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食評 (26)
等級4 2020-12-12
471 瀏覽
麦当劳最近宣传他们的脆辣鸡腿包,电视和报章杂志的曝光率很高。今天晚饭时分就试试味, 下午六点后到达,虽然没有提供堂食,但仍然有不少客人进店买外卖。看到自助售卖机没有人在用,就直接使用,过程简单容易,点餐连付款不用两分钟就完成了。餐厅的效率很高,等了两分钟就拿到了。最普通的脆辣鸡腿包餐才27元,再加8元买了一个苹果批。其实只是汉堡包由牛肉改为鸡肉,除了少许辣,鸡腿肉味道只能说是普通,没有上次做活动的安格斯牛堡好吃。不到30元的套餐确是惊喜,也不容易找到这样便宜的晚餐,是解决肚子饿的好选择。 繼續閱讀
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I seem to always be curious about the McNugget sauces when they come out. Sometimes they are good and sometimes? Horrible. So, here I try the latest series.I also tried out the new black sugar milk tea boba drink. First sip realized it wasn't sweet. Then I realized I didn't add sugar. The syrup was provided separately and it was just the regular clear sugar syrup. Not  black sugar syrup at all. That was misleading advertising. After adding the sugar, it just tasted like watery milk tea with sugar. The boba was super chewy and no flavor at all. Definitely not ordering this again.Boyfriend and I shared the 18 piece set to try out all four new flavors. Actually, three of them were new as the Honey Mustard is a return favorite. The three new flavors are lemon aioli, salted egg yolk and red bean curd roast chicken. The red bean curd was the worst. It was just plain nasty and we left it untouched after our initial dipping. The salted egg yolk was not as terrible as most people said. It was ok but not great. The lemon aioli was very sour with a bit of garlic taste. It seemed we finished the honey mustard completely as it's still our favorite. Definitely won't reorder these new dipping sauces again as well. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2019-05-24
138 瀏覽
第一次寫差評竟然是麥當勞!嬲嬲豬廣告賣的good morning ,完全不good !看出我想投訴什麼嗎?因曾經出錯餐,所以每次外賣我都會即場打開檢查。今次出餐對了,但品質就差到離譜!即場已換了,但換了=無換,完全一樣,不禁爆出一句,已經換左?經理答,係,換左,因包被壓扁,所以全部都係咁!面口態度仲係不友善。品質有問題,態度不友善。差評 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-10-29
171 瀏覽
今日路過麥記,聽朋友講個鋒味安格斯都幾好食,於是就去試下,原本都唔知係咩饀,以為係好特別既料,點知係肉醬煎蛋.......well.....香港味道,即管試下當然,實物同影相有出入是正常的,個包既肉醬唔算少,煎蛋無特別,其實煎蛋唔特別是正常的,但肉醬我略嫌有些味淡,只有微微的番茄味,反而塊安格斯仲濃味, 另外, 啲肉醬汁好稀,如果無得坐係枱食,唔好叫呢個飽,因為啲汁隨時會漏出來,整污糟見衫,仲要係橙紅色既汁,所以著白色衫都唔好食呢個包總而言之,呢個包,一次就夠 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2018-03-12
159 瀏覽
通常麥當勞呢啲連鎖快餐店,質素都係有一定嘅標準,唔會特別太差亦唔會有特別大驚喜,但係今次竟然俾我食到唔合格嘅雞翼,有啲失望。我買左脆香雞翼餐,有薯條。配埋最近出嘅〈美式BBQ蜜糖調味粉〉幾好食。但係到咗雞翼就出事了,唔可以話佢肉質係壞掉嘅嗰種爛,但係總之就係唔挺身軟到梅梅地嗰種,當然即刻攞返去換。換就當然換到,職員亦唔會諸多刁難,一聽到就會換俾你。但係只係覺得奇怪呢啲〈萬年食品〉點解可以會梅既?? 繼續閱讀
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