港鐵銅鑼灣站 F2 出口 繼續閱讀
23:00 - 22:00
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食評 (36)
I came here for dinner with a friend, as we were looking for an asian cuisine restaurant to eat at in causeway bay. The location of this restaurant is really practical if you are in causeway bay, as it's in Hysan Place which is walking distance from Times Square. We were looking for somewhere casual and normal for a light dinner, and found this restaurant. We were seated quickly, and it wasn't too busy. The waiter was very kind and helped us decide what to order by recommending dishes that we might like, and describing the dishes to us. My friend ordered prawns with rice noodles, and I ordered fried rice. We shared some spring rolls too. The food arrived quickly. I enjoyed the fried rice (it is my favourite meal) and thought that it was tasty and well cooked, however I would have preferred it if it had some more meat it in (personal preference). The spring rolls were crispy and hot, and my friend said that the prawns were nicely cooked, glazed, and seasoned. It was quite filling and was quite reasonably priced. Overall, I would say that this is a good restaurant if you just want to grab a bit to eat quickly and for a good price. The food isn't absolutely amazing, but honestly if you need somewhere to go to quickly for nice, simple food in causeway bay, this place is perfect. If I ever find myself looking for somewhere normal to eat, this is definitely a good option. wifi: yesenglish menu: yesnoise levels: good (quite quiet)service: good 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2015-01-17
448 瀏覽
其實見到好多差既review都唔想食,但係爸爸唔想等位...諗住穩穩陣陣叫個蕃茄湯檬粉($82 跟野飲)。撩一撩d粉,咦?打邊爐呀?響鈴、蟹柳、牛丸、兩隻蝦。先講個湯,稀稀地有少少肉碎。應該加左唔少糖,咁甜既....蕃茄味唔濃,隱約有陣中式湯味。響鈴,重油味牛丸,似粉丸,仲要得一粒,一開二,咁矜貴牛串燒($54/ 3 串)好濃醃料味,少牛味,如果唔講我以為食緊豬肉。可能燒得有d耐,所以d肉有d硬。同埋咸.....爸爸叫既係香茅豬扒飯,應該比我更safe。點知塊豬扒炸到個邊硬晒,成塊好乾....又唔可以話好難食既,不過比起佢附近既餐廳,佢應該排最尾。希望唔駛再去.... 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2014-11-22
860 瀏覽
中伏... 全商場得呢間有位都知出事但係好肚餓唔想等.. 我叫個豬頸肉撈檬竟可以9秒9上,因為預先整好,條青瓜乾到黏在向隻碟到。D㩚粉又稔又有水,倒完魚露好似湯粉但係冇味。D豬頸肉又涷又乾,用牙咬唔開。望住碟粉雖然好肚餓都食唔落。埋單走人同侍應講好難食,我末講完佢已經點頭轉身... 係自己攞嚟賤,全商場排哂隊唯獨呢間就應該知乜事啦.... 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-08-30
539 瀏覽
週末夜晚的CWB,七八點不用等位,就應知道不妙...不過經一事長一智,以後不要重犯就是了.BB1,dinner for 2,fixed items:南瓜腐竹時蔬,尚且清新,沒任何越南菜的元素..三式拼盤,青口醸麵包糠,肉因為過熟,好"un";厚切紮肉和春卷都很求其了事的模樣.Main選了燒蝦串賓海,米粉捲埋一堆堆,面放了又黃又熟的蔥油;蝦亦過油過熟,吃完想渴杯濃普洱清清口腔和腸胃.㰖菜豬肉炒飯,沒㰓菜味,就是一碟普通炒飯..味精很多,未幾就皮膚敏感了..很久沒吃過這般沒誠意和廚藝的東西,究竟怎樣的廚房會做出這個水凖的菜式來?二人套餐價錢雖不貴,但顧客也花了數十分鐘進食啊~~整體是"十分.非常.一般.普通.旺角女人街假越南舖"水平..而這𥚃是希慎!就算店方對自己沒要求,也應尊重顧客和場地吧.這𥚃唯一可稱讚是服務員哥哥很有禮貌,可惜得一個,其他都好似遊緊魂,是暑期工吧?! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2014-07-23
357 瀏覽
二人套餐可在餐牌𥚃任選兩杯飲品$240食物和飲品整體就是一般茶餐廳的質素水平只有用了米紙做的春卷和札肉比較令人滿意其實越菜的調味簡單清新就是要下些九層塔,薄荷葉,青檸汁和魚露罷了可惜BB1都沒有認真採用伴碟的幾片葉也不新鮮連炒河炒飯亦嗅不到蔥蒜的香氣是晚3人飯聚所以另外點了炸蝦餅$8x(4件)蝦膠不爽不彈牙也沒有蝦味甜酸醬的味道是普通超市能買到那種好處是炸得不油不過火一探bb後才發現吃過的rice paper,pho24和芽莊已很不錯這裡的出品浪費了它優越的位置和簡樸舒適的裝潢好吃又好坐的越菜餐廳一眾食家會否有其他好介紹呢 繼續閱讀
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