳有最低消費,我地兩個人,又唔想食得飽得滯,就叫咗個香酥排骨便當 加個 黑糖梅子地瓜薯條 同 加大野飲。香酥排骨便當 $76:塊排骨大大塊,好吸引,可惜一咬開,白sai sai,鞋嘅,無味... 個便當除咗有飯外,仲有粉絲同蔬菜。黑糖梅子地瓜薯條 (大) $46:好食!蕃薯本身甜,加上甜甜酸酸嘅梅子粉,好開胃。呢度小食好食過主菜好多。出奇地我到訪嘅時候無乜人,可以任坐。枱與枱之間唔太密,都幾靜,餐廳亦無趕人走。如果想揾個靜靜地嘅地方hae 下,飲杯野,呢間都係唔錯嘅選擇。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-05-01
162 瀏覽
食左嘉義雞肉便當+飲品(加左6蚊愛玉)$72一個人想叫下小食再加左三星蔥餡餅$12共$84便當:注:叫左少飯飯係似日本米 唔係兩餸飯個種硬米 配炸蔥汁撈飯一流 雞肉較厚 幼細啲會滑身啲便當有3個配菜:粉絲,菜脯同蛋每樣配菜都正正常常三星蔥餡餅:上檯時熱的 配辣醬 皮薄未到爆餡 推薦比想食蔥的人環境:張凳好坐 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-31
348 瀏覽
今日係港運城買完嘢,見到對面街有間食台南美食,即管試試佢,嗌咗個紅燒牛腱麵再加個十全藥燉排骨湯。嘢食中規中矩,但員工衞生意識令人擔憂1. 所有員工戴住黑色膠手套,期間親眼睇住佢將食物殘渣從托盤用手撥落去垃圾桶,然後在無清潔手套嘅情況下,又將乾淨嘅餐具放上托盤盛餐給客人;2. 之後就咁用佢污糟嘅手在托盤上噴上消毒液,再用果條起哂漬嘅千年毛巾抹返乾淨啲托盤;3. 員工用果啲無清潔過嘅手又係到周圍摸啲坐椅,下一個客人坐落去好大機會揩污糟啲衫;4. 廁所衞生欠佳,門亦關不上。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)