港鐵紅磡站 D1 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (60)
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
*截單時間: 21:30
現金 八達通
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (8)
等級4 2024-01-29
227 瀏覽
Bringing my friend to try her first economical Japanese Italian restaurant. We were coming in early evening, so pretty empty. Only one staff was serving.We ordered baked escargot, baked mashed potatoes, cream of mushroom soup, potato tots, baked creamy spinach and asparagus and mushroom pasta in cream sauce.Cream of mushroom was served boiling hot. Watery but creamy. Mild mushroom flavour with chunks. Good to serve with garlic bread. Baked escargots were more serving than I thought. Very buttery and herby. Slight chewy but acceptable. Some diced carrots were serving along but didnt add much flavour.Creamy spinach was very watery. Personally doesnt like vegetables soaking in sauce, so I didnt have a second bite. My friend finished the whole and claiming the spinach completely absorbed sauce. A bit messy to eat as dripping sauce on every fork. Potato tots were freshly deep fried. Golden yellow and very crispy. Easily burnt your tongue so watch out the exploding steam while bite! Nice for a nibble.Baked mashed potatoes was such an indulgent dish. Very cheesy that had a pull on every bite. Crispy edge while gooey inside. Lightly salted with additional savoury from the cheese. What a satisfying dish. Pasta was kind of a let down among all. Asparagus was pretty old. Couldnt even bite through. Creamy sauce was again watery, soaking the pasta. Only few mushroom pieces and overcooked pasta. Not the best. Overall, it was a very good deal dinner between two person with less than a hundred per person. Couldn't expect much on quality but few dishes did surprise me with their deliciousness. Great place for a big family with kids if having time to queue. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-10-31
328 瀏覽
一班人做完嘢又係響尖東附近搵嘢食,有人提議簡簡單單就去薩莉亞食,所以我哋就走咗過去,可能時間早咗少少,所以上到去都唔算多人。坐低就好快咁叫咗一大堆嘢食,佢哋最好嘅就係叫嘢食又返嚟得又快,分量唔會太大太細啱啱好,人多又可以叫多啲唔同款式嘅嘢嚟食吓。坦白講食物方面冇諗過有乜嘢特別驚喜,只係預咗性價比好好,上菜方面比較快,大家簡簡單單食得開心就冇問題。講真其實有幾樣嘢都幾好食,雞翼係其中一樣,出嚟嘅溫度啱啱好,味道又好香。仲有就係芝士汁菠菜,成日都要叫來食。仲有個漢堡扒,其實都真係幾好味。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-09-12
254 瀏覽
好感動簡單解決一餐雖然大家對飲食有要求但冇乜錢既情況下想食得飽真係要食薩莉亞食左雞翼,田螺,牛扒,雞球,菜完全係水平之作食完之後覺得充滿力量去讀書亦都可以養成習慣 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-09-05
231 瀏覽
晚上8:50 到達尖沙咀店,當時點了幾款食物! 其中一款是芝士波菜, 當店員放上枱已經燶晒,更有些菜是變了灰燼… 我們通知店員再換一碟,但是員店很快便再送回來,卻是原本燶咗個碟,他們懶到連燶咗的菜葉也沒有拿走,只係是再蓋上芝士汁掩蓋燒燶的菜,實在過分! 廚房的水準實在太差了! 店員話可以更換,但係都不敢了!🤮🤮而且鐵板三文魚粟米也是燶的,粟米燶度黏在鐵板上,完全食不到!叫了兩碗湯也是微暖的…. 只有蒜蓉包是熱,屬於正常水準😂😂 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-07-23
282 瀏覽
晚餐約左朋友食飯未夠鐘 但又太肚餓於是就周圍搵輕食薩利亞就出哂名平架啦🤑見唔洗等位 就行左入去餐廳出咗個自由選超值套餐😮😮A: 主菜6選1B: 田園沙律C: 飲品吧/湯/蒜蓉包/白飯 4選1唔夠食 仲可以加$15 追加甜品真係好抵食😋😋🍴明太子海鮮意大利粉🍝每次都一定會食😋呢個價錢 食到有明太子味 無得輸🍴田園沙律🥗🍴蒜茸包🧄🥖脆卜卜 足料蒜茸 口臭之選🤭🍴煙肉菠菜🥓🥬平時好少會叫一碟菜 或但係呢度就一定會叫😂🍴黑椒汁漢堡扒熱辣辣 即叫即整 新鮮完勝餐廳鋪面好大 但係得兩個職員🤵🏻🤵🏻‍♂️落單/出餐/執野/收錢 全部都係佢地佢兩個根本忙到停唔到但係 佢地超有禮貌👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻好值得嘉許🏆🏆 繼續閱讀
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