港鐵灣仔站 B2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
The Marlin Bar is the latest addition to the Tommy Bahama's store in Wan Chai. This restaurant features a wide range of food and beverages that allow guests to relax and enjoy life. They have a unique collection of signature cocktails, draft beers, wines and champagne. 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 20:00
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 20:00
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食評 (3)
美國品牌Tommy Bahama來港也有一年了吧, 服飾以熱帶小島風情作主調, 絕對不是我的style, 置身於其內的Marlin Bar亦刻意打造悠閒風格, 令我不禁回頭一望!Marlin Bar的鋪面不大, 最多只能容納大概20人。AHI POKE NAPOLEON $130 (7.5/10)Capers, Sesame, Guacamole, Herb Crostini賣相非常精緻, 下面的是牛油果, 上面的是吞拿魚, 旁邊放著的是Taco Bites。把吞拿魚和牛油過塗在Taco Bites吃比淨食好吃多了。牛油果的熟度剛好, 吞拿魚則新鮮肥美, 兩者加起來簡直是無敵。不過我略嫌下了過多麻油, 有點兒蓋過了吞拿魚的魚味。Gelato & Macaroons $65 (6.5/10)Daily Selection這裡每天提供了Gelato和Macaroons都不一樣, 所以每一次來都要碰運氣, 看看你能否吃到你喜歡的味道。是日的Daily Selection是Chocolate and Pineapple Gelato & Pistachio and Raspberry Chocolate Macaroon。Chocolate Gelato非常濃郁, 不過未到令人神韻顛倒的level, Pineapple Gelato則完全不是我杯茶, 可能是因為我給人不太喜歡菠蘿這個水果。Macaroon則不像Pierre Herme 或Laduree的,不是皮脆內軟的, 而是脆脆的, 雖然味道還算可以, 卻不是我喜愛的質感。Marlin Bar提供一系列的酒和菜式, 而且每季都會更新Menu, 讓大家在鬧市中充電! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-11-15
799 瀏覽
搭叮叮經過灣仔時,總會看到一間一間充滿夏日氣氛的時裝店,小妹雖然不懂游泳,但熱愛陽光與海灘,所以每到夏天,都會在沙灘看到我的蹤影。但奈何,臉上的班點已經越來越嚴重,看來我快要放棄陽光與海灘這個活動了。不過即使放棄,也可以打扮成一個去沙灘的女子吧;所以還是要來這裡看一看。Tommy Bahama,來港接近一年,除了售賣衣物外,還售賣各種關於酒的物品,例如酒杯之類的;雖然家裡已有很多杯,但我依然認為喝甚麼便應該用甚麼杯,這不是執著,只是每一種物品的存在總有其目的,我們更應該好好運用其長處。大家以為我在寫時裝嗎? 其實不是。穿過這時裝店,會有一個通往Tommy Bahama Bar的入口。甫進店內,便會看到數張bar枱。另一邊便是水吧位,這裡是一間酒吧,提供了很多不款式的cocktail。這是我的welcome drink — Flip Flop Orange Drop ($85),這杯welcome drink對我來說,實在太strong了,喝了一口,我已經有點頭暈,太水皮了。Flip Flop Orange Drop是由Grey Goose L' Orange, Li Hing Mui混合而成的,味道甜甜的,但酒精味實在太強,所以喝了兩口就沒有喝了。我一向都不是很受得cocktail的,但我相信喜歡cocktail的朋友一定會覺得這樣子才夠味道。Mai Tai — Bacardi Superior, Orgeat, Orange Curacao, Lemon, Pineapple, Dark Rum ($95)我最愛的脆脆呀!!脆脆的粟米片包著新鮮又肥美的吞拿魚,而且還有熟度剛剛好的牛油果,這個配搭從來都是這樣的完美。軟滑的牛油果,充滿了香氣;而吞拿魚新鮮度很高,口感軟稔,不錯不錯;不過略嫌麻油太強,掩蓋了些魚鮮。Pork Quesadilla $115豬味強而不臭,當中夾了很多芝士,吃時熱辣辣的;外層烘得剛剛好,脆脆的而不乾身,充滿了麵粉香,賣相雖然一般,但味道又不錯。這是全晚之中味道最好的!!每兩片來自Levain的脆包,當中夾了很多很多的波士頓龍蝦和三款不同的芝士;龍蝦的質感是比較實在彈牙的,鮮甜十足,而且沒有嚡口的感覺,肉質尚算嫩滑;而當中的芝士,有不同的味道,芝士味道雖濃郁,但不會強得蓋過龍蝦的鮮味;因為用上了我很喜歡的Levain包,所以更加滿足,包雖是硬身包,但是硬中帶軟和煙韌,熱辣辣的非常香口,實在太棒了。吃了很好味的主角,也不要忘記配角呢;旁邊的菠蘿是超級鮮甜多汁,熟度剛剛好,非常好吃!芝士和包,又是我愛的食物;每款芝士都十分新鮮,用來塗麵包簡直一流;吃時除了要塗芝士外,也不要忘記honey,honey配芝士是非常好吃的;另外還有很脆的夏威夷果仁和莓乾,不用多說,就是完美。很喜歡這店,因為感覺很夏日,所以充滿了生氣,非常適合我這種充滿頹氣的小女子。而食物方面,比想像中的好,做法雖然簡單,但因為食材新鮮,而且配搭得宜,所以味道不錯。在這邊,與朋友談談天,吃吃小食,再逛逛街,生活就是這樣吧。感謝食友和店方的邀請,玩得很快樂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-11-14
574 瀏覽
Hope you are not a drunk shopper, 'cos Marlin Bar is officially opened in Tommy Bahama, Wanchai! Tommy Bahama is a global lifestyle brand offering causal and sophisticated men’s and women’s apparel, accessories and home decor. Tommy Bahama is also famous for bringing in bars and restaurants into their boutique in order to let the fans to enjoy the taste of holiday during any time of the week. Marlin Bar is one of 15 Tommy Bahama restaurants world wide.The Marlin Bar is very American classy, furnished in dark wood and white wood tiled wall. Also feeling kind of homey with some trophies, photo frames and books on the shelves and a stunningly cool Marlin hanging on the wall. The Open Bar showcases a wide range of liquors and also a TV playing sports channel at the side of the Bar.We hopped to the shop right before our drinking session to prevent I drunk shop. The apparel is to be honest too mature for me now, but the women's accessories and home decor are awesome! There are exotic hats, funky necklaces and bracelets, scented candles, cool cigar trays etc.Flip Flop Orange DropI asked the bartender for a surprise, and he gave me a Flip Flop Orange Drop on a Martini glass. The reddish salt on the rim is Li Hing Mui, a plum salt from Hawaii. The orange cocktail is a mix of orange juice mixed with Grey Goose L'Orange vodka, Cointreau and scratch sour. It was sweet, refreshing and pretty strong.Cucumber SmashI made this cocktail myself. The Cucumber Small is a cocktail with Hendrick's Gin, Wild Elder flower liqueur, muddled cucumber and lime. I love the refreshing note of the cocktail.Cheese & CharcuterieA typical plate of soft cheese, hard cheese and blue cheese with cured ham, fruits and jam. The cheeses were average, so order this to share among a group of friends and skipped this if you are by yourself or 2,Pork QuesadillaThe pork quesadilla was quite flat in size. With a soft and floury tortilla, the pork quesadilla was very cheesy and savoury. The lime sour cream on top was a nice pair. I had two tonight and stopped myself from indulging for another. It's good.Ahi Poke NapoleonThis drooling looking Poke Taco was actually the Ahi Poke Napoleon on the menu. It was served on Taco bites so it is easier for us to savour. How sad! I reckon it tasted better on the taco. For your reference, it should look like this.The Poke was made up of cubed Ahi (yellowfin tuna) sashimi, capers, sesame and guacamole. This was utter delicious, super tangy and mouth watering!Lobster Grilled CheeseAnother great bite we had tonight was the lobster cheese roll which took our breathe away when it first caught into sight. The grilled cheese aroma can just kill you, the savoury melted cheese was a blend of 3 cheeses. The lobster was so sweet and juicy and the grilled pineapple was so sweet that it leveled down the cheesiness of the grilled cheese. Delicious! Yell for More!The Marlin Bar opens at Lunch as well, it would be a great lunch place for a chill beer with nice bar food. PLEASE get the lobster cheese bun here, its foodgasmic.   繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)