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食評 (93)
等級4 2024-02-08
375 瀏覽
After finishing dinner and running an errand nearby, we decided to buy  some confectionery torefresh our mind.  My first impression, the whole shop was immaculate and instantly feeling cheerful!Getting close to the showcase, there were a variety of food, some were great for light meal while some were for dessert, they all looked amazing.We enjoyed the display on shelf while we were waiting for the ordered take away package.Coffee, my usual choice is Americano, cup size is relatively smaller than the regular sizeof other coffee chains. The bitterness and acidity flavor were obvious, so refreshing.Each dessert was packed individually, Ralph’s Tiramisu case was sealed properly as well.Coca powder on top, while collected a small portion of Tiramisu, each layer of ingredients can be seen clearly, with a scent of coffee and wine, texture was soft, creamy and fluffy, tasty indeed!Pineapple Upside Down Pineapple Upside Down had an impressive presentation, a pineapple ring on top and a caramelized   brown sugar layer. The cake beneath pineapple ring is super moist and buttery, appreciate the  sweetness overall!Thankful for the brand’s nice execution in classic confectionery and drinks, really love them! 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-05-30
0 瀏覽
外賣兩件cake,入到店鋪,當時店內沒有其他客人,我到cashier,話要一件banana loaf cake, 一件carrot cheese cake, gel行頭的男職員沒有理會,我係企係counter正前面,對住這位gel行頭男職員!我再重覆講多次我的order,這位男職員先開口叫我等等,當時他沒其他工作在做。等完喇,這位男職員又再叫我重覆order,我講了第三次,佢又話聽唔清楚,我直頭去個cake櫃指俾佢睇,佢又唔睇。我講第四次banana loaf cake同carrot chee cake, 佢又問banana loaf cake,同埋咩cake?講了第五次carrot cheese cake, 佢竟然當係new york cheese cake!結果我講了第六次carrot cheese cake°這位男職員晦氣的打包,還用力的將banana loaf cake 掟入袋中!為何此店職員態度如次差,我買兩件cake唔會阻到佢好多時間。差!走時看到店內檯上有蛋糕碎,咖啡漬。 繼續閱讀
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利申:本身好鍾意飲mocha,一星期2/3日去邊度飲親咖啡基本上都係飲mocha,所以飲慣左呢陣味。頭先好肚餓又未夠鐘食飯,係LCX Ralph's叫左杯熱朱古力諗住頂下肚餓(我肚餓/空肚唔可以飲咖啡,胃會唔舒服)。第一啖飲,只係覺得今日d 朱古力粉係咪落重手左,今日杯朱古力苦左少少既。飲左一半,比左老公飲啖。唔飲咖啡既老公:呢杯係mocha 黎,唔係朱古力,佢沖錯左野飲🫠(可以睇張單,單無錯)應該唔只我一個,會係無食野之下飲咖啡會唔舒服。杯野味道本身雖然無問題,但如果$60 買杯咖啡其實可以唔使係佢度買,都係覺得佢朱古力好飲先比$60買咁細杯野。希望下次咖啡師唔會發生呢d 小錯誤。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-05-27
0 瀏覽
走入一間店里面沒惗到仲連著一間咖啡店🤩美式複古風格十分優雅,仲有一大面鏡子超正!咖啡店門口出嚟原嚟就系經常路過門口有只熊仔嗰間🤣🥧Banoffee Tart全場Mvp!底部一d都唔硬,好驚喜🤩內部嘅奶油、香蕉、太妃醬滿滿嘅,一啖落去好幸福😊好好食,最後都忍唔住帶多件離開翻回家品嘗😊⚠️呢個打包後最好半小時內享用哦~實喺太柔軟啦😝🍰Ralph's Chocolate Cake巧克力濃鬱嘅甜味中帶一絲味苦嘅味道令人愉悅,唔使太多裝飾,平整嘅切面就已經十分高級☺️🍹Grapefruit Espresso Tonic湯力水嘅氣泡加上西柚味汁嘅咖啡有種夏天清爽嘅感覺👻不過西柚有d偏酸,但系同甜品搭配中和之後相得益彰😆🥤Ice Mocha巧克力與咖啡嘅苦味相互交織,味道濃鬱😋有中英文餐牌,更加方便,如果猶豫不決落單嘅時候仲可以問一下,會俾你幫助意見🤗有種舊時光嘅感覺,輕松嘅環境下同朋友一邊品嘗甜品一邊傾偈唞下好寫意🥰 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-05-27
0 瀏覽
環境和服務不錯 但不好喝英國佬的東西 味道不要抱太大希望店裡的裝潢和色調都是讓人舒服的招牌摩卡還算不錯還有很多的周邊可以買走走逛逛到了這裡喝一杯也是可以的紙杯也算好看 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)