港鐵紅磡站 B1 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (52)
等級3 2016-06-27
3137 瀏覽
一個月食兩次燒烤大家估下系會點?我嚟微笑咁同大家講下喇,就會死我咯,生“飛支”咯,宜家真系食咩都無心情喇。第一次嘗試冬陰功烤魚,好滋補嘅,顏色好鮮豔喇,不過黃黃啲就會令人覺得好有胃口,冬陰功味道好似無系好正宗咁,成品都稍差咗小小,烤魚嘅肉質都系無得彈喇,魚皮都系首先有用猛火煎炸咗一陣嘅,所以魚皮好脆,挖開魚皮之後,可以見到裡面金黃色澤嘅魚肉,而且一啲都未覺老火。另外一條烤魚,麻辣味道,魚肉照樣肥美可口,不夠真辣,邊飲冷飲都搞唔掂,仲忍唔住自己飲咗啖湯,麻辣味即刻湧上喉嚨,回味無窮吖 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2016-05-31
2679 瀏覽
我係非常鍾意食香辣口味,經朋友推薦黎左十二味,我哎咗個泡椒鲶魚,干辣椒鋪滿咗成條魚,散發出好濃郁既魚香味,辣辣魚肉皮好酥脆爽口,魚肉细質鮮嫩,加上其他配菜衬托,美味極了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-04-18
5436 瀏覽
今晚帶女友去食湖南菜中入面嘅烤魚,大家嘅中間位置係紅磡區,所以1於帶左佢去新開個間十二味!呢間烤魚店入面的環境都不錯,又乾淨企理,空間感又大,服務員帶到我們坐在近牆個一邊!呢度服務都算幾友善親切   而且又主動介紹左5同魚類、魚的肉質分辦同如何配搭、食用方法! 本身呢間烤魚都係以紅色嘅辣椒調味為主打,不過我個女友都5可以食得太辣, 我地叫左一份烤鯰魚並且係少骨版本,配小辣,希望挑戰成功!個條鯰魚中間有一條大骨,而2邊痴有嫩嫩的魚肉,其他小骨痴喺上面,不過個d5啃喉,又好軟身,岩岩未煮滾嘅時候,咬左2啖,5算入味,不過就5會太辣;由於繼續用慢火去慢慢烤嘅關係,開始越食越辣,個魚肉好香,越來越有麻辣湯味而其他個d配料呢,如大葱,蔬菜,香菜等都好入味 成件事又辣又麻,麻到個口都無咁痛,個種感覺簡直好爽,好惹味!中間我倆都叫了一點飲品去沖擊下,夾下!飲品方面揀了酸梅湯,呢間嘅酸梅湯係自家製,心思不錯,味道又酸又激! 下次我會帶埋朋友黎,多啲人,開心啲,食多d! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-02-24
3411 瀏覽
魚十分新鮮有很多肉的,十分大條的,而且魚一直都保持熱的温度的,所以我們就算慢慢食都不怕,還有不同的味道及醬,有spicy or not,是次的北京醬香味,都是十分濃的,還有一點肉碎的,我選了年糕等配上魚,會煮耐了就十分好食的,因為入了到年榚那,而且土匪雞翼等味道都十分地道的,但這條魚是我食過最好的,又大條又fresh ,所以是會覺得夠飽,而且醬料及配料都比較多,所謂口口魚肉都很濃味。飲品方面都十分多選擇,有港式及中式的,我所選的檸樂十分多氣及夠凍正 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-01-31
1739 瀏覽
I have never been to this place for lunch but wanted to try it out today as I needed something spicy due to the cold weather. I've tried the fish for dinner which is pretty standard and saw most of the customers had ordered it but wanted to try their lunch specials. My friend ordered the spicy chicken which was pretty standard and not worth mentioning. I on the other hand ordered the fish in chili oil. It was quite a letdown as the bowl itself was huge but 99% of it was the spicy oil/broth and contained only a few small pieces of fish. The broth/oil itself had great flavor but  there was barely any condiments in this dish, if any. The rice, which I have never complained about, was dry (as if it was day old rice and microwaved). I left the restaurant still hungry and went next door to eat korean food afterwards. But I think what this restaurant really needs to fix is their waitstaff. While we were having lunch, all of their waitstaff were having lunch and we and the rest of the customers found it extremely difficult to get their attention. One even gave us attitude when we asked for the check...as if we were bothering her even though we had to walk over to their table to request for the check. I would probably not venture out to this place again unless I was in dire need of the fish plate that people typically order. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)