港鐵坑口站 A1 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
07:00 - 01:00
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食評 (65)
9:00後的宵夜時段,大約有二十多人在排隊。主角雞蟹煲附上六罐藍帶,都只是68元,飲不完的話隨便拿走,抵到無話可說。雞就是普普通通的了,也不滑,不能用一般雞煲店的比,只是68元還有什麼意見?蟹反而是一個亮點!蟹很大肉也很滑,絕對不是隨便給的爛貨色!打邊爐的配料也很多,一般說的出都有,價錢閒日最平,假日比較貴。總括來說還是不錯的,坐到關門也可以,侍應服務不錯還很友善,會考慮再去! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-08-01
736 瀏覽
一行9人的同事食lunch, 已經一早打去book枱, 但去到阿姐都話要等, book左枱唔代表有得即刻入. 等左10分鐘, 入到去好似偏廳的地方, 仲有2張吉的大枱, 咁點解要等10分鐘呢? 講返野食, 點心, 都係一般個D. 個菠蘿叉燒包的叉燒真係少的可憐, 裹面係空架... 呢個同張點心紙的圖都唔一樣, 當然冇諗過會好大隻, 不過有DD呃人...另外叫左沙薑雞腳, 冇上沙薑, 催左3, 4次先後補. 總結係在坑口飲茶的選擇唔少, 呢間稻香唔會特別吸引到人再黎. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2014-02-19
781 瀏覽
嚮市而上無咁多雞煲出現之前,我已經成日幫襯食雞煲勒,之前食開既都係麻辣居多,麻辣湯加薯粉簡直係最佳配搭呀,2014年既第一個雞煲嚮稻香食,佢出左個暖暖羊腩雞煲,本身興趣就唔大既,但上網玩遊戲中左個煲,咪同老公去試下囉,因為限正價時段入座(6-9點),所以無得叫特價火鍋料lu,我地平日晚去到唔駛等位,一去到俾低張卷,跟個煲仲有6罐汽水/啤酒送,十分鐘左右就有雞煲食勒,原來個份量都幾大,羊腩都有5-6件,不過我本唔食羊,怕酥,所以只試左一小舊,又唔係好酥,似牛腩咁囉,之後我地再劃多碟丸同魚麵,咁就夠哂飽勒,yumei!! 而家羊腩雞煲而家好似無左,但又多左個麻辣雞煲,搵次9點後特價火鍋時段再去試返轉先啦. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-06-01
447 瀏覽
My grandparents are my lovers, every time when I arrive HK or before I leave HK, I will definitely see my grandparents no matter how short or long it is, they feel happy and warm!!Today was my last day in HK, I woke up very early this morning because of my lovely old couple!! They were too excited that they went to reserve a table 15mins before I arrived. How sweet were they!!We ordered some dim sum and actually I thought the prices for each dish were quite cheap!!After around 10 mins, our food arrived. List as followineapple charsiu bun: Very hot which you could tell it was freshly baked. Although there was not too much charsiu in it, the outside pineapple liked shell was so crispy but not too sweet. The tenderness of the bun produce a really good contrast to the juicy inner part of the bun which I quite like!!Fried custard mochi: Mochi was quite chewy but the size was too tiny and it was a bit too oily. The custart inside the mochi was not sweet, there was some mysterious salty taste, so strange!! Fried fish cake: Also too oily but really love the crispy outer part of it and the corn inside did give a nice texture to it!!Fangou: There were lots of ingredients inside it like peanut, mushroom and meat.The taste of the mixture was amusing delicious maybe because the little herbs added inside helped to bring out the freshness of the ingredients!! Popo favourite!!Steam Rice with pork: Rice was quite tough which I did not really like as I prefer softer ones!! The pork on top worked very well with sweet soya sauce added and the black bean did help to create more layers of flavour into this simple bowl of pork rice.Overall, the taste of each dish was fine! Sometimes a family won't need very expensive and luxurious dish in their gathering, simple chinese dim sum is already the best thing to add to a warm chatting moment!! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2013-04-11
340 瀏覽
因有長輩住在坑口,我們大概每個月總會到這間稻香吃兩三頓飯。但這次我和男友卻是被稻香的"一蚊雞"吸引過來的!當晚我們約七時半到達。雖然正值繁忙時間,而且有大概三,四十人在等位,幸好我們等了二十來分鐘便可以進去了!一坐下,阿姐便問提議我們先order雞,還問我們想要一隻雞還是兩隻雞。雞的味道和大小跟平常一樣,沒有因為做promo而suk水!當晚我們order了兩隻雞和一碗白飯。總共$31.9(白飯和茶介各$9)。沒有取巧地收取原價加一。雖然稻香的一蚊雞promotion 令用餐的客人多了許多,不過沒有令阿姐們的attitude 變差!反而還很友善。 繼續閱讀
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