2012-10-22 85 瀏覽
俠女俠女的父母曾於北方生活過,所以偶然也會包餃子吃。聽俠男說他家也會做,讓我感到有點意外 ,以為一般香港家庭不會做這道菜。這晚去了一間小店吃餃子/餛飩。店子可容納十多名客人,當晚客人不多,亦沒有排隊的壓力,可以舒舒服服晚膳。來這兒自然要嚐嚐招牌食物。點了兩碗雙併餃子和餛飩,分別是:玉豆豬肉餛飩、時菜豬肉餛飩、洋蔥豬肉餃子和甘筍素菜餃子(每碗十枚),並附送豆漿兩杯。上次夏麵館一役,給那碟燻魚弄得頭昏腦脹 ,這次再接再厲 ,嘗試在坊間尋找最好吃的燻魚!燻魚先來,色水和味道也很到位,跟我媽媽做的沒有兩樣。門口張貼了很多雜誌報導,說這店日賣600隻餃子 ,在人流不多的地方,加上隔壁的同類型食店競爭,成績算理想。我特別欣賞店主那份創意(俠女在此說明:好吃的叫創意,不好吃的叫亂來),能打破傳統,讓食客感受不一樣的味道。其中的洋蔥餃子可謂聞所未聞,紫洋蔥味道甚濃,隔天口腔仍留有餘味,合口胃與否則見仁見智。個人較喜歡玉豆豬肉餛飩和時菜豬肉餛飩,餛飩皮晶瑩剔透,內餡若隱若現,玉豆、白菜跟豬肉相輔相成,濃淡適中。湯底為店主自己熬製,內有小銀蝦,清甜可口。 結帳只是80元,實在太便宜了! 俠女跟俠男說,要多


店外環境 (Shop Exterior)
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簡單的餐牌 (Simple Menu)
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燻魚 (Shanghai style smoked fish)
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大混雜! (Mix and Match)
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I am a dumpling lover
since I was small as I am a person not fond of rice comparatively. Therefore, I was thinking whether I was a Northern Chinese rather than a Southern one (Of course, it wasn’t
). I and Adorable went to the travel agency today to make travel arrangements for November and after all that was done, we needed to search for an eatery place.

Seems there are lots of choices in Austin Avenue so we decided to head there. Two dumplings shops are famous there with high ratings, thus, we decided to try the one with the higher scores first.
The shop size of Ah Fong Shanghai Wonton is quite small. There are only about 20 seats only and it’s like a small family restaurant to us.
Fortunately, there were seats available when we go in.

The shop is family-run and the menu is quite simple.
Adorable and I decided to order the specialty here: Dumplings!
There were 5 types of dumplings available and we chose 4 of them with mix-and-match (10 dumplings for each bowl and in 2 bowls so 5 dumplings for each variety). The dumpling varieties are 1) Pork and French beans dumplings, 2) Pork with seasoned vegetables dumplings, 3) Pork with onions dumplings, 4) Carrots and vegetables dumplings (This dumplings is a veggie). Each bowl of dumplings comes with soya bean drink. Plus, we ordered a Shanghai style smoked fish as appetizer.
洋蔥豬肉餃子 (Pork with onions dumplings)
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甘筍素菜餃子 (Carrots and vegetables dumplings)
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時菜豬肉餛飩 ( Pork with seasoned vegetables dumplings)
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As we had experience in Xia Mian Guan before, we can clearly compare how the fish tastes when it came first. The dish is smaller than we expected but the taste is better than Xia Mian Guan as it is less overcooked.

Then, the grand finale came!
Dumplings can be boiled or pan-fried but this time we chose the boiled style since taste is positively related to the simplicity
(In other words, the more simple it is, the more it is difficult to taste delicious
). We also asked for a bowl to share the dumplings too. The food itself is really colorful
especially for the veggie dumplings. We were just fascinated
and excited
with the varieties mixing together in the bowl and were playing guessing games before we took a bite.

An element relating to dumpling evaluation is the skin-to-ingredients proportion. If there was too much dough, customer may think they are ripped off
but if there was too much ingredients then the dumplings will break open easily where ingredients are spilling everywhere
. This time, the proportion is adequate.

The second element to dumpling goodness is the ingredients. The ingredients are freshly made and with lots of varieties.
The pork is fresh and flavored; The veggies in the veggies dumplings are really colorful.
They also used purple onions for the onion dumplings and it is good for onion lovers as the scent is moderately strong. The dumplings itself are freshly made as we see the shopkeeper wrapping them next to us
and you can see how she makes her produces live. It’s a sort of advertisement I guess but normal for a family shop.
已製成品 (A box of dumplings)
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The taste is very good after we took a bite and we don’t feel thirsty either. This means they don’t add much MSG in the soup base or for flavoring
. I was curious with the soup base and asked the shopkeeper for its composition. She said she used domestic ingredients such as soy sauce and shrimp together as soup base which goes well-along with the food.

Overall, the whole meal is HK$80 and it is economical in a HongKonger sense
. It’s a family shop so you get the cozy feeling when you have your meal and the staff is friendly.
The shopkeeper is very happy to answer questions and it’s a good retreat in the bustling TST district.

題外話/補充資料: 坐位有限,坐滿即止。(Seats are scarce and there were around 20 so come and get seats early. The shop is a family shop so please be silent when eating, don't spoil the atmosphere)
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
店外環境 (Shop Exterior)
簡單的餐牌 (Simple Menu)
燻魚 (Shanghai style smoked fish)
大混雜! (Mix and Match)
洋蔥豬肉餃子 (Pork with onions dumplings)
甘筍素菜餃子 (Carrots and vegetables dumplings)
時菜豬肉餛飩 ( Pork with seasoned vegetables dumplings)
已製成品 (A box of dumplings)
  • 餛飩