港鐵金鐘站 C1 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
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提供高品質的簡餐及現烤蛋糕。 繼續閱讀
最優秀灣仔開飯熱店 (2015)
08:30 - 22:00
07:30 - 22:00
08:30 - 22:00
08:30 - 22:00
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食評 (319)
等級1 2024-05-03
533 瀏覽
大約下午五時到逹,剛剛轉晚餐時段,餐廳只有大槪1/4的餐桌有客人,都是仍在用下午茶的。進入餐廳站一會才有職員招待,被安排坐在一個以為比較清靜但並非不當眼的窗邊卡位,滿心歡喜。可是 .... 原來呢 .... 一位應該是部長的職員安排了家人(太太及兩名約3-5歲年幼女兒)之後坐在旁邊的八人卡位。點了燒紐西蘭羊架.薯蓉.車厘茄西班牙甜椒辣肉腸,加沙律及冰茶,結賬HKD325.6。羊架比較咸,薯蓉可以滑一些,汁及甜椒都美味,整體來說食物只是一般。由於製作需時,等半小時也算合理。想強調的是客人會對這個檔次的餐廳有一定的期望,不應該是落餐後便沒有人理!用過的碟都是在上另一道菜時順便收,所以呢….吃完主菜半小時都沒有侍應收走碟/餐具,飲品杯及水杯清空大半小時都沒有侍應理會!約個半小時用餐時間中,很多時都有起碼兩三位侍應站在一旁,跟本不缺人手!另外,完全不明白為何經過我的餐桌數次、為部長家人端食物的侍應及部長本人都沒留意到在我餐桌上需要清走的碟及需要添水的杯呢? 其他侍應也沒有巡視客人的需要。並非要求貼心的即時服務,但似乎基本的都做不到!鄰桌很吵,母親大聲講電話、責罵女兒,小朋友尖叫、在座位又跳又爬,槪然是職員的家人,應該會預計到對其他客人的滋擾,若果安排我用隔一張的餐桌,情況會很不同。本來打算約在附近上課的老師、同學在這裏飯局,今次經驗之後,會另覓其他餐廳。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-04-20
458 瀏覽
在金鐘找地方跟朋友聚聚選擇不多,大部分是高級餐廳,要隨意點輕鬆點就有難度。選擇有可能只有simply life. Simply life近來發展店鋪有少無多,這家算是老店。下午茶客人亦不滿。下午茶套餐主要以漢堡或沙律為主,不喜歡漢堡薯條,或許要選擇其他餐廳。漢堡扒的肉汁少,味道十足,但肉質乾,影響口感,薯條份量不多,炸出來較乾身,令內里的嫩肉味道發揮不了。而煙三文鱼的食材料不須加工,反令三文鱼包更美味。我最鍾意是巧克力咖啡,巧克力味超香濃,太美味。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-03-22
848 瀏覽
I recently visited Simplylife for lunch and had the opportunity to try out their lunch set. Despite the long queue, I was eager to see if the food lived up to its reputation. Overall, my dining experience was satisfactory, and here's a fair review of the restaurant.Firstly, the lunch set included a comforting soup and a side of bread. The soup was flavorful and well-seasoned, providing a pleasant start to the meal. The bread was fresh and served warm, adding a delightful texture to the overall experience.For the main course, I opted for the black truffle mushroom pasta. The dish did not disappoint. The pasta was cooked al dente and generously topped with a savory black truffle mushroom sauce. The flavors were well-balanced, and the truffle aroma added an extra layer of richness to the dish. It was evident that the chef paid attention to detail in the preparation, resulting in a satisfying and hearty meal.To complement my pasta, I ordered an iced fruit tea. The tea was refreshingly cold and had a pleasant fruity taste. It provided a nice contrast to the warm and savory flavors of the meal.While the queue was long, I appreciated the efficient service provided by the staff. They were attentive and accommodating, ensuring a smooth experience despite the crowd. The restaurant had a cozy and inviting atmosphere, making it a pleasant place to enjoy a meal.However, it's worth noting that the long queue can be a drawback, particularly for those with limited time. It would be beneficial for the restaurant to consider implementing measures to reduce waiting times in the future.In conclusion, my experience at Simplylife was generally positive. The lunch set, consisting of soup, bread, black truffle mushroom pasta, and iced fruit tea, offered a satisfying combination of flavors. The efficient service and welcoming ambiance added to the overall appeal of the restaurant. Despite the long queue, the taste of the meal made it a worthwhile dining experience. I would recommend Simplylife to those looking for a flavorful and enjoyable lunch option. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-03-22
584 瀏覽
這間是我最常去的分店,無論食物質素和服務都保持水準,今午2pm自己來吃lunch,接著友人3pm也來吃下午茶聊聊😄今天陽光普照,選了靠窗位挺舒服。💥午餐$128👉蕃茄湯配麥麵包+煎鰽魚配薯仔和青邊豆+冰茶 >>蕃茄湯濃郁😋,自家製麵包脆香有麥味👍 鰽魚略嫌煎太燶,魚質較嚡口,醬汁搭夠🤣 今次薯仔做到剛好軟淋,青邊豆overcooked😅 冰茶走甜走冰,嚐到有柚子味不錯😄💥下午茶$82👉香草雞肉雜菌手製闊條麵+Latte >>雞肉雜菌調味剛好,闊條麵彈牙,整體juicy😋 >>Latte☕️奶滑帶點咖啡甘香,不錯。💥另外叫了一份草莓芝士蛋糕$42 >>粉紅色的賣相甚吸引,士多啤梨甜美, 蛋糕的芝士味卻不濃😅餅底散又過甜, 整體吃下來口感又可以😂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-08
661 瀏覽
We have enjoyed the afternoon tea at SimplyLife in Queensway, Admiralty for many years now, good deal and good food and service. BUT, lately they have raised their price, skimping on the fries (small amount and the majority were about 2cm long!) and they have recently reduced the number of staff in the dining room, so the service level has dropped as well. Such a shame… 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)