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食評 (5)
等級3 2011-05-31
106 瀏覽
某百貨公司感謝祭, 之後, 因為拎住幾袋戰利品, 就放棄去西環食串燒, 行去食呢間嘢打下冷!因為呢度嘅其中一個餸----花雕鵝肝真係非常正, 係喺第二度食唔到嘅!!!!入到去, 竟然唔駛等位, 都唔明點解去食呢間嘢無一次要等位嘅, 畢竟附近都無咩地方可以打冷, 可能呢間嘢唔出名掛?!?!一坐低, 唔駛諗, 立即叫咗我最想食嘅花雕鵝肝先, 之後, 考慮一陣後, 就叫埋一份有涷烏頭加鹵水拼盤先$168嘅D餐, 同諗諗下又想食聖子皇, 咁就叫埋啦.最先嚟到嘅係花雕鵝肝, 嘩!!!!!!!咩咁少嘅, 以前食有4塊, 現家少咁半得2塊???!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!唉, 我喺度諗, 可能啲租、人工同來貨貴咗好多啦, 無計, 鬼叫自己想食咩!!!!好彩, 質素同以前一樣咁正, 美中不足係唔係太夠喉囉!!!!!!!埋單時, 先知道原來因為老闆細心, 見我得兩個人食, 所以比半份我, 我諗多咗啦!!!!!(半份$50咋!!!!!!!!)之後嚟咗個豉椒聖子皇, 嘩!!!!乃咗嘢!!!!一入口, 就食到個汁一啲到唔惹味,咁都唔緊要, 最慘係啲聖子一啲都唔新鮮嘅, $38一隻, 晒錢!!!!!同金山無得比, 係完全無得比, 我自己喺屋企蒸都好過佢!不過, 算啦, 話晒人哋係打冷嘅, 唔係做海鮮嘅, 原諒佢一次啦!!!之後, 就嚟埋個D餐, OK啦, 條烏頭食得出係新鮮嘅, 有魚味, 而最突出嘅係拼盤入邊嘅鵝片囉!!!!!呢一次係最好食嘅一次, 可能隻鵝夠新鮮啦!唔單止肉同膏均稱, 仲要非常滑!!!盞啲滑到比啲鵝片硬親!!!!!!其他嘅鵝腎夠新鮮, 豬腸OK啦, 而墊底嘅豆腐都好滑喎!!!!!最後, 因為忍唔住口, 叫多咗個鵝片拼鵝腸(但係無影相), 因為打算食唔晒用嚟做消夜睇歐聯決賽, 好彩有叫啫, 啲鵝片好食就同上述一樣啦, 估唔到啲鵝腸咁新鮮同好爽口同無咩肥膏喺入邊架喎!!!!!唔怪得之佢會有膽賣咁貴啦!!!!!!服務方面就尚算可以, 事關我叫支啤酒, 個侍應掛住執枱, 執完一枱又一枱, 竟然唔記得拎支啤酒俾我!!!!嘩, 大佬呀!啲嘢食涷咗之後先有啤酒嘅話, 咁就完全打晒折扣啦!係唔係?!!?你有咩理由喺度食緊嘅客唔理, 而去執一啲已經食完走咗嘅枱先?!??!呢樣要扣分囉!!!!另外, 就唔關呢間鋪事,係香港好多食肆嘅同一問題, 就係太多自由行囉, 搞到啲地方嘈到死!!!唔係唔俾你高興, 不過, 可唔可以顧下其他人嘅感受呢, 同胞?!?! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2011-04-16
43 瀏覽
Tang Lung Street is one of the few enclaves left in downtown Hong Kong where you can still sit under the stars (not that you can see them) and have down to earth dirty food. There is an eclectic mix of eateries although quite a few of them serve Chiu Chow cuisine. There is no prettiness here though. People sit on the street more likely because the eateries are small and it's still more comfortable (at least in cooler months) to risk the smell of smog and exhaust from the occasional car that goes by, than to squeeze into a tiny space in the eateries themselves. However, it does make me wonder how they've managed to evade the arm of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department. That aside, for some of us who grew up in the good old days, it makes for a nice way to roll back in time to enjoy a but of retro.I ate on the street 2 Fridays in a row. At the same eatery no less. I'll tell you it wasn't because Wing Hing is the best Chiu Chow place around. It isn't. But Tang Lung Street has that retro element that appeals to developed city folks that it's a convenient place to showcase a little old Hong Kong without having to get to older parts of Kowloon or even venture out to the New Territories.Goose and Cuttlefish Slice Combo 鵝片拼墨魚The braised goose platter was decent. Not the tenderest of cuts, but what was surprisingly good was the cuttlefish. Extremely tender and juicy and managing to absorb enough of the braised gravy to make it super tasty. The braised pig intestines I got on the second visit were also good. Sinfully good since the fat made it both succulent yet guilty to consume. 鼠殼果For old times sake, we ordered a glutinous rice cake since I don't remember eating it after my late grandmother passed away some years ago, God bless her soul. This version was a far cry from Grandma's creations. The glutinous rice within was way too mashy and there was little to no condiments, such as peanuts and dried shrimp. Only saving grace was that they pan fried this to give the steamed rice flour skin a crispy edge. Otherwise, it just made me miss Grandma's cooking even more..Sharks' Fin Chiu Chow Style 潮式翅Terribly un-PC, but I do find it hard to resist a good bowl of Chiu Chow style Sharks' Fin. In taste, this was not as good as Miracle Cuisine, but there was something nostalgic about it that reminded me of old Chinese wedding dinners...Kale and preserved vegetable stir fried with vermicelli 芥蘭菜葡炒米粉This didn't look mike much but got quite addictive as I picked out the bits of "Choi Bo" towards the end. I didn't care too much for the vermicelli which was a little too chewy for my liking (this coming from someone who resists anything that's not al dente but this was bordering on asphyxiation). A flat rice flour noodle aka "Gwai Diu" would have worked better but still tasty.I also tried other Chiu Chow staples on my second visit. The minced pork and baby oyster porridge (肉碎蚝仔粥)wasn't too bad. A decent tasty broth in which the rice and condiments sat, though a tad heavy on the ginger, which detracted from the other flavours. The shrimp and cucumber omelette (水瓜烙)was sadly disappointing though. Way too greasy, and impossible to eat beyond the first pizza wedge. It was hard to tell whether the grease was from failing to rid the cucumber of excess moisture before frying or whether the chef just used 2 more glugs of oil than he should have...Overall, even Sun Kwong on the other side of Causeway Bay is better, but Wing Hing scores on the novelty factor option of being able to dine under the stars.. and a friendly and chatty "aunty" server who speaks very very decent English so that even non-native speakers can be comfortable with.For the original post, visit edeats.blogspot.com 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-12-29
33 瀏覽
滷水鵝肝拼鵝肉-鵝肝看樣子肥美?殊不知其腥無窮,而滑潺潺的質感,正中平生最害怕的死穴,廚師似乎未掌握到生於僅熟的水平線,怕吃到肚痛,只作淺嘗。更多分享@http://foodxfile.blogspot.com/2010/12/%E9%80%A3%E7%92%B0%E4%B8%8D%E5%B9%B8%E9%A3%9F%E4%BA%8B%E6%B1%95%E9%A0%AD%E6%A6%AE%E8%88%88%E6%BD%AE%E5%B7%9E%E8%8F%9C%E9%A4%A8.html 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-10-27
31 瀏覽
Shopping 完走到後街揾食,光線暗淡既後巷忽然間燈火通明,呢個霓虹招牌真算有點霸氣!再細想,早前電台主持人分享過銅鑼灣登龍街一間潮州菜館既特式菜咪就係佢羅,好....今晚就無心插柳"蓆嗲" 去吧!裡面陳設裝修都係好經典菜館既橂樣,可能地區問題,菜館都裝設左大電視同投射供直播球場,更有潮式佐酒小食,三十餘元起一小碟,鐘意試多種口味既食客都好啱喎。好快潮州茶已備妥端上,熱度足又甘口,潮州人餐前餐後必備之物!酸菜亦都係潮州熱門前菜,爽口、帶南薑香味,鹹、甜味夠輕,留有酸菜原味,明顯經師傅悉心醃製。經過仔細閱讀菜牌,終於揾到幾款有興趣嘗試既特式菜。 鹹檸檬燉野鴿湯:湯底清澈帶微黃,唔油,燉湯好處一眼易見。可惜燉湯掌握不善既弊處亦同時並存,湯底只有鹹檸味,野鴿應有既清甜味一點也沒有滲進湯裡。細嚐鴿肉後,發現鴿肉味仍然濃郁,大可能係火喉不夠既問題。 糯米釀大腸: 幾經思量,還是剔除炸物好油膩、糯米吸油滯口等各項不明朗因素,勇敢踏出嘗試既第一步。大腸皮炸得香脆,帶一點燒臘鹹香味道,剛陽盡顯;而糯米質感軟熟,與芋頭及鹹肉碎温和混合著,帶有一點温柔;一剛一柔既配撘,集香味、味美、質感與層次共冶一爐,其複雜感覺只能讓舌頭與味蕾細細分析與回味,實在未能盡列。更令我佩服厨師烹調技巧,因為整體除食味出色外,老實講眼不見一滴油,咀亦無感到多餘既油份,食後當然也毫無無任何滯意,果真無令我失望,簡直係非常滿意! 鹽插烏魚:烏魚台型十足,魚肉鮮甜細綿,輕輕沾上普寧豆醬,其實美味就是這般簡單!可能還未進入寒冬,魚脂仍未積存充足,油份稍遜。 潮式春菜:春菜係潮州人愛吃既新鮮菜,通常要响潮州雜貨店先可買到。長相近乎長芥菜,但比長芥菜嫩滑,葉片煮熟後質感有點與雪菜相似。是次春菜只簡單地用了少量鹹肉吊味,加上蒜粒煮成,入口順滑流暢,味道温和,係我鐘意既潮州靚菜! 鼠殼果:OK!其實以上菜式已令肚仔漲得滿圓,不過又抵擋唔住潮式甜品既誘感。菜牌甜品選擇頗多,有清心丸、馬蹄綠豆爽、反沙芋、酒釀丸子、芋泥、水晶包等,啱曬 "好" 甜既女士們。鼠殼果賣相同菜牌上有一段距離,皮上該有花紋不太無明顯,上枱時恃應更自行將鼠殼果切開兩份,原貎難以復活。至於食味,鼠殼果外皮煙韌,帶白沙糖既清清甜味。饀料以花生碎、芝麻等混和,整體唔甜,有咬口,有點似潮州人慶節所做既粿,幾有趣!點解叫鼠殸果則有待資料搜集。菜牌上不難發現一 d 比較特別同傳統既潮州菜式,好似滷鵝肝、凍蟹等,今次完全無試過滷物,加上菜館得奬名堂多多,所以下次有機會再 "蓆咦" 去發掘。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2009-12-27
32 瀏覽
星期六,天氣仍然寒冷,搬家的事辦妥得七七八八了。晚上,與外家一起聚一聚。原本打算往「金海閣」打邊爐,天寒地凍,全院滿座是意料中事,只好轉到附近嘅「榮興」食潮州菜。食潮州菜,鹵水物是必然之選,不過今次首先嚟了一客豉油皇鵝腸($88),鵝腸質素甚高,入口豐腴肥美,而且亦炒得相當爽滑。這麼肥美惹味嘅鵝腸,很久都沒有遇上了。估唔到頭一道菜便帶來驚喜,令人對後來之餸菜有所盼望,那知道這正是味覺大波動之始,容後再談。接著的鹵水鵝掌翼($68),做得也不錯,尤其是墊在底嘅鹵水豆腐,溫香軟滑,筆者一口氣吃了幾塊。吃得那麼高興,再追加了鵝片拼豬大腸($88)及鵝腸拼鵝翼($88),但食落是兩碼子嘅事。首先是豬腸帶有輕微嘅苦澀味,既冇豬腸應有嘅甘香,食落亦不爽滑;同樣嘅鵝腸,鹵水做的完全失去了之前嘅風範,淡而無味,十分失望;鵝片雖肥瘦均稱,可惜未能啖出鵝肉香。鹵水這一科,「榮興」明顯未夠班。失望過後,吃一口蠔仔肉碎泡粥($60),味覺享受又從低谷急速反彈。泡粥料十足,粒粒蠔仔皆鮮甜味美。加了胡椒,十分醒胃暖肚。雙面黃($68)是潮州菜必食之選,要搵做得好嘅雙面黃好難,難就難在坊間一般只是煎香一面,底還是條條 fing的。這裡也只是煎一邊,食落麵條本身都能吸收了上湯嘅精華。做法不正宗,味道還可以。香酥荔芋鴨($68)芋茸與鴨肉嘅比例大概是七三之比,鴨肉嘅精華被芋茸吸收,吃起來有鴨肉嘅酥香。用油不錯,食落不覺肥膩。椒鹽九肚魚($58)是全晚最差嘅一道菜,炸粉上得太厚,不見九肚魚蹤影;油溫控制也不佳,入口感覺很肥膩,充其量只是炸粉一團。炸蝦蟹棗($68)也就是炸蝦丸及蟹丸,不過潮州人嘅做法不求彈牙,但求食出蝦蟹嘅鮮甜味。兩者皆加入馬蹄粒,咬落增加爽脆感,其中以蟹棗嘅鮮味更加突出。鴛鴦水晶包($60),有紅豆及蓮蓉餡。水晶皮比較厚,但口感也軟糯;餡料香但不太甜,是飯後調節腸胃及味蕾嘅良品。小菜水準十分不穩定,同樣嘅炸物,效果可以截然不同。一大班人食飯,要穩穩陣陣不失禮於人,明顯地此店並非on the list。一行八個人,埋單是一千兩百七十幾蚊,平均每人大約是一百六十蚊。食潮州嘢,唔食凍蟹及翅等貴價食品,是這種收費了。 繼續閱讀
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