港鐵尖沙咀E/尖東站L3 出口 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮星級法式餐廳吉地士為客人提供一絲不茍的法式精緻菜體驗,由年輕主廚郭毅彬主理,配襯種類繁多的酒莊佳釀。 繼續閱讀
最優秀開飯法國菜 (2012-14), 米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2020-2024)
著裝要求: 端莊服飾。請勿穿著牛仔褲、運動服飾或涼鞋。男士請穿長袖有領恤衫、長褲及包趾鞋。 兒童政策: 吉地士歡迎6歲或以上的小童光臨。
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:00
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:00
**根據政府對預防新冠肺炎進一步傳播所頒布的措施,吉地士廚師之桌現暫停服務至另行通知。 最後落單時間: 21:30
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以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
牛肉及鮮蠔他他、特級魚子醬、紫蘇、馬鈴薯、鵪鶉蛋 香草牛油煮法國龍脷魚、黃菌菇、小洋蔥、蠶豆、杏果 澳洲和牛西冷、辣根脆面、西班牙甜紅椒、燴元茄橄欖菜
食評 (251)
等級4 2024-05-01
130 瀏覽
大日子,想去心儀餐廳,這昰其中一間,終於今次一親香澤,是否經濟問題,早一星期訂枱都可以有,以前要一個月前預訂,又無理由關深圳消費熱事,不同層次消費羣。當日準時放工,最快速到達,乘老年升降機上,假如一搬舊樓,我會厭佢老又慢,就因為半島名字,這是品味,特色,上升甲甲聲,停時chok吓,享受過百年歷史😊。接待處,免不了外國人招待,殷勤帶到近窗口位置,長枱鋪上雪白厚厚枱布,週圍環境跟已看相片一樣,歐式設計,大水晶吊燈,蠟燭水晶壁燈,白色牆身掛滿金色木框拎粒粒鏡,喜歡佈置大大朵 艷麗鮮花。紫微先已點法國蒸餾水,開啓美饌之源。高級西裝男侍應,遞過set lunch餐牌,揀3course$788後,隨後奉上用樸實木箱盛牛油 泡芙 ,鬆鬆,但有質感,內有芝士餡料,香,正,現在仍回味。餐前麵包,用木箱盛上任你揀選,香脆法包,煙肉軟包,微熱,正!接下來,又奉上長木板,上有大圓山酸種包,伴着橙色塔形辣味牛油,再來侍應從長盤捲起檸檬 海鹽牛油,放於板一角,創造美妙過程,金黄牛油光滑,未食, 潛意識已好好味,實在好味,擺盤像日本枯山水。開胃前菜amuse bouche,白色皮包蝦肉雲吞浸在上湯,白色泡泡裝飾,一陣風,蝦鮮,紫微對蝦敏感,廚師轉蔬菜餡, 連湯都清淡。頭盆 香煎鴨肝 紅菜頭 煙燻鰻魚 塔斯曼尼亞胡椒慢慢切鴨肝,入口溶化,鴨脂騷香,騷味多咗就厭,少咗就唔過隱,剛好,醬汁甜多酸,樱桃,點缀,去肝膩,红菜頭爽甜;where is 鳗魚,以為有小片,原來點點灑面? 塔斯曼尼亞胡椒加多的,才試到怎矜貴。日本黃鰭吞拿魚 芥蘭徑蕃茄清湯 柚子用芥蘭徑長片捲花,包吞拿魚刺身,點點花,置於天池上,眼睛也開花,芥蘭莖無味,也不爽甜,切開見浅橙色吞拿魚,質滑肉鮮, 蕃茄清湯 好舒服,清清甜甜。主菜紐西蘭羊鞍 燴羊肩 沙金荀香草泡沫慢煮羊肉卷, 切開有少少血,肉腍有羊味,羊肩肉絲埋於沙金荀中,好騷,好彩少少刺激,香草汁打泡靚。法國栗飼黃雞胸, 青蘆筍,羊肚菌,黃酒蘆筍蓉釀煎香雞皮同雞胸中間, 有創意,雞皮香脆而薄, 雞肉慢煮, 嫰有雞味, 是否有法國黃酒加持?羊肚菌,露荀粗甜,增添賣相特色,立體感,增味覺層次。朱古力酒味軟心, 可可脆脆片, 芒果熱情果果醬, 烤胡桃忌廉藝術抽象畫,有曲線,留白,光暗對比...黑夜月光,孤舟夜遊。橙酒梳乎厘柑橘雪葩, 另加$138, 梳乎厘好鬆好滑, 印上吉地士標誌, 配一茶匙芒果雪葩, 爽甜中有酸,2種層次交織,要加錢,值唔值?侍應上菜一致行動揭開餐蓋,每道菜都有介紹,服務即一流。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
📍 Gaddi’s 吉地士📍 尖沙咀 𝗧𝘀𝗶𝗺 𝗦𝗵𝗮 𝗧𝘀𝘂𝗶 • 香港半島酒店1樓〔 Follow me! ♥︎ 〕-全香港首間法國餐廳《吉地士 Gaddi’s》1953年於半島酒店開業歷史悠久,至今有著超過70年歷史!-Gaddi's專用入口位於半島酒店彌敦道的側門搭乘專用升降機到一樓,就會到達Gaddi‘sGaddi's裝潢華麗堂皇,極高樓底配上豪華水晶燈,洋溢典雅格調餐廳的特製餐具、圓頂菜蓋、刀叉匙銀器等都顯露著舊式氣派桌與桌之間的距離蠻遠,一點壓迫感都沒有與情人、家人、朋友來約會都十分適合-侍應生服務貼心,態度熱情又友善還看見一位leader,帶著貌似是新來的侍應生招呼我們,一邊指導著他們也就是最需要這樣的實戰經驗~蠻印象深刻的是,他們要確保桌上每位的餐點都是同一時間揭蓋和收走,好考侍應生們之間的默契~-菜式走「現代經典」(modern classic)烹調風格是次嚐的是午市時段、午市套餐,可以以相對相宜的價錢享受fine dining體驗三道菜$788,加多一道前菜或甜品$888整體味道大路,不算驚艷,但寬敞舒適的環境跟貼心的服務已令其值得一訪=Amuse-boucheDaikon · Sweet shrimp · Vegetable juice · Dill foam-Bread.Cheese puffsSourdoughMini baguetteSunflower seed & poppy seed briocheBacon & onion croissant麵包是整頓飯的焦點之一呢🍞我最喜歡的是全日第一道端上枱面的【芝士波波】(Comté gougères)另外【洋蔥煙肉酥】也好好吃⋯所有包類都可以無限添加,麵包控必愛!但最困難的是要節制自己不能吃太多,不然就沒空間吃主食啦🤣-Starter.Saumon en Gravelax au NoriSalmon Gravelax with nori, Palm heart, Granny Smith apple鹽漬香料三文魚 · 紫菜 · 棕櫚芯 · 青蘋果三文魚刺身以紫菜圍邊,配搭青蘋果、青蘋果西芹汁放表面的好像是洋蔥脆片~•Escalope de Foie Gras du PérigordPan-seared Périgord foie gras, red beetroots, smoked eel, Tasmanian pepper香煎鴨肝 · 紅菜頭 · 煙燻鰻魚 · 塔斯曼尼亞胡椒鴨肝上放上煙燻鰻魚跟核桃粒•Velouté de Petits PoisGreen pea velouté, veal sweetbread, trumpet mushroom青豆濃湯 · 小牛胸腺 · 黑喇叭菌湯的味道不會富草青味,較像一般蔬菜湯中間的那個是「Veal sweetbread」(小牛胸腺),原來是小牛的腺體,吃起來沒有腥味,口感帶韌,很特別-Main主菜的部分蠻好,同桌友人則覺得調味較鹹個人最喜歡【黑豚柳】跟【帶子】;而【鱈魚】口感則有點過老.Noix de Saint-Jacques d’Hokkaido (+$288)Pan-seared Hokkaido scallops, Ravirai Transmontanus caviar, wild garlic, cauliflower, hazelnut北海道帶子 · 法國特級魚子醬 · 椰菜花 · 野蒜 · 榛子•Filet Mignon de Porc de KurobutaKurobuta pork tenderloin, Barigoule artichokes, Smoked Alsatian bacon, Pommery whole grain mustard黑豚柳 · 雅枝竹 · 煙燻豬腩肉 · 法國芥末籽•Dos de Cabillaud au Chorizo IbériqueFrench Coast cod fish with Iberico chorizo, Spelt risotto, Saffran foam法國鱈魚 · 黑毛豬辣肉腸 · 小麥米 · 藏紅花泡沫•Suprême de Poulet Jaune FrançaisFrench corn fed yellow chicken, Green asparagus, morels, Yellow wine法國粟飼黃雞胸 · 青蘆筍 · 羊肚菌 · 黃酒-Dessert甜品的部分蠻有驚喜,【Coffee sensation】滿滿咖啡香;【檸檬撻】清新,配上薑味雪糕跟薑汁,好喜歡~.Sensation au café Diesel DorffDiesel Dorff coffee sensation, Mascarpone Espuma, Caramelised walnut ice cream危地馬拉咖啡 · 意大利芝士泡沫 · 焦糖合桃雪糕•Tarte au Citron MeringuéeLemon meringue tart, Ginger ice cream, Ginger lemon sauce檸檬馬令撻 · 薑味雪糕 · 檸檬薑汁-Petit foursBlueberry financierVanilla chocolateChampagne chocolate最後吃吃甜品小點、喝喝咖啡或茶,完整了滿足的一餐~-〔 Follow me! ♥︎ 〕 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
This Michelin 1-star French restaurant is located in The Peninsula, with a long history serving fine cuisine and good wines for more than 66 years. It is with great anticipation we return tonight, since my last visit was 2020, going up from the shopping mall of the hotel using the old-style elevator dedicated to the restaurant.The décor has not changed, with a grand design showcasing plenty of chandeliers, velvety carpet and spacious tables, with the Christmas decorations providing a festive ambience for the diners. The live band playing music on the background further adds to the wonders of the restaurant, with the lead singer’s amazing voice weaving a magical atmosphere.I start off with an aperitif of Champagne Helene Beaugrand Le Grand Carre Blanc de Blancs ($380), aged in cellar for at least 36 months before disgorging, from a small producer in Ay. The wine is crisp, with good acidity and vibrancy, fresh and with good fruitiness.We order the 6-Course Festive Degustation Menu ($2,488 each), with also the Prestige Wine Pairing ($1,688). Soon the staff serves us some welcoming canapes. The Cheese Puffs are airy and light, with rich cheese flavours though not feeling heavy on palate. Great together with the champagne.Another canape is Red Cabbage Macaron, with Red Cabbage Marmalade on top, Beef Consomme Jelly in middle, sprinkled with some Parmesan cheese crumbs. The other piece is also delicious in taste, with a bit more savoury element. Great snacks to start our meal.Then the staff brings us the bread basket, with different types of freshly baked breads to choose from. We both end up picking the brioche and baguette, with the brioche buttery and soft, while the baguette having good crunchiness. There is also a sourdough to share, with homemade butter and chili-flavoured butter to go along. The breads are really good and I have to restrain myself from eating too many before the start of dinner.The Amuse Bouche has Onion Mousse on the bottom layer, Potato Crisps and Langoustine Jelly in the middle layer, with a Sea Urchin Foam and some Caviar on top. Each spoon to the bottom provides a feast of delights in flavours, with the umami of the jelly and the foam matching well, while the mousse and crisps showcasing different texture. A really nice starter.The first wine is Georg Breuer Berg Rottland 2019, a biodynamic Riesling from Rheingau. With great minerality, very aromatic and refreshing apricot notes, the grapes come from the best vineyard of the producer, the grand cru of Rottland. Perfect match with the blue lobster.The first course is Le Homard Bleu de Bretagne. The Brittany Blue Lobster salad is under a sheet of lobster jelly, with some fennel puree on the bottom. On the top is Kaviari Kristal Caviar, and with some sea herbs on the side to give extra layer of fragrance. The delicate sweet blue lobster is truly phenomenal in taste. Wonderful.The second wine is Hospices de Beaune Beaune 1er Cru Cuvee Rousseau-Deslandes 2018. Auction every year for charity, this barrel has been purchased by the hotel, with a nice mix of red and black fruit, lively and appealing on the nose. Good match with the black truffle.The second course is Raviole de Foie Gras a la Truffe Noire du Perigord. The Raviolo is paired with some finely chopped Root Vegetables to give a good bite, with the creamy Foie Gras inside. The Duck Consomme is a good match with the foie gras, and the shaved Perigord Black Truffle further adds to the fragrance with an earthy note. Another wonderful dish.The third wine is Chateau de Meursault Meursault-Perrieres 2020. The wine has nice minerality, creamy and buttery on the nose, with good citrus and white flowers characters. A very balanced wine perfect for the seabass and other types of seafood.The third course is Bar de Ligne des Cotes Francaises. The slow cooked Line-caught Seabass is very soft and moist, with some Confit Potatoes and Calamari on the side. The chef has used Bouillabaisse to prepare a sauce together with Harissa, a type of Tunisian hot chili to give some spicy kick. Creative choice of ingredients to make the dish memorable.Before going to the main course, we are served a Sorbet, featuring green apple from Normandy, and blended with some basil and wasabi to increase the complexity in taste. Finally, some apple brandy Calvados is poured in to give a bit of a kick on the alcohol. Refreshing.The fourth wine is Chateau Rauzan-Segla 2000. From a great vintage, the Margaux GCC has nice blackcurrant and minerality, showing wonderful development of tobacco and cedar. The layered texture, medium-bodied wine is drinking at its peak now with good elegance and power. Perfect with the roe deer.The fourth course is Chevreuil de Chez Rhug Estate (additional $288 each). The lean Rhug Estate Roe Deer loin is cooked to medium rare, very juicy and tender, with the surface having a crust made from Peanuts and herbs. On the side are Parsnips in different Textures, with also the Grand Veneur Sauce very rich and flavourful. My favourite dish in the evening.To pair with the cheese, I have an additional glass of wine, with the sommelier helping to pick Quinta do Noval Vintage Port 2011 ($380). Instead of overpowering alcohol, this port shows good delicate purity and fresh precision of fruit, with interesting floral notes as well. An additional course I picked is the French Cheese Selection and Condiments ($140 supplement). The staff pushes the cheese cart to show the different types of cheese available, and I end up picking three types. The blue cheese is very salty, while the Comte 24 months is quite nice. The best among the three is the Auvergne, with a silky and creamy texture.To match with the desserts, the last wine pairing is Chateau Suduiraut Crème de Tete 1989. The final release of this cuvee, the wine is sweet but very well balanced with good acidity, with orange peel and grapefruit, beeswax and honeysuckle blowing away. Great wine to go with the two desserts.The first dessert is Crème Glacee, featuring an Eggnog Emulsion on a Milk Ice Cream, with a touch of Chinese five spice. Making use of the signature cocktail of the season in this dessert is a clever way to build the festive element into the menu, and the five spices help to provide extra dimensions in flavours to the dessert.  The second dessert is Ganache a la Crème de Cassis, with Blackcurrant Cream Ganache inside the Cinnamon Sponge, topped with Light 33% Chocolate Mousse, with a cassis sauce to go with the cake. The balance of the acidity of the cassis with the sweetness of the ganache and mousse is perfect, making the dessert good in sweetness but not cloying or overbearing. A wonderful finale.I have a cup of Coffee to go with the Petits Fours, which include Lemon Eclairs, Cassis Turkish Delights, and Champagne Chocolate. All the three are tasty and goes well with the coffee, with my pick going for the eclairs. A contented dinner with good food, good wine, and good service.The service of Peninsula is reputable, and here it is demonstrated with the staff attentive and courteous. The atmosphere is simply superb, and the live band with the amazing songs helps to make the night even more magical. The bill is $9,203 and it is one of the best fine dining restaurants in Hong Kong in my opinion. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
今年揀左半島既米芝蓮一星法國菜黎慶祝生日,老牌酒店服務態度從來冇得挑剔。環境裝修充滿法國氣息,座位寬敞舒服,餐廳中間水晶燈加左好多分,現場仲有live band,女歌手唱得好好聽👍🏻食物方面都好有驚喜,大廚好鍾意將食物啫喱化,啱晒我口感😋法國白鴿最有驚喜,好嫩滑好香!約會、求婚同慶祝生日嘅好地方❤️-6 Courses $2488Sommelier's Selection -Langoustines des Cites EcossaisesScottish Langoustines, Kaviari Kristal Caviar; Fennel Cooked in a Seaweed Crust, Dashi Consommé蘇格蘭海繁蝦、特級魚子醬、大茴香、昆布消湯-Langue de lean de Lait du LimousinMilk-Fed Limousin Veal Tongue, Sandy Carrots, Gherkin Gelée, Pine Seed Pesto, Sauce Piquante法國乳飼牛舌、沙甘筍、酸青瓜、青醬、法式酸辣汁-Bar de Ligne de Pelite PecheLine-Caught Sea Bass, Hispi Cabbage, Hokkaido Sea Urchin, Deutz Champagne Beurre Blanc線釣海鱸魚、卷心菜、海膽、香檳牛油汁-Pigeon de la Maison MieralRoasted Miéral Pigeon, Parsnips in different Textures, Peanuts法國白鴿、白甘筍、花生orFile de Buf As de KagoshimaA5 Kagoshima Beef Tenderloin, Textures of Beetroot, Walnuts Condiment, Smoked Eel鹿兒島 A5 和牛柳、紅菜頭、合桃、煙燻鰻魚Supplement 另加 288-Raviole de MandarineMandarine ravioli, Champagne emulsion柑橘雲吞、香檳泡沫-Phuflea Glacolat d Pwe de SonhaChocolate and Tonka Bean Souffé, William Pear Ice Cream朱古力零陵香豆疏乎厘、威廉梨酒雪糕-Coffee or Proprietary Peninsula Teas and Petits Fours咖啡、半島精選名茶或香草茶,法式小點 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
我會形容Gaddi’s係一間充滿宮廷華麗feel、帶着滿滿儀式感嘅法式餐廳, 由服務及食物質素,以至照顧埋你去洗手間,每一樣都做到極致,好感謝餐廳每一位嘅細心服務👏🏻👏🏻坐低一陣,先嚟一籃芝士泡芙,放上枱嘅一刻已經聞到香噴噴嘅芝士, 同朋友一件一件咁食,就係咁我哋開動了🍽️上菜之前又點少得麵包呢? 麵包固然好吃,我更鍾意點包用嘅油,食落唔似一般牛油,又好似有啲鴨油嘅感覺,唔理啦,總之好香🤪前菜係龍蝦魚子醬沙律配蘆筍雲呢拿忌廉、清湯啫喱。以為九唔搭八嘅食材,估唔到食落去又幾和諧主菜揀咗魔鬼魚鰭配法式蔬菜tart同埋燒青椒,擺盤精緻,足見廚師們的功架。呢個魔鬼魚結實得黎又有啲彈彈地甜品揀咗我最期待嘅signature橙酒疏乎厘配雪葩,一啖啖橙香蛋香毫不收斂地散到每一個味蕾,我完全沉浸喺呢場如夢似幻嘅美夢🤣疏乎厘再度攻陷我嘅心,love it ❤️ 好快嚟到最後嘅petit four 快樂嘅時光過得特別快,不知不覺食咗3個鐘🤣 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)