港鐵旺角站 B3 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
07:00 - 03:00
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食評 (67)
等級4 2020-01-29
496 瀏覽
I spotted this place while walking around one evening- it was easily noticeable since they seem to do their cooking right out on the street. It's clay potrice, so it's pretty visually appealing. I actually looked up reviews for what was a good spot later, and found that this place just had an okay rating. Still,there don't seem to be any places which are overwhelmingly better, so I figured I would come back.They have a bunch of clay pot rice sets, so I didn't explore the possibility of building my own. I picked one on the menu which said "mushrooms and spare ribs". I would later find out that this included only one mushroom. The spare ribs were fine... a little boney but that's kind of how it goes sometimes. The rice was probably cooked just about right, so no problem there. I will say though that the rice lacked a little flavor, since I think the only things that go into the dish are literally just the rice and the ingredients that you select, so maybe more work is needed in crafting the ultimate bzf. I wound up paying I think $74 HKD. By the way, they don't include napkins here, though they are available for purchase at $3 per pack.Overall, I was a little underwhelmed, but this place was fine. Would I come back? I'm not opposed to it, but it's not on the top of my list or anything. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2019-11-15
321 瀏覽
返完大陸,見呢間話自己車仔麵唔差,就入去食。但呢間個車仔麵冇價錢嘅,只係話$9一款,然後填左四個餸,收$38都算,但真係好求其,牛丸墨魚丸可以,午餐肉,炸菜肉絲正路野,個湯底唔熱,order時已問佢幾錢,煮左一半先同我講要米粉,就要加$10元,總之就係食到你有啲慶,凍奶茶OK嘅。希望車仔麵有所改進喇,但我就暫時不會再幫襯了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
行完金魚街朋友要搵米線食,見呢間有粉麵就入啦,雖然成日行旺角不過都未食過呢間,如果唔係朋友堅持食米線都未必會入😛點知非常impressed😃, 店員服務好好👍🏻今時今日已經好少遇到,而且店員都係有d年紀點知快手又有耐性....見我地多野主動拎多張凳俾我地擺野,我地見唔到餐牌有米線問佢,原來晚飯時間收起左d點粉麵嘅紙不過佢都即刻拎俾我地....我唔太餓但口痕就叫左個蠔餅同凍檸茶,蠔餅好香而且好足料多蠔仔😋個米線都唔錯架我地share食要碗仔又要叉,佢拎杯茶幫我地浸定隻叉😃,好耐都未遇過d咁貼心嘅茶餐廳伙計,雖然係茶餐廳不過佢d地方都好乾淨,細心d睇餐牌原來佢嘅炒出前一丁攞過奬,而且有好多人叫煲仔飯,聞到隔離枱好香....睇黎下次去旺角多左個選擇😄~服務好又好味嘅地道茶餐廳,伙計值得讚賞~ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-08-18
159 瀏覽
今日出左旺角做完野,打算去醫肚,行黎行去都唔知去邊度好,行行下見到呢間店,今日又想食湯河,見呢度有,就走左入去。呢度環境唔算好大,一般小型茶餐廳格局,店舖雖然當時冇乜人,但老闆都要我和其他人一齊坐,我覺得唔係太好,但我都無可耐何咁答應,因為都只係食完就走,都唔理佢咁多。我叫了一碗牛腩河,端上來時原來碗河粉都好大碗,牛腩和菜份量都好多,都算幾抵食既,牛腩唔算燘得都唔算好腍,有咬口既,但湯底可能唔係有腩汁,所以我覺得個湯同啲牛腩唔係好夾,牛腩味都不是太好味,只係一般般,其實咁大碗要四十八蚊都唔算貴,但味道就爭啲啦。凍濘茶茶味唔夠,檸檬又唔夠,呢度真係幫襯一次就好夠啦。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2019-07-27
135 瀏覽
簡直無話可說……食物淡而無味。點了套飯飯都難以下嚥,難怪週六晚間店內也很少人落座。不理解旺角怎麼會有這麼低質素的餐廳存在?喝完奶茶就離開了,太難吃食物也浪費掉。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)