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食評 (6)
等級4 2010-07-17
198 瀏覽
大埔少有主打貴價海魚、海鮮飯店,環境寬倘、座位密度低,坐得舒服,服務殷勤,出品中上級,唔錯﹗但價錢真係比一般飯店、酒樓貴 ~父親節將近,為免正日太多人,與家人溝通後,就決定今晚一試,之前已訂定位,所以好安心唔洗等位,飯店熱閙程度比想像中少人,所以唔嘈,自覺食得舒服,開波﹗靈芝燉雞湯,老雞、藥材加靈芝,補身又健康,連飲幾碗,熱辣辣唔停口﹗清蒸金錢斑,游水海魚接近斤半重,札札跳,好生猛。豉油分開上枱,倒晒落條魚度先知道係咸豉油,之後職員先解釋要點黎食先正確,已經太遲了。魚肉鮮、彈牙,都算嫰滑,必食﹗玫瑰火焰海中蝦,最初出錯左白灼蝦,啲職員重企圖游說我地照食,一係倒啲玫瑰露撈混就算,離譜呀。我話如果係白灼的話我都唔想要喇,經常食啦 ~ 最後經理都好樂意即場堂煮火焰蝦比我地,證明無取效,真係攞啲另外啲活蝦再煮,依個服務態度值得一讚。最終碟白灼蝦去左隔離張枱。待煲夠熱時落跳跳札既活海蝦,即落玫瑰露,點火,用酒既熱力灼熟海蝦,蝦肉鮮甜彈牙帶酒香,正﹗蒜容粉絲蒸聖子皇,聖子都有七吋長,夠晒大碌,味鮮、爽口、蒸即時間剛好,必食。但粉絲處理得較差,碎晒、浸過龍、過腍,唔掂﹗雞湯浸雙蚌,珊瑚蚌、桂花蚌都新鮮、爽口,好味。底下仲有浸透雞湯既冬瓜,好好食,好似有啲妹仔大過主人婆咁 ~芝士焗卡幫尼龍蝦,無咩特別,口味大路,只係約 HKD40 半邊,可以啦,龍蝦肉個 SIZE 剛好我可以一啖食晒﹗金銀蒜籠仔蟹飯,影相都影唔切,太好食,一放低就清鬼晒﹗蟹味濃、金銀蒜勁香口,食唔停口,必食﹗蟹仔唔係主角,不吃也吧,主角係啲飯﹗ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-05-23
75 瀏覽
Its already May 2010 and one day all of a sudden, I remembered it is traditional for HK to have a 2 months off period where one can't really eat fresh seafood anymore due to a restrictive non-fishing policy. One then wiil need to wait until July and August to eat fresh, fully grown fishes again! 點心皇海魚專門店 was actually added by me on Openrice a while ago - as ever its opening I was keen to give this new gimmicky shop a try, but unfortunately this proved kind of out of the way as I am an Islander! So anyway, I must thank the other reviewers who ate and reviewed here first to give me confidence to ride all the way to try here finally, and special thanks to 紅叮 whom I had to call up at the last minute to try and find where this is located to be exact. In fact, this is much closer to 太和 station than 大埔, its right next to a series of local bars and a chiu chow restaurant. Anyway glad I barely made it in time to try their fresh, wild-caught Sea Fishes before it becomes unavailable for the next 2+ months.**********************三文魚籽芥香蝦餃 -點心皇海魚專門店 as one imagines from the name, prides itself on its dim sim and fish quality. This had a fair bit of nose relieving wasabi taste, the skin was quite thick but very elasticky, the salmon roes seemed pretty fresh and the inner diced prawn fillings pretty good. Not exceptional but quite an enjoyable dim sim. 4/5班肉春風得意腸粉 -Another signature dim sim recommended by the management, this was basically garouper meat surrounded by a deep-fried dough, then wrapped around rice paper roll. To me at least, this is a newish interesting dish. I think the inside was slightly too crispy hard, but at least it was served very warm and the fish was of good quality. 3.5/5卡邦尼龍蝦 -This is on special for only $38 per half a lobster, and being a crustacean fan I wanted to try this. Unfortunately this wasn't overly fresh tasty, plus it came with an annoying curry like sauce which spoiled the original ocean flavours. It also came with a garlicky baked 饅頭. Overall, not very good but it was cheap for sure! 2.5/5清蒸金錢班 -This fresh sea fish is the piece de resistance! What I liked about this fish is that it was steamed separately from any oil or soy sauce - the restaurant claimed this is to ensure as much original fish flavour remained intact as possible and it shouldn't be spoilt by other flavours like ginger or scallions or soy sauce. This was to be no doubt a wild sea fish, as it had a crunchy, almost bouncy hard texture, along with that reflective, almost uniquely transparency to the meat colour. Farmed fish whether it be river or salt-water based usually carry that 'dull white fish meat', which I also enjoy to be honest, but when it comes to fresh sea fish, its usually slightly less fattier but somehow carries more fish taste, partially related to its natural diet, as well as its exercising. I can actually imagine this fish to not suit everybody as it was quite hard in texture and transparent in colour, although that's how fresh sea fish should be. I thought this was slightly under steamed. This worked out to around $255. 3.8/5蜜餞煎金蠔 -This is basically dried oysters cooked with a bit of red honeyed sauce. Its a very Cantonese dish! I would say the texture of this to be a slightly too dry and hard, but at least it carried a very strong oyster flavour. Probably not for everyone as it can be fishily strong! 3/5缽仔白飯 -This wasn't cooked enough, but it was a novelty to serve rice in such a tapas like dish. It was slightly too dry. Luckily I can enjoy rice like this, but barely.********************OVERALL I THOUGHT THE QUALITY AND EXECUTION OF FOOD WAS NOT AS IMPRESSIVE AS I HAD HOPED FROM READING THE MAGAZINES, BUT HAVING SAID SO, IT DOES SHOW HEART FROM THE OWNERS AS WELL AS THE KITCHEN! I THINK WITH THE SCARCE SUPPLY OF GOOD QUALITY, FRESH FISHES NOWADAYS, ALSO CONSIDERING THIS PLACE AIN'T VERY EXPENSIVE ONCE YOU FACTOR IN THEIR HIGHER PRICED RAW INGREDIENTS, ITS ACTUALLY QUITE REASONABLE. ITS A PITY THE OVERALL FOOD STANDARDS IS NOT AS GOOD AS IT COULD HAVE BEEN, AFTERALL THEY HAVE GONE ALL THE WAY TO SOURCING SUCH GREAT QUALITY SEAFOOD IN THE PROCESS.... I THINK THEIR WEAKNESS CERTAINLY LIES MORE WITH THEIR COOKING SKILLS AND EXECUTION, RATHER THAN THEIR INGREDIENTS - WHICH ARE GREAT.... ITS WORTH A TRY OR TWO THOUGH. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-05-06
46 瀏覽
點心皇海魚專門店開業不久,假日路經附近,也看到不少顧客在外面等候入座,那麼多人正在等候,水準應該不會差吧!早前表妹在此處飲茶聽回來的評語也不差母親說星期日來飲茶,當然我也讚成,中午時份來到早已有數名顧客正在等,只有二人當然很快可以入內,蝦餃這裏有五隻,不!實則是四隻而中間那件雖然可以食,但當擺設多於食用,皮也算薄身,夾起身不黏底,有時候吃蝦餃,做得差一點底黏著紙,大力一點則連皮也散開,,蝦肉也爽口,二十元的蝦餃也算抵吃,腸粉皮拉得厚身,幸好吃落也夠滑身,配上落了點點的鬆肉粉的牛肉,吃得過的腸粉,對比陳漢記,差得遠,流沙奶黃包的餡則有咸蛋碎以及那陣香味,母親說好吃,我則也覺得不俗,整餐最好食的一款.八十元都不用又幾抵的.更詳細和相片:http://cky20080.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_6672.html 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-04-05
27 瀏覽
很久都沒經過這條舊墟直街,是日和朋友逛街之後回家途中發現附近多了幾間食肆!一直都想去試試...星期日的早上約了媽媽和弟弟到場平時我們去飲茶多數都是去附近的鄉土風情/明星,今天就貪新鮮的一試吧~三人行....由於弟弟一早已食過了早餐,所以已有60%飽!但都要被我拉去了....我們11點半左右去到,海鮮的味道已散佈店舖的每一個角落,人不多!有位....比起大型的酒樓坐得舒服,茶位6/位,公價!!!再看看點心紙!食物的款式也不比酒樓的小,我一開波就狂點了十樣野!因為樣樣都想試,不竟都是第一次嗎!!!首先登場的是令人留下深刻印象的安格斯牛肉腸,超長的碟子!份量若多若少的....因為長了但又只有一條的!腸粉拉得嫩滑叫人討好,整體都不錯,可以一試!接下來的是皮蛋瘦肉粥,份量充足!滿到就捨....煲得棉身,食過了點心清清腸胃也好!跟住上的是弟弟點的三文魚子芥辣蝦餃,點心中,名字都算特別!除了三文魚子芥辣味基本上同蝦餃皇差不多!飲茶必叫的煎蘿蔔糕,這個做得差!!!!!蘿蔔糕很硬身,食起來有點似食粉糕一樣,至尊蝦餃皇,四加一的份量,賣相吸引,蝦餃皮包得晶瑩剔透,蝦肉新鮮彈牙,真的不得不讚!招牌燒賣皇,個子很飽滿,想不到跟蝦餃的蝦一樣大,豬肉爽口入味~金湯小籠包紋皺皺的四小個,但夾起來比較痴身,食起來比出面食的小籠包多了薑絲!對於不喜歡薑的我就一隻起二隻止,總是懷念的黃金流沙包,流沙做得不錯,但包子很硬身不夠鬆軟~食起來就總是差一點點的!金磚千層糕,四四方方,夾下去已經心知不妙!食千層糕最忌一夾就碎!不軟身之餘又沒有味....做得比較差的一款點心!最後的是翡翠灌湯餃,湯沒有味,大家都是特點,寧願再食多個至尊蝦餃皇好了!最後都要打包收場,埋單二百三十多,價錢都還可以,不過下次會下午茶時段去!因為一律12/碟,就抵好多了! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2010-03-18
33 瀏覽
難道今日媽咪放假,所以同佢去飲午茶知道附近開左間新ge酒樓,就去試下環境幾寬敞(飲茶最怕迫ma)開頭點左流沙奶皇包,牛肉腸,鯪魚球,牛肉球,豆苗餃奶皇包睇落唔靚仔~但個餡好唔錯,夠「流」且夠香,重點有蛋黃,很好!牛肉球同鯪魚球就同平時食個d差唔多,無咩特別豆苗餃餡料很多,但皮就厚左少少,要改善第二round我地嗌左點心紙入面個d廚師推介食落真係ok wo!!!esp.魚湯鮮竹卷同黃金糯米雞最好食魚湯夠濃&鮮,,,,而且無一般蠔油鮮竹卷咁鹹黃金糯米雞有驚喜...表頭煎都好香脆,真係有外脆內軟ge效果,如果餡再多d就perfect lu媽咪就話個蒜蓉饅頭也很好...我估意念係蒜蓉包ge改版(掛)最後我貪得意叫左個九州燒餅,初初上台以為係紅豆燒餅,但原來入面係蔥同豬肉,好得意總括黎講,傳統點心較普通,但新式ge就有驚喜有誠意,加上唔貴,下次會再光顧 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)