港鐵中環站 J3 出口, 港鐵金鐘站 B 出口, 港鐵香港站 A2 出口 繼續閱讀
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07:45 - 18:00
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食評 (6)
等級4 2015-08-21
2013 瀏覽
諗住禮拜五, HAPPY一下, 同同事試下呢間好耐無試既黑麥, 之前試過荔枝角個間OK架, 唉點知... 呢間令我好失望....餐廳好細, 位唔多, 我地今日只可以坐高枱, 坐得好唔舒服.我叫左佢既SET LUNCH, 沙津配沙爹磨菇奄列紅米飯, 由於呢間舖係無火煮食, 佢SET只得一個選擇, 我都諗住一定唔會伏啦, WELL, 都係中了!佢個餐湯係西蘭花湯或甘筍湯, 事關我同INSIDE OUT的主角一樣, 好討厭西蘭花, 無得揀之下揀左甘筍湯, 一飲, 淡而無味, 個湯有D結, 真係似就咁將D甘筍攪爛再煮比我飲咁, 好無HEART沙津配沙爹磨菇奄列紅米飯, 個沙津同個SAUCE係OK既, D菜夠鮮同埋個SAUCE加左蜜糖同MUSTARD, 唔錯, 我食哂. 佢個飯就不過不失, 我都食哂. 但個奄列就好唔掂, 我食落一朕梳打粉味(又好似係UP味), 好唔新鮮咁, 我食剩左成大半..... 好好的HAPPY FRIDAY LUNCH, 就咁就被毁滅了, 嗚嗚. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2011-08-14
1304 瀏覽
呢篇應該唔算係食評,因為未食就走左。約左個friend 去呢間食,因為個friend 遲到所以自己一個人等位。行左入去,個waiter就話唔可以係入面等位,於是被人叫番出去門口等。咁算啦,見到有人食完出嚟,有吉枱,諗住坐低啦,點知個waiter 又話我未齊人,唔坐得,命令我出番去!態度極差!你出面都無人等緊,我諗住幫趁你,咁都趕我走?勁谷氣去第二間食,以後都唔會再幫趁! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2011-06-27
1152 瀏覽
I work in the same building so have bought lunch from or eaten here many times. I can't fault them on the food but they could really improve their service and management.For a restaurant that's so remarkly tiny, they really are quite horrible at managing the traffic and customers' orders. The tables are tiny and cramped and they try to fit four people on a table that's only big enough for 2. So if all four people on the same table order the set lunch, you will find yourself eating half the meal off your lap. It's really simple: if you don't have enough space or staff, do not have so many seats for dining-in!At the counter, I asked for no butter on my bread. When it was ready for me to take away, I asked AGAIN whether it was without butter. Staff said yes. But of course, it had butter on it when I opened it at the office! And this wasn't even the first time, they've done the same thing before. God forbid anyone with an allergy eat their food without checking! I guess next time I will really have to inspect it on the spot before taking it away!Not to mention you have to queue for about 10 minutes to place your order with just 2 people in front of you, because for some incomprehensible reason, they have to serve all the people who are waiting to pay their dine-in bills first, despite the fact that people in our queue had been waiting there first and for a long time.I understand that places get busy at lunch time, but the worst thing about this place is the attitude of the staff. The manager always speaks with this condescending and commanding tone, as if she just doesn't really want to deal with you. A couple of the other staff also speak in a very dismissive and disinterested tone. If they don't have the capacity to deal with or manage so many customers, they really ought to reconsider doing this business. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-05-06
498 瀏覽
今天中午吃飯時間,和記大廈的食肆人流好像不是太多; 平時這裡都要排隊的,今天一來到已經有位置了,真好!看了餐牌,想了一下,還是先嚐試一下這裡的午餐吧。四個人,一條心,每人吃一個「set lunch」。今天的午餐包括下列東東:-三色餐包:三款餐包中,最為好吃的就是那個「香草麵包」。這包是用了香草跟洋蔥焗製,質地柔軟、帶少許濕潤,因為用了香草,吃起上來,香氣撲鼻,齒頰留香。其他兩款就比較硬和乾身。- 餐湯:我點了「青豆煙肉湯」,我有個同事點了「南瓜湯」。青豆煙肉湯,有青豆味又有煙肉味。味調得很好,是不錯的配搭。-主菜:「蘋果、薯仔、西芹粒粒沙律」+「芥菜鵪列、沙嗲汁配紅米飯加鷹咀豆」沙律,是沒甚麼特別的,但吃進口就感覺到那份爽脆,那份新鮮; 因為有西芹的關係,使沙律吃起來更清新。「芥菜鵪列」煮得實在太熟、太硬、太老了,吃起來,感覺像煮過了頭的「菜圃蛋」,完全失去了嫩滑的感覺。「沙嗲汁配紅米飯加鷹咀豆」這配搭出乎意料的好味道。煮得好的紅米飯是咀嚼感覺很好的食材(因為飯粒外層的「紅衣」好好咀嚼),可是,有很多人都不喜歡吃紅米(包括我),因為它有股獨特的味道,不是很討好。但今次這沙嗲汁,配以紅米飯,無論口感,及味道,都「岩晒feel」! 加上那些鷹咀豆,即時令人感受到墨西哥風情。 繼續閱讀
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I've decided to get lunch from Pumpernickel for a change, trying to eat somewhat more healthily than the take-away fast food nearby. I ordered a sole sandwich set with green pea soup and was told that I'd have to wait 5 minutes. No problem.Except that 15 minutes later, I was still waiting, and seeing those who seated much later than I ordered have already got their salads. Yet my lunch was nowhere to be seen. That ended up as a 20 minutes wait.The sandwich itself was definitely not worth the wait. Sole fillet was definitely not fresh (a loose texture and lack of flavour says it all), and I still wonder how long that stayed in the freezer before it got cooked for my sandwich. Combination was strange as well, with sliced courgetts (?) and slightly burnt green bell pepper. With a strange, suspiciously sour "mustard cream" sauce."salad" was worse. It wasn't a salad at all -- not tossed, but with leafs (again, not fresh) stuffed in a plastic container and sauce drizzled onto it. Not surprisingly the sauce collected at the bottom of the plastic box. Green pea soup was mediocre at best.Looking back, I should have stopped eating the moment I tasted that strange sauce of the sandwich, because some 2 hours later the diarrhoea began...Giving this store the benefit of doubt I won't say that the diarrhoea is definitely due to that sandwich... but I think it is.Enough said. 繼續閱讀
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