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食評 (49)
等級1 2024-04-24
235 瀏覽
好食但好漫長😓食物質素都好好同好有心機製作但要有心理準備,最好食的食物最遲先出現已經飽到嘔,仲要整幾個最heavy 嘅食物如果你約7:00開始食,去到10:00仲食緊件和牛。我諗起都飽到想嘔。野食好食比個建議唔好拖太長,可能係個人唔太享受慢食食3小時。最好食的食物最飽先出現確實食又唔係唔食又浪費。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-09-14
2185 瀏覽
2個月前網上約了今日與家姐享用午市廚師發辧 。食評內的描述乃即場記錄,實際或有不同。茶碗蒸屬正常發揮,蟹膏略鹹,松葉蟹肉藏在底部,份量慷慨,但蟹膏和蟹肉的鮮度都不足。鰝鰺即池魚,然而師傅特別註明坊間所謂的深海池魚純屬「老作」😂。鰝鰺的背及腩或爽滑或柔軟,各有特色。帆立貝鮮甜度一般,輕輕燒過帆立貝的邊緣以增加香味,可惜還是不能挽救食材本身的不足。吃過刺生便開始第一部份的壽司,共有五款:- 兵庫縣明石鯛壽司 (7日熟成)- 福岡間八壽司(10日熟成)- 波士頓吞拿魚赤身 (21日熟成)- 福岡烏賊夾北海道白海膽壽司- 石川縣甘海老壽司(烏魚子+龍蝦頭油風味)第一部份壽司所拼的屬大路魚料,雖然經熟成處理,但大都比較淡味,欠缺驚喜。海蜇及蒓菜醋物很開胃口,口感十分爽脆,sparkling tea 亦為此間場小吃增添趣味。一向不太喜歡鱸魚,味淡又沒有油香,沒期望便沒失望,反而覺得這鱸魚煑得不錯,口感實在,味噌亦提升了鱸魚的鮮味。吃過間場的醋物及煑物便開始第二部份壽司,共有六款:- 岩手石垣貝壽司- 明石鰆魚壽司 (8日熟成)- 新鮮鮭魚卵壽司- 青森BB吞拿魚 Otoro壽司(16日熟成)- 函館赤海膽壽司- 吞拿魚腩蓉長蔥芝麻漬蘿蔔手卷第二部份的壽司明顯比較精彩,這也是廚師發辦的一貫策略,特別欣賞的是新鮮鮭魚卵,由於沒有經過冰鮮,鹹鮮味出衆,卵衣亦較硬脆,脹卜卜的口感十分討好,此外吞拿魚腩手卷也很美味,混入漬蘿蔔、長蔥及芝麻適當地增加了口感及味道的層次。味噌汁的貝味不錯,是很好的暖身湯飲。很好吃的甜品,非常濃郁的番薯香味,甜度適中,麻糬皮也很柔軟。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
其实2018年就开始帮衬Ten Zushi了,当时晚餐价格还是1580,生意也不怎么好,还觉得自己发现了宝藏鮨店,可惜很快就变得一位难求,于是中间隔了好久没来。最近发现它的位子没那么难定了,于是找了个中午来回味一下,结论是水平仍然稳定在线,非常有诚意及好吃。第一道是松叶蟹肉蟹膏茶碗蒸,茶碗蒸也能让我哇塞的地方不多,这里做到了,蟹膏和蟹肉和蒸蛋搭配起来非常和谐好吃。然后是两道刺身分别是熟成8日的平政鱼以及北海道带子连洋葱汤冻。熟成过的鱼肉更为鲜美,带子则是能吃出一梳梳肉的感觉,都很棒。接下去开始寿司,首先有熟成7日德岛的真鲷,秋刀鱼和20日熟成波士顿酱油渍赤身。熟成了的真鲷更软鲜一些,秋刀是今年第一贯秋刀,虽然还没到最肥美的时节,鱼味重,但也是好吃的。熟成20天的吞拿鱼鲜味也很出,非常好吃。接下去两贯分别是鱿鱼紫海胆和石川甜虾乌鱼籽配虾油。鱿鱼紫海胆是甜上加甜,好吃又很搭。甜虾看的出师傅是有用心设计的,味道丰富又和谐。吃到这里师傅给了水母莼菜醋物和慢煮长崎县鲈鱼过了个。这两道就略嫌普普通通。接下去继续寿司,分别有岩手县的石桓贝,烟熏鲭鱼和15日熟成的大腹以及北海道白海胆。石桓贝当季,没啥好说的,鲜甜好吃。烟熏鲭鱼是我喜欢的鱼味重的一道,也好吃。熟成了的大腹感觉油脂更为融合一些,也比较特别。最后是吞拿鱼手卷,贝柱昆布味增汤和甜品收尾。整体还是很好的,价格也不算贵。如果没那么难定位,应该还会继续来的。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
We had a wonderful experience in the last visit to Tenzushi in February this year, but since it was lunch, I really wanted to try the full dinner omakase course of this famed and difficult-to-book restaurant in town. Making the reservation on the spot then, today, after six months, we came back again with anticipation.For this occasion, we were seated at the main dining room, with Chef Horus servicing all 14 customers with the support of a few other chefs. The dinner Omakase Menu was $2,480 each and I also ordered a bottle of 遠野小町 純米大吟醸 ($720). There were some Edamame 枝豆 provided as a starting snack.The first course featured Kurage 海月 and Junsai 莼菜 in sparkling tea. The former was Jellyfish from Ariake Sea, with a crunchy texture while the latter was Watershield from Akita, a type of aquatic plant growing in ponds with an interesting gelatinous coating. While all three components were very mild in taste, the shiso flowers and vinegar helped to give some seasoning to the dish. Refreshing.Then the chef showed us the three types of sea urchin we would be eating on the night. Featuring in the second course was Shiro-Uni 白海胆 from Hokkaido, wrapped in thin slices of Madai 真鯛 from Akashi.  The White Sea Urchin could be seen through the translucent roll, with its creamy texture contrasting well with the nice bite of Japanese Sea Bream, aged for five days. Tasty.The third course was Tsubugai 粒貝. The meaty Whelk came from Hokkaido, with the chef carefully sliced into thin pieces, seasoned with yuzu shavings and Awayuki salt, which had the appearance of pink snowflakes but was in fact combination of rice and salt. The preparation of the whelk was testimony to the skills of the chef, as the wrong thickness would certainly affect the texture in the bite. Very good.The fourth course highlighted Katsuo 鰹. The Skipjack Tuna came from Kanagawa, was smoked beautifully over hay to infuse a wonderful smoky note, after three days aging. To provide a more refreshing palate, the chef had added shredded onion from Awaji, and also karasumi, or salted mullet roes, plus toasted sesame, before adding a vinegar dressing. The complexity of flavours is truly amazing.The fifth course was Awabi 鮑. In a creative way, the large Australian Abalone was steamed in chicken broth to great tenderness, and apart from its own great flavours there was an extra layer of delicacies. Also paired with a rich and umami liver paste, there were some sushi rice for scooping up the remaining of the paste to enjoy.Coming to the sushi, the sixth course was Hiramasa 平政 from Fukuoka. The Yellowtail Amberjack had a firm and crunchy texture on the bite, a clean taste with slight sweetness. Very good.The seventh course was Hokkigai 北寄貝 from Hokkaido. The Surf Clam was very large in size, super fresh and meaty. While it was a big piece, how the chef had cut the clam illustrated a way to make it chewable easily, with each bite seeping out nice sweetness and flavours.The eighth course was Takabe 高部. The fish lived in the reef and were generally small in size, but fatty. Having aged for seven days, while it might not be intense in flavours, the chef used charcoal to lightly burnt on the surface to invigorate the fish oil to give a nice fragrance. Silky smooth and delicious.The ninth course was Akami Zuke 赤身, with the tuna coming from Boston in the United States. Having marinated in shoyu briefly, the lean tuna was infused with the light saltiness which spotlighted the umami wonderfully. The sourness of the flesh was fantastic with the ageing for 23 days, another example showcasing the specialty of this restaurant in ageing the fish.The tenth course was Ika 烏賊 with Uni 海胆. With the Sea Urchin from Amakusa sandwiched between two thinly sliced Squid from Fukuoka, with the inner side cut lightly to shreds, allowing the creamy sea urchin to integrate to the squid to amazing effects. Definitely a signature worth trying.The eleventh course was Shima-Ebi 縞海老 from Hokkaido. After kneading the grey prawn sushi, the chef had added prawn roes on top, before adding a few drops of prawn oil, extracted from the heads. The intense prawn flavors, together with the sweetness, was memorable.Serving as a transition, the twelfth course was Sweet Corn from Aomori and Amela Tomatoes from Shizuoka. The corn was tender and without any residue on chewing, while the tomatoes had been seasoned with a bit of salt, balancing the refreshing acidity but also enhanced its sweetness.The thirteenth course was Deep-Fried Ox Tongue. Using the middle part of the meaty ox tongue, it was cooked perfectly, tender with pinkish hue, and the thin batter was just phenomenal. Paired with the dipping sauce made from yam and shiso leaf, the taste was amazing and definitely one of my favourites in the meal. A must try.The fourteenth course was Botan-Ebi 牡丹蝦 from Hokkaido, and after removing the flesh from the Spot Prawn, the prawn roes were put on the side, together with the homemade paste made from the prawn butter, the chef also deep-fried the legs to crispness, becoming edible and in fact was the most flavourful among the different parts.The fifteenth course was Taraba-Gani 鱈場蟹 with the chef recommending us to mix the red king crab meat, crab butter, shari, and the broth together. The delicate and refined taste of the crab meat was significantly enriched by the stronger flavours of the butter and broth, making a nice wanmono 椀物.  The sixteenth course was Taichio Hakozushi 太刀魚 箱寿司. This was a traditional way to make the sushi, by putting the ingredients inside a wooden box and then pressed to form. The Largehead Hairtail was grilled perfectly, with a soft flesh and nice crispy skin. A strip of fish broth jelly and sansho leaf to season, I enjoyed it very much, and seeing that the chef had kindly treated me another piece afterwards.The seventeenth course was Jabara 蛇腹, of the same maguro where the lean tuna came from, with the chef using charcoal to lightly grill on the side to give a bit of smoky aromas and also invigorate the fish oil of this fattiest Otoro. Although it seemed to me not as flavorful from those caught in Japan, the grilling and ageing process helped to bring up its own style, and for those who did not like too fatty it was a better choice in fact.The eighteenth course was Aka-Uni 赤海胆. The Rishiri Sea Urchin had the classic creamy and sweetness, without any weird notes, and the chef had provided a small piece of nori so we could wrap everything in. Very good quality.The nineteenth course was Futomaki 太巻, made with Tamago 玉子, Kuruma-Ebi 車海老, Cucumber, Kanpyu 干瓢, Mentaiko 明太子, Awabi and Anago 穴子. Definitely a highlight of the meal, looking at the roll there were more ingredients than shari, full of complex flavours and texture from the different ingredients. The trick would be to eat in one go. I enjoyed this one so much I immediately asked for an encore.Finishing the set, we were served the Miso Soup, with nice umami flavours and not too salty. Warming the stomach, it was a wonderful way to conclude the meal.The dessert was Nagano Muscat Grape and Hokkaido Melon. Seasonal fruit and both very sweet and juicy, bringing a smile to both of us for a highly satisfactory dinner.Service was very good, and it was great to see how Chef Horus had given opportunities for the younger chefs to handle some of the courses, giving them kind reminders and paying attention to the service, without any sternness Japanese sushi chefs were sometimes infamous for. Total bill was $6,248 and it checked all the boxes for my must-try sushi restaurants in town. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
食omakase原來係會上癮,而且係會忍唔住越食越貴🤑多手經常㩒下個預約網站,又成功執雞🐣 今次同其他客人八個人坐一間房,圍住一張吧枱,一位師傅主理,兩位師傅協助。佢個餐牌話會因應季節安排時令菜式,所以冇標明有幾多道菜,呢晚最後就食咗21道。 今次嘅體驗係非常滿足,感覺師傅嘅風格都係以突出食材鮮味為主,好少用到花巧嘅調味,前中後段都有唔少菜式有驚喜🤩成餐飯嘅節奏掌握得好好,每道菜之間都有恰當嘅空間,但又唔會拖得太耐。師傅嘅講解好清楚,會更加有概念自己食緊啲咩,同埋應該點樣品嚐。侍應嘅服務亦都非常親切,叫佢推介清酒都會好細心咁了解客人口味,而唔係盲推貴嘢。雖然成餐價錢都有啲可觀🤑但間中奢侈享受就當獎勵下努力工作嘅自己啦😎 多quota評價:🤤爆quota都食(🤮<☹️<😐<😋<🤤)*****(詳細介紹,用餐時為6月底,⭐️為特別喜愛) 海月伴蒓菜伴柚子sparkling tea、白象拔蚌、⭐️豆腐伴白鱘魚魚子醬、汁煮真蠔、煙燻鰹魚、海鮮雞白湯燉煮黑邊鮑📝豆腐係用象拔蚌肝同肉做出嚟,好特別,雖然唔滑但好軟棉,鹹鮮濃味餘味長 春子、池魚、⭐️赤身醬油漬、霜降雪花大拖羅、⭐️魷魚包海膽、⭐️縞蝦📝赤身醬油漬係食過最好味之一,熟成23日,醬油味明顯但唔搶,魚味好突出📝魷魚同海膽非常夾,口感豐富,海膽味鮮甜📝縞蝦加咗用蝦子、蝦頭、蝦殼提煉嘅蝦油,鮮味好濃厚 ⭐️白粟米、水茄子、雞頸伴舞蓉菇、醬油漬蟹、⭐️吉列伊勢海老📝真係少見多怪,冇諗過粟米係可以咁清甜爆汁📝 伊勢海老加咗乾蝦子、龍蝦膏、蝦頭煮成牛油醬,炸到半生熟,又有爽彈口感又保持蝦肉甜味 鯖魚醋醃漬、⭐️赤海膽、煮穴子、⭐️太卷📝海膽好大量,口感好軟滑,完全唔捨得吞📝太卷有啲似睇煙花最後嗰幕咁,好豐富咁爆晒出嚟,不停食到唔同食材嘅味道 海鮮雞白湯、巨峰提子&蜜瓜 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)