12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
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食評 (4)
這次來到澳門, 剛好遇上某韓星在我們入住的酒店開show, 周圍也很熱鬧, 幸好這店有位置給我們入座. 點餐後餐包送上來了, 還是熱騰騰的, 配上蕃茄醬, 味道清新. 先點了小孩合胃口的又夠飽肚的意粉, 來了肉醬通心粉及卡邦尼意粉. 看價錢是不貴的, 所以也有預算份量不多, 果然沒錯但也比我想的要少. 雖然每人分到的不多(都留給小孩優先享用), 但味道及咬口都很好, 沒能多吃幾口真可惜.之後是夏威夷薄餅, 香港連鎖店左右的價錢, 吃得出製作用心, 厚薄適中而且夠香脆. 再來是大人的主菜了, 海鮮拼盆. 它有份2款, 我們點了較貴有龍蝦的一款. 海鮮加上刺身, 質數不錯. 吃得不夠, 追加了一份吉列牛仔柳, 又是外層脆脆的, 再加上芝士配親,也算好吃. 在酒店內的餐廳用膳品質多數都很穩陣, 只是有時價錢真的會很貴. 不過今次這間是合理的. 繼續閱讀
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意.味位於路氹的 Studio City, 紐約開過黎的意大利餐廳, 見到門口 weekday 的 3 course set lunch 幾抵 (記得好似 $168 定 $198), 試下冇妨。我本人不太好甜品, 問過侍應可以選擇兩份頭盤, 一份主菜。我和伴侶頭盤選了 salad 及 beef carpaccio, 味道正常, 沒有驚喜。主菜分別點了 mushroom pizza 及鱸魚,  pizza 餅底又厚又淋, 魚味道偏淡, 肉質唔夠滑。可能一分錢一分貨, 在酒店裡以這個價錢食set  lunch 唔貴, 但好大機會午餐不是餐廳大廚煮所以有點失色。綜合評價: 環境>食物>員工*綜合性價比: 正常, (可以, 但這個價錢坊間有很多選擇)*性價比1.  抵!(不代表平)超乎想像的驚喜(嘩! 無論怎樣一定要再來! 抵啊)2.  Wow! 物超所值(幾好啊!唔錯,有機會一定再來)3.  正常, (可以, 但這個價錢坊間有很多選擇)4.  物次價高(都不是太差, 但這個價錢坊間有質量更好的)5.  有比較大的改善空間(填胞肚算, 失望) 繼續閱讀
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Casual Chick Dining from New York is what they call themselves here at Trattoria il Mulino. I have always wanted to come here ever since its inception, but on a few occasions we came too late for lunch and too early for dinner. This time around, I was determined to fix the situation and arrived on time..Some Chianti -I was meant to be Alcohol free, but ended up taking a sip to try anyway...Bread Basket -The Rye Bread and Focaccia were decently done...Lentil Soup with Angel Hair Pasta -Done very well. I was saying on Instagram, a Pasta in Brodo soup is always appreciated in Chinese philosophy. This was very balanced indeed ~ 9/10.Beef Carpaccio with Arugula Leaves, Parmesan -The beef was marbled, and not sliced too papery thin, very very accurate. Most important of all, unlike 95% of the other offerings this actually had beef meat taste. I actually developed a phobia of eating Carpaccio or Tartare outside of Italy or Spain, it's always tasteless, over seasoned, too pounded thin.  ~ 8.5/10.Spaghetti Carbonara with Eggs, Parmesan Cheese, Pancetta -Done very well for what it is.  Salty enough, topped with Black Pepper, no Cream. For HK/Macau context you can't always expect a Guanciale, Pecorino Romano or Tonnarelli version so taking 1 step back, this is pretty satisfying ~ 8/10.Sea Bass with Mussels and Shaved Vegetables - With a Citrusy sauce that was appetizing. The fish was done well with a crispy skin, semi-cooked. For an Asian, we always expect more fish meat in the dish, this one here was kind of right and with mussels too. ~ 8/10.Limoncello Tiramisu. Smart, very smart. By using this alternative liqueur, it is more refreshing for the Summery weather. Remember to sprinkle some of the Choco powder on top of it, before 'Picking me up' !.It was less New York-Italian than I envisioned.  It's More humble in a way and not creating New Dishes just to Impress..It's definitely the real Italian deal..!******************************Price: HKD 198 + 10% Per PersonFood: ♕♕♕♕ 1/2 Address: Macau Estr. Flor de Lotus, Studio City Macau,Ph: 853 8865 6662 繼續閱讀
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中午在新濠影匯工作,便在這家意大利餐廳吃個午餐。據新濠影匯網站介紹,Trattoria Il Mulino 來自美國紐約,呈獻由行政主廚Michele Mazza精心設計的菜式,讓賓客完全沉醉於意大利風情中.....一個人的午餐,簡簡單單,主菜點了一客八爪魚墨汁寬麵,以及一件蛋糕作甜點。墨汁麵牛油蒜頭炒過,有多片八爪魚肉,但麵有點軟,個人比較喜歡爽口一點的麵。甜點方面,忘了名堂,皆因味道及賣相均非常普通。 繼續閱讀
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