食評 (28)
(非會員) 2012-07-16
269 瀏覽
So I purchased the group coupons for lunch buffet, thought I'd treat my family a nice meal.But it was a really bad experience.The brunch buffet started at 2:30 - 5:00. We arrived at 2:30 and the host gave a table which is next to the front door, the temperature was like 30-32 degree C. There were a big fan tho' but it did not help at all. We requested to change tables, which there were several open tables but the host refused. Without a choice, we had to sit down and eat while we were sweating like hell.Food... cheap pizza with just very little cheese on it and very few tomato sause, the risotto is like soupy like congee, crabfish is no special, I bought the coupons because it says oyster buffet, but I asked the staff several times for the oyster and I saw nothing. The staff kept telling me it's coming, 5 mins, its coming, or sorry I have to ask the boss. Com' on!Finally the 'boss', who is happen to be the host (watever she is), brought a big plate with oyster standing behind the food bar and handing oyster out, screaming '2 each'! I was like, WTF? 2 each? And you called it an oyster buffet?! We tried to line up for second round, but the host asked 'did you get it already? i saw you got it, only 2 oyster for each person', after saying lots of things, she rolled her eyes and tossed 2 oyster on my dish. She almost did the same thing to everyone, as everyone was lining up for second or third round for oyster. Unfortunately, she only brought limited oyster out, so basically each person could get only 2-3 oysters.Bill was brought to us by the staff at 3:15, seems like kicking us out soon. We didn't enjoy the food at all, neither the environment nor the service, so we just left.I would not suggest anyone to this restaurant, may be the staff are very polite to foreigners with big smile and nice service but in general I think they are just trying to do this coupon thing to save their dying business. However, I think this action is sending their business to hell sooner than they thought.For visitors from other countries, there are many other good restaurants around, just avoid this one. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2012-06-19
69 瀏覽
本來都冇打算寫食評,不過見呢版有人同我食同一樣野,而且食物個賣相好唔同,當堂令我O左咀!!返回正題,我食的是$488的24隻COFFIN BAY生蠔、24件TAPAS及一枝意大利汽酒service 算OK,星期四的晚上冇5枱客,D員工常常來同我地倒酒刨埋之前的食評,睇來來呢度食野,彩數多於一切,總之要有心理準備先 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-06-10
25 瀏覽
之前在網上買了這間餐廳團購食意大利餐, 包括Tapas, 生蠔和一枝酒. 晚上和兩個朋友一起去吃. 一入到去餐廳, 超級熱, 好像没開泠氣. 食物質數亦不是好, 還是以後不再購買團購餐廳了. 用了$488 + $49 加一 食了以下的怪食物. 食完後好似没食過野咁. 非常失望.Tapas 24件, 包括魚子醬、Parma Ham、三文魚, cheese. 個包好乾好硬, 好難吞. 又細件. 仲要有件包上面少了件ham, 好失望. 生蠔又薄又細, 又腥. 吃了也不知道是什麼味道,不像是 Coffin Bay 蠔. 不過好彩最後都沒有肚痛已經是萬幸了.包了一枝 Prosecco 意大利汽酒, This was light and fresh; not very sweet. Taste OK. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-05-22
26 瀏覽
首先是難於電話預約,連續幾天,留言信箱已滿,我還以為餐廳已結業,嘗試不同時段才成功。我於2012年2月21日購買團購自助午餐,每人$158另加$40(加一),差不多$200一個人,食物種類卻是符介紹。食物種類既不多,廣告介紹的食物欠奉,例如:沒有三文魚,青口,黑鱈魚。供應的小龍蝦味道好咸,有腥味,很少客人吃。生蠔又薄又細,焗三色椒又over cook,我看食評見別人可用$78再加$18.8用同一款團購午餐,即減價促銷,我早買但又貴過人,還比起別人既沒有湯,亦沒有意粉供應,覺得安排欠妥。餐廳連$50晚餐市現金券也沒有給客人,這也是當初廣告承諾之事,惟一是Pizza及肉類較可口。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2012-05-17
19 瀏覽
買了三張團購 coupon (團購价$78 一位,再每位加 $18.8 服務費)食 lunch buffet. 其實價錢上的折扣同 walk in 的分別不是太大。只是便宜了 $10 左右。原本食之前見到 openrice 各位兄弟群情洶湧地狂插話點樣唔掂,難免一點期望都沒有。仲有點懷著悲憤的心情前往。可能因爲這樣,反而覺得不過不失呢!食物:任你食 parma ham / pepproni - 很新鮮,香口,不太鹹又有肉味,不錯。refill 速度很快,我大概食左 30 塊呢!超瘋狂~ 如果可以提供甜蜜瓜送 parma ham 就更加完美喇。超薄 thin crust pizza (3-4 款不同口味) - 不知道是不是有太多 brother 投訴過呢,我就唔覺得 pizza 又凍又硬,反而是熱辣辣端出來,又香又脆,refill 都很快。冷盤有各類 cheese 如 mozerella, ricotta 等,salad,smoked salmon, 意大利麵包, spaghetti, roasted chicken, 味道都不錯。飲料:有是日餐湯 - cream of cornlemon tea 任你飲juice 任你飲值得一讚的是服務態度,我們一家四位(一位BB)去光顧,他們很細心地幫我們安排 high chair, 又問 BB 坐得舒不舒服,仲問我地要唔要滾水,餐湯到齊未,我覺得他們都幾細心吖。雖然食物不是超級好吃,但我覺得給一個好評都不為過。 繼續閱讀
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