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食評 (70)
等級1 2021-06-12
470 瀏覽
Two of the staff (an overweight woman and a young man) were severely unresponsive to calls, and maintained lifeless face when taking orders. Not sure if sleepy head is a hiring requirement, their voice is so dull that a reasonable person would suspect they are on drugs. Foods are fine, but perhaps not as fine as the price suggests. I was a young man when I entered, got two grandsons by the time the foods arrived. You do the math.Overall, relatively pricey food, particular staff are essentially non-existent here other than their dull faces. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2021-03-16
554 瀏覽
We ordered 2 bowls of ramen with fried chicken wings and cold vegetables. First of all, the menu option is quite limited. The chicken wings and ramen we ordered are extremely oily. It’s almost like you can drink a handful of teaspoons of oil right into your mouth. The price is not cheap either. Ramen costs like 60-90+ hkd but the taste is just so so. Again, the soup got nth special plus its super oily.The service is below standard. No thank you after payment and when we asked if there’s tea before meals. They replied us no, just water. But then, what they gave us then was water with tea bags. Well, that means there is tea right? When we were around the cashier, we heard that the feedbacks from other guests saying similar things like it’s super oily... Honestly, I felt disgusted after the meals. Forgot to take any pics of our food but I personally won’t come back again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2021-02-25
383 瀏覽
因為去銀座睇戲,就在附近隨便吃點,就選中這間,安排我們在門口的位置坐下,我們點了一個拉麵,一個鰻魚飯,然後就進行了漫長的等待,很多外賣單,上菜後拉麵的味道一般,不過鰻魚飯仲係幾好食😋 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2021-01-27
368 瀏覽
見好耐冇食過日式沾麵,今日心血來潮黎到屋企附近近近地既東京築地拉麵試下,點知完全失望。中午時間黎唔係好多人,叫左個櫻花蝦沾麵,午市套餐配埋熱飲。湯面厚油,沾麵加左湯汁之後食落去十分之油膩,可能比較岩啲中意濃味既人啦。五花腩成舊都係肥肉咁濟,最後因為太膩都食唔哂。再加多個小食日式炸餃子,但所謂既炸餃子只係成排餃子個底有一層炸皮,同我心目中想食既炸餃子一啲都唔似。賣單計埋加一服務費都要 $ 121 , 服務亦唔係特別出色,的確令人失望 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
入到去即刻有位,我同我兩個朋友都叫左個日式滑蛋吉列豬排丼。我地1:50分叫,等到2:20分都味到。雖然我地自己都預佢炸野會耐少少,咁但係點炸都唔會超過半個鐘掛?咁我地就問staff:我地有三個飯味到wo。我地都好聲好氣咁問啦,但係佢直接轉頭走左wo。咁我地以為佢去左問,但去到2:30分,我地一個飯都味到。咁我地咪係咁催佢,不斷問個staff,次次都:問緊你睇緊。等左一陣,黎左一個飯,咁留左比我朋友食啦。問題係第二個飯,大佬,等左我40分鐘有多,你比隻唔熟既蛋我?我就叫佢換啦,換一換,又等多十幾分鐘,中途都有問佢係咪落漏我地單,但佢冇一次有正面回答我地問題。到我直接行出位,同佢講:個飯我唔要啦,你不如cancel我張單啦,佢又話我個飯整好,咁你整好唔比我放廚房比廚師食阿?問佢拎投訴紙又冇,完場仲要我地比服務費,講真個句,你到底服務左我d咩。分享呢段經歷比大家,希望大家三思到底要唔要到呢間野食野,我就唔會再去架啦。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)