港鐵天后站 A2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (7)
等級2 2017-06-26
731 瀏覽
知道這餐廳快要結業,所以決定要快點前來。我對上一次幫襯已經是很久以前,它還在大坑的時候,因明星效應以去的。這次和另一半來到,叫了很多不同的食物,本想叫燒酌,但他們沒再入貨,只可叫吟釀。小吃中有第一次試的冰頭漬,其實就是三文魚眉,很特別,酸酸的蠻開胃,河豚乾一如以往的美味,這邊的螢光魷魚沒有別的餐廳那麼咸!其他食物都不錯,對牛肋車厘茄的特別喜歡,還有燒茄子!不過燒飯團,我還是覺得在台灣的某居酒屋吃過一次之後,沒能再找到比得上它的飯團,每次見到都叫一個來試的,希望總有一天能在香港找到啦。最後我們坐了三個多小時,叫了三次食物,現場感覺很舒適的~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-05-29
341 瀏覽
We started off in a relatively good mood going into the evening before the Dragon Boat Festival vacation. My wife, daughter and I were deciding where to spend the evening and we finally decided on this little yakitori place in a alley in Tin Hau. We have been here in the past and it was a decent place. We sat down at around 8:30 going through our usual order and the nightmare begins.We have ordered tons of food because we are quite hungry. After the ordering we began our usual family chit chat. We then begin to realise that people sitting in the restaurant have their heads turning and poking around. We soon realise nobody has food on their table and the speed of serving is extremely slow. Every five minute there will be a small dish coming out of the kitchen. At first we didn't really pay much attention and hoping for the best. After half hour past we began to feel a bit uneasy as we have ordered two salad dishes which we thought should take a lot less time. We then decide to check with the only waiter in the restaurant. It took us a little less than five minute before we can get hold of him and ask for our order. It is at this point we decide to go.Nothing wrong with the waiter as he told us he will go make our salad now. What an answer from a front of house waiter! HE SAID HE WILL GO MAKE OUR SALAD! We said what about our other food? We can tell he is a really honest pal and his answer was that none of our food has even started. It is at this point when we decided this is not the place for our evening. What kind of restaurant is this? This is seriously disappointed. I will never ever go back to this place again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
上星期四同班老友去咗隱泉食飯,我哋係like一邊食一邊飲,所以揀咗隱泉,平時去飲開山花1.8L $1520,折後$1140,一支1.8梗係唔夠飲,要開多支720先夠,朋友們提議有七五折不如飲支再好小小,就揀咗支獺祭二割九分,$1350,折後都係一千左右,價錢貴d真係好飲d 喎,嗰晚大家都飲飽食醉好開心,食物水準冇變,一樣咁好味。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
近朋友公司, 佢介紹黎呢度聞說間中會有明星到來的不常到天后一帶的我, 看過地圖, 又近砲台山, 又近天后, 在朋友的帶領下, 在砲台山港鐘站出, 行上不到十分鐘便到不過會經過垃圾站, 黑色的門口真是有點隱蔽最初以為內裡環境唔會很大, 但都至少有10張4人檯還有一間貴賓房添除左有平日的座椅之外, 仲有4張是日式席看過Menu後, 9成都是串燒另外仲有一本wine menu朋友先到, 侍應先送上蔬菜條 (應該是要收費的)大家都order自己想吃的, 串燒需時, 不急於吃的, 可以邊飲酒邊吹水明太子沙律, 咦...份量意外地少, 我諗我一個人都可以食得哂咬落脆卜卜的明太子, 唔腥又唔會太咸, 味道都唔錯既厚切牛舌+雞軟骨呢2樣都好好味其實呢度既串燒係即點即燒, 所以上檯需時, 而且仲會熱辣辣呢款唔記得係咩啦, 好似叫自家製雞肉棒但邊食邊蘸蛋液, 好好味!肉是嫩滑的雞肉來信玄袋, 最初不知道是什麼, 所以點了來試外皮是腐皮袋, 包著帶子粒及秋葵粒黏黏的秋葵是很有益的外皮的腐皮包包某些位是燒到有點脆, 好味!羊扒--朋友點的, 佢地話唔羶, 也是呢度最多肉又最大份的一道菜燒栗米, 外面灑了鹽花, 栗米粒甜又大粒其實我地都點左唔少野食, 又有叫啤酒清酒即燒的食物是不錯, 我喜歡新鮮熱辣, 食材都新鮮優質的只係價錢貴左d 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
但不可能不懷念大坑的吸煙區。天后店大很多,裝修也比較別致。門口還是像很多日本店的玄關位有吸煙區。很久沒有來了所以大坑關了都不知道,從舊店走過來要二十分鐘。食物中規中矩。是應有水平。在推介餐單內點了連魚鱗一起炸的魚十分香口。雞翼皮略嫌不夠乾身。芝士魚餅和燒飯糰都是必吃食物。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)