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食評 (28)
等級3 2011-02-08
172 瀏覽
今次係我第一次寫食評..是日lunch set是日餐湯青菜沙律配沙律醬薯仔南瓜沙律配煙三文魚or香煎石班柳配鮮蕃茄汁扒魔鬼雞配燒薯角,扒蕃茄意大利粉配鮮青口,蕃茄汁or是日甜品/咖啡/茶我choose左:南瓜沙律配煙三文魚!呢個正呀甜甜地...好開胃!意大利粉配鮮青口,蕃茄汁呢個勁辣!辣到噴火!(我吾食得辣)個餐牌又寫話辣!但青口真係好新鮮!!太辣關係我choose左cold lomon tea~~總括:麻麻地~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-12-05
74 瀏覽
“上館子”對於我來說,是一件重要得需要珍惜的事。只因口袋裏沒有成疊的金黃色鈔票,也沒有免清還的信用卡戶口,更沒有吃之不胖,而且對高血壓、膽固醇、糖尿病、痛風症通通免疫的金剛不壞身,所以只能在種種囿限之下,盡量選取好的館子來光顧。我還有一個習慣,就是星期一至五晚盡量回家吃晚飯。畢竟雙親已差不多年屆古稀,一家人能夠“齊齊整整”、平平安安地吃晚飯的日子......況且饞嘴的人,對於珍味總是難以抗拒,很容易就一口、一口、大啖、大啖,肆無忌憚地吃、吃、吃,晚餐飽食始終不是健康的飲食態度。大家或許會覺得我矯揉造作,愛吃就吃,何需理論多多?!說的也是,只不過想在這個平台,跟大家分享一些想法而已,別無其他用心。有了前述的條件限制,對於週末的試菜目標,當然不能亂來。星期六下午要到太古城中心看電影,所以就想在鰂魚涌一帶,找家好餐廳來享受一下。看了“千里”先生和 “KC”先生的介紹,對區內一家叫“Codfather”的西餐廳很有興趣。自忖該區星期六的午餐時間,應該不會有太多客人,所以就懶得致電訂位。怎知人到門口卻要摸門釘,過門而不入,只好失望地到旁邊的Café Einstein吃午餐。大約十二時二十分到達Café Einstein,因為剛開門營業的關係,所以只得我們一檯客人。餐廳前面是酒吧區,內進才是用餐區,裝潢帶點懷舊,但寬敞舒適。此店的午餐索價$105有三道菜,要吃甜品的話,就不能享用餐飲。是日點了蘑菇湯和泰式雞肉沙律作頭盤,主菜方面分別點了燒鴨胸伴玉米蓉、雜菌汁和扁意粉配三文魚粒、香草、蕃茄、忌廉汁,最後以麵包布甸作結。先來的麵包籃,食味雖未至於驚為天人,但起碼又熱又脆。最好吃的是兩個“小圓包”,其中一個有許多“合桃”、果仁,另一款內有洋蔥碎,為平平無奇的麥包,帶來嚼勁和味道。法包就顯得較為失色,外層雖脆,但味道卻不太新鮮。另外,這裏所用的牛油,難得不是某牌子的一次性現成品,而是刮成花狀的牛油,這種心思值得欣賞。蘑菇湯非常熱燙,菇蓉豐富之外,還有細碎的洋蔥粒,香味和食味都令人回味。這個湯是整餐令我最滿意的一道菜。泰式雞肉沙律方面,看似材料豐富,有雞肉、青瓜、蕃茄、沙律菜、炸蒜、銀芽等,不過太少醬汁,雞肉的冷凍味也略重,蔬菜也不夠新鮮多汁。燒鴨胸伴玉米蓉、雜菌汁,上桌時簡直看傻了眼,竟然夠膽將一塊燒至焦炭般的鴨胸奉客,驚嚇度尤勝海洋公園的哈囉喂宣傳。配菜除玉米蓉、雜菌外,還有中餐才用的材料 ---- “白菜仔”,不要強詞奪理說這是fusion菜的特色,我很不欣賞這種隨便亂來的做法。玉米蓉算是這道菜最正常的配料,Polenta的口感很特別,像是一顆顆細小的沙粒,在按摩你的舌頭一樣,吃起來有很重的忌廉味。雜菌沒有菌香,令醬汁徒有顏色,而沒有香味。這是一道超級失敗之作,礙於時間關係,沒有將之退回廚房重做。扁意粉配三文魚粒、香草、蕃茄、忌廉汁,較上述主菜正常,而且份量十足。可惜三文魚粒煮得過老,但扁意粉卻還算al dente,汁醬均勻掛在每條麵條上,蕃茄的酸甜味之外,帶點微辣,頗為特別。要選最令我留有深刻印象的甜品,一定非這裏的麵包布甸莫屬。之所以對它有深刻印象,並非因為它的美味或賣相,而是因為它給我那種極之隨意,又帶點“食你唔死算偷笑”的不羈。這裏的麵包布甸,是將幾塊烘過的麵包(不要連隔夜麵包,也這麼省好嗎?!),浸在冰牛奶之中,用湯匙舀麵包來吃時,冰牛奶就會被麵包吸收,成為不折不扣的“發水麵包”,難吃程度,可想而知。除了食物的材料、製法有點獨特之外,此店的服務也給人慵懶、漫不經心的感覺,不但上菜的等候時間頗長,而且侍應的態度也帶點冷漠,下次當然不敢再來啦! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-06-06
96 瀏覽
It was a Friday night, we decided to go for a drink at Café Einstein after a week of stressful work. They have a buy-1-get-1-free happy hour offer for drinks till 9pm and we decided to try out their dinner menu as well. So here we go:StarterSquidThis might not be the most attractive-looking dish but it was definitely one of the best dishes Café Einstein has to offer. The squid is very soft, fully covered up with the sweet-barbeque like sauce. Very yummy indeed! NachosNachos was good, nice and crispy, but just like another other nachos in town. Could be more generous with the cheese and the dip! PlatterThe platter was ok- but the honey garlic bread is worth mentioning. Honey spread on top of garlic bread go pretty well together, the sweetness of the honey enhances the flavour of the garlic! Thumbs up. MainBraised Osso Bucco on saffron risotto Risotto rice was way too hard. The Osso Bucco has a weird sour taste. The ingredients in the dish did not go well together. The portion was too small as well. Fettuccini CarbonaraRich creamy cheesy carbonara. (You can tell by the amount of parmesan cheese they put on top) Creamy but yet not too heavy! Cheese/ creamy pasta lover must order. Pesto Linguine with shrimp and mushroomUmmmmm PESTO! A perfect choice for non-cheese lover. Rich smell of pesto, tasty and moist sautéed mushroomLight mealPizza with pepperoniThe pizza base was dry and hard, with too little toppings! Pepperoni was dry and dull as well. Any other pizza would taste better. Overall, it was a good meal, but the only bad thing is that the staff there was not too attentive. Next time I will properly go there for their drinks only.(Apologies for not taking pictures of their drinks) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2010-05-28
34 瀏覽
A colleague who knows her food took us to this place for a farewell lunch. The group of us settled down by ordering a set lunch each. I ordered a potato salad with smoked salmon, chopped red onion, crispy bacon, sour cream and mayonnaise as an entree, followed by a roasted leg of lamb with potato gratin, butter broccoli and onion gravy as main and a creme brulee for dessert. Growing increasingly hungry, we dug into the cold bread basket which seemed to be bottomless for us. It was a big wow factor - carb overdose! - but I don't like cold bread that much, so it was only one piece of baguette for me. The entree came to us quite immaculately (compared with the soup of the day and the house green salad, that is), with the smoked salmon stacked neatly on top of some garden greens and a mushy potato salad cake at the bottom. While I didn't notice any crispy bacon, the presence of red onion in the salad added a nice little raw kick to the salad. The splodge of sour cream on top of the smoked salmon was an interesting mix, although I would've much preferred to have the sour cream with the greens. The main was also presented nicely. The roast leg of lamb (boneless) rested on top of the potato gratin and broccoli, with the lamb drizzled with onion gravy. The gratin was a combination of potato and garlic flavouring - it was a pleasure peeling off the potato slices one by one and enjoying the taste of it. The leg of lamb was probably medium well-done, a bit overcooked in my opinion (I'm more of a medium sort of person, even rarer for beef) and there was little flavour to speak of, so I was slightly disappointed in this respect. Dessert was creme brulee - the caramel layer on top was nice and hard, but I like my creme brulee warm. It was served cold, which caught me a little by surprise. Price wise, it's admittedly steep for a lunch, but for an occasional treat, this should tempt your tastebuds. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2010-04-11
20 瀏覽
食物真係唔多得。飲品和甜品就ok.如心太軟,有熱熱朱古力流出,極鐘意甜的人就ok。Boddington幾好,cappuccino同麥記水準差唔多。但放工鐘意嚟呢度飲野,只因太古坊附近冇乜餐廳可以坐戶外。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)