港鐵中環站 D1 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
氣氛悠閒的西式素食餐廳,部分菜式同時提供肉類口味,另有供應烘焙食品和蛋糕。而天井更設置為寵物友善空間,讓你和愛寵共度時光。 繼續閱讀
We provide a wellness themed menu for vegan and non vegans alike.
12:00 - 23:00
*Beverages available 12pm - 12am
Visa Master 現金 八達通 AE 銀聯 JCB Apple Pay
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (160)
等級4 2024-04-14
177 瀏覽
返工食Lunch 平時都係$5/60嘅外賣,今次同同事特登喺OpenRice睇吓中環有咩好食,搵到呢間Orka,因為我哋兩個都好鍾意食扒,見佢價錢又唔算話好貴,就嚟試吓啦,我哋兩個人都嗌咗個餐冇嗌嘢飲其實都要三百幾,不過我諗中環食塊扒都係呢個價錢,去配菜可以揀番薯條或者薯條,份量大到我哋兩個食唔晒,牛扒係好味嘅,叫咗5成,真係出到5成既熟度,亦都唔會話硬到食唔到,Lunch 時間都冇滿座,都係得兩三台,而家嘅小店的確係比較難做。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-03-08
415 瀏覽
之前幾次嚟呢間餐廳都係坐佢哋嘅窗口位望住街景,今次試吓坐裏面,原來裡面呢個位好似一個小花園咁,坐得好舒服🤭冇嚟幾個月,佢哋又出咗新Menu啦!Dinner set仲有分素食同唔係素食,連vegan嘅甜品呢度都有,真係好細心呀!頭盤呢一個帶子係我食過數一數二好食嘅,啲肉質好爽口又入味!主菜嗌咗三文魚扒同牛肉漢堡包,大大個超足料!你哋睇吓個漢堡包啲芝士邪惡到🤭🤭呢度嘅Cocktail都有好多種,所以唔使轉場,食完飯喺度繼續飲嘢都好有feel! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
🥩Australian 100 days Prime Rib was lit🔥 Very tender and moist beef seasoned with salt and pepper! Well grilled with grilled garlic, cherry tomatoes. Love the chimichurri sauce! ✨Smoked Burrata was the another highlight. Pairing with dried tomatoes and cantaloupe with refreshing choice! 🍰Ended the night with sweets. This Vegan Chocolate Cake is 💯 indulgent🍫 With different layers and forms of chocolate, the soft and crispy texture intertwined. Definitely a paradise for Chocolate lovers🤤Rosemary Creme Brûlée with Homemade Earl Grey Tea Ice-Cream was surprisingly delicious. 🍸Margarita $120🍷Casa Concha Canernet Sauvigno Maipo Valley Chile $88/glass 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-24
303 瀏覽
While the staff was very friendly and informative, the small space and the opened kitchen door had trapped the cooking smell inside the restaurant. We had made a reservation and showed up on time while needed to wait for a while for a table to be cleared. The ventilation was much better when it’s passed 2pm that they opened the door to let some fresh air in.The food was good overall, especially the slow-cooked chicken and the ultra sweet corn. The chicken was very tender and with just-right marination that you still got to feel the natural taste of the chicken yet it’s not bland. They grilled it after the slow-cook process. You can see the layers of the meat from the profile. Perhaps it’s due to this fact that they were slow in serving the food. We and customers sitting on the 2 tables next to us had been waiting for our appetisers for more than 25 minutes if I recalled correctly. After finishing our main, the server offered us complimentary coffees or drinks to compensate for the long waiting time for the food. She recommended their coffees, so we had an oat milk latte and an almond milk latte. The lattes were good. We also added crème brulee (supplement $88 when ordered to 2-course lunch set, or $138 when ordering from the a la carte lunch menu, while the one in the a la carte menu will also come with a scoop of ice cream). The crème brulee had a tint of ginger flavour. It’s ok. I’d rather try their signature carrot cake next time as the 性價比for that crème brulee wasn’t that high. It is what it is, no surprise.The burger sets ordered from the lunch a la carte menu that the customers sitting next us were having also looked really nice. The lunch set dishes had a middle eastern flavour to them, which made them special, yet they were still western overall. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-11-22
276 瀏覽
˜”*°•.˜”*°• Orka。•°*”˜.•°*”˜✥ Avo Toast 我係勁中意食Toast, 勁多牛油果🥑蓉, 好creamy, 上面仲小小堅果, 再加上酸種面包🫶🏻口感層次豐富同好食✥ Holloumi Cheese 🧀 呢個Holloumi Cheese 煎過後, 芝士上面鋪上左小小楓糖, 味道較為鹹香帶小小甜, 食落去口感係外硬內裡微微軟上碟賣相好靚✥ Steak & Fries 牛煎得好香🫠佢哋嘅牛真係好高質牛味濃肉質軟腍🤤唔經唔覺好快就食晒佢另外有附上芥末醬, 不過我覺得佢本身嘅牛好好食原汁原味已經好正🤭薯條🍟亦都炸得好香脆✥ Eggs Benny BaconEggs Benny 都係我至愛之一💖蛋整到脹卜卜咁切開佢內裏嘅蛋黃即刻流出黎🥰蛋味好香濃必食之一✥ Dark Chocolate Delight 呢個蛋糕對我嚟講真係超有驚喜😂我絕對誠意推介, 呢個黑朱古力蛋糕係超香濃嘅黑朱古力味, 唔會太甜帶少少少少苦甘味道蛋糕入邊有慕絲, 果仁同少少朱古力口感好豐富🤤真係堅好食✥ Cream Burlee with Earl Grey Ice佢哋嘅甜品不得不說真係做得太出色呢個焦糖燉蛋勁香濃嘅蛋味, 而且食落去質感好滑又creamy, 上邊燒咗一層薄薄脆脆甜甜嘅焦糖, 加埋一齊食真係好滿足, 另外覺得特別之處就佢既Earl Grey Ice🫠其他餐廳好少食到, 個雪糕真係有香濃嘅茶香🤩愛了❤️✥ Immuno Sunshine飲品賣相真係好Sunshine🤣飲落去有芒果熱情果既味, 好飲✥ Apple Beet Juice 有淡淡的蘋果汁味, 唔算太甜 繼續閱讀
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