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食評 (6)
等級4 2015-03-31
501 瀏覽
PRIMO的咖啡味雪糕曾經令我驚艷。第一次寫PRIMO的食評有提到,我吃到有咖啡粉。我是很喜歡這些微粉於雪糕中。但之後再吃,就沒有吃到咖啡粉,只有幼滑感。GELATO是意大利名雪糕的意思,但比較起一般的雪糕,來得更幼滑。所以他們家的GELATO應該是幼滑得沒有咖啡粉才對吧。再試的EXPRESSO咖啡味很香濃,吃一啖後,咖啡味會充戚著整個味蕾。仍然是我喜愛的咖啡味,配上幼滑口感。不會太甜,又不會太澀,實在好難令人不愛。不過我還是太想念那一杯令我驚艷的GELATO,混有咖啡微粒的那一杯初見。如PRIMO能考慮於EXPRESSSO口味加上咖啡粉就好了!另一個是朋友LAM小姐的芒果口味。我小試了一口,芒果味好濃好濃!感覺像是在吃冰的芒果干,濃味加甜味。還是不錯吃的,當然幾十塊一小杯雪糕,對於我來說,只能是偶而奢侈一回的事了。 繼續閱讀
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After work, it was pretty hot outside so I decided to have ice cream. Decided to try this place.Located in Times Square, it has a few tables and chairs but is more geared for take away as the counter is facing outside. There is a few selections of gelato and sorbets.I ordered a raspberry shortcake gelato.Service was clueless. I asked for my choice of gelato, pointed to it. Mind you, I even spoke in Chinese. Yet, the two people behind the counter stood there, unresponsive. I repeated again and pointed. The one girl looked and said "which one?" and again I point and repeat my selection. "Raspberry shortcake?" she asked. Yes. OMG! How hard is it to order ice cream? I then said one small cup. This went on again.I went to pay and the girl placed my cup of gelato on the other side of the counter, away from me. Good thing her coworker brought the cup to me. At least one person wasn't incompetent.Anyways, aside from the service, the gelato was very smooth and creamy though a bit on the sweet side. I loved the addition of cake bits inside. Not many add this. I think the only one that does that is Hagaan Dasz Japan.Aside from the service, gelato was good. Would return, but not on a day I'm losing my patience. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-03-01
383 瀏覽
貴價雪糕梗有得試食啦。味道選擇都係一般大路款式,試咗幾隻味,味道不算濃郁但不太人工化,有一點點天然感覺,口感亦頗幼滑,雖然不算突出但似乎都交出合理質素。正想扑鎚買杯雙球試真啲,點知嚟班大陸豪客唔駛試味就一人一至兩球,店內唯一店員即刻掛住招呼佢哋,喂,我嚟先㗎!企喺度等咗幾分鐘都唔得閒理番我,好,走!反正又未至於好食到值得我等唔知幾耐。理解店員難以分身,但一杯都係客吖!  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2014-01-16
33 瀏覽
雪糕櫃擺放著多款雪糕,有薄荷巧古力 、榛子、香蕉、意大利芝士蛋糕、特濃咖啡、芒果雪葩..等,口味多元化~在玻璃櫃窗前 ,可慢慢挑選味道~購買前 ,可先向店員要求取一小匙試味~而我喜歡較酸既雪糕 ,店員推介試一下雪葩~菠蘿雪葩,當中有菠蘿果肉, 真材實料~酸酸的雪葩帶小小果肉咬口感,滿不錯~香蕉雪葩,感覺真的剛咬了一口香蕉,但又沒有香蕉的飽滯感~最後我點了草莓雪葩..可選用杯裝 、甜筒或威化筒,杯裝也有三種容量 (small, regular, large)選擇~還可以添加色彩繽紛的頂層配料,為雪糕扮靚靚 ~其實選草莓味都挺有風險的...草莓味通常一失手就會變成藥水味..而PRIMO草莓雪葩 ,沒半點藥水味道,是原汁原味的草莓~不太酸又不太甜,在雪葩中看見草莓外層的小果實..雪葩不太硬又不太散,入口融化~在草莓不當造的日子 ,能吃到香甜既草莓雪葩止一下心癮,滿不錯~設座位供休憩 ,也有Bar桌企位位置,又可跟友人食著談著~整體來說是很令人滿「意」的雪糕店~ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2013-11-13
88 瀏覽
今早帶貓貓去做一年一度body check,醫生懷疑貓貓直腸有問題,真令人擔心,已安排下個月覆診,希望他沒事吧 @_@ 暫把煩惱拋開,到Times Square的PRIMO Artisan Gelato吃雪榚。這裡有舒適的座位,真好,讓客人可吃點甜的歇一歇。Tiramisu味(HK$44)很滑,帶微微酒香,讚﹗我要了是日特價的Mango Sorbet (HK$29),是想像以外的幼滑,芒果味很香,酸度非常適中(我最怕說是芒果味卻只是甜而沒有酸),讚讚讚﹗ 繼續閱讀
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