Exit B3, Exhibition Centre MTR Station continue reading
Grissini commands panoramic views of Victoria Harbour and adopts a contemporary interior design, providing a relaxed and casual atmosphere for guests to enjoy authentic Italian cuisine. The signature grissini breadsticks are served during lunch and dinner accompanied by fragrant extra-virgin olive oil and house-blended balsamic glaze. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Wed
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:00
Thu - Fri
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 20:00
20:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 14:00
18:00 - 20:00
20:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 14:15
18:00 - 20:00
20:30 - 22:00
** Mon to Fri, only serve lunch set menu and a la carte menu not available. Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays serving brunch set menu ($780), 11:30 to 14: 00, *A la carte menu not available
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Vitello Tonnato, slow cooked veal loin, tuna sauce Yellowtail carpaccio, artichokes, anchovie colatur Saffron pappardelle, wild boar ragout, rapini leaf Roman clay pot baked local yellow chicken, mushroo
Review (176)
曾經本豬問過唔同人全港最好食嘅tiramisu喺邊🇮🇹有幾個人不約而同地答Grissini所以今日專程嚟試=͟͟͞͞ʕ•̫͡ ·ʔ=͟͟͞͞ʕ•̫͡ ·ʔ=͟͟͞͞ʕ•̫͡ ·ʔ餐廳環境好望到哂ifc icc不在話下仲要每一道菜都好好味.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ✧ Sparkling water ($30/pp)雖然有飲開嘅san pellegrini有氣水🍾但今次俾呢個shui吸引到💧係佢哋house特有之餘仲可以free flow不斷refill可以一路食一路暢飲ꉂꉂ꒰•̤▿•̤*ૢ꒱✧ Complimentary Breadstick 唔似平時嘅一片片sourdough呢度嘅包係長條形嗰種🥖熱嗰陣鬆軟 但cool down咗就易啲啪開食~標準配備olive oil & vinegar✧ 24 month aged Prosciutto di Parma ($180)好耐冇食過覺得好正嘅parma ham •͈౿•͈ !呢個夠咸得嚟仲要好腍切得夠薄易啲入口餐廳建議可以試下wrap住個包嚟食✧ Bottoni de Bufala ($280)Bottoni一直係本豬好喜歡嘅pasta type !可愛嘅圓形意粉入面包住cheese🧀食落唔會好漏的🔘Toppings脆脆體好似之前食拉麵嗰啲牛蒡haha✧ Tagliatelle all’uovo ($580)喺Seasonal Black Truffle Menu入面揀嘅~大家睇下片中侍應刨truffle嘅手勢 ̊ଳ ̊係起勢咁刨刨足20秒⏰震驚咗本豬覺得值返哂呀!不過食落pasta雖然好足蛋香但係食落覺得有啲硬🍝✧ Pan fried Seabass ($540)可能係本豬食過最好食嘅seabass個肉質唔老之餘🐟仲要醃得非常入味🧂味道肉質都兼顧到嘅真係唔多✧ Roasted Lamb Loin ($450)唔算係食過最好食嘅羊但絕對唔差🐑而且留返少少皮連帶煎得好夠油香🤏🏻✧ Tiramisu ($120)全晚重心 好食到拍哂手(୨୧• ᴗ •͈)◞︎ ♡首先用大大隻羹好豪邁咁舀已經滿足咗視覺(and心靈)味道方面本豬覺得最特別嘅位係啲mascarpone cheese打得好綿密個口感就好似溶咗嘅棉花糖咁泡泡感之餘又唔會話好似冇食過咁🫧另外個蛋糕都好重酒味被譽為全港第一當之無愧🥇✧ Pannacotta al Pistachio ($140)冇諗過panna cotta都可以做得咁重開心果味💚本身以為係奶/糖味為主不過面頭嘅mandarin gel反而唔係太夾酸味同nuts味唔係太襯如果就咁serve個panna cotta應該仲正✧ Sorbetti e Gelati — Pistachio ($60)Toppings嘅開心果品種好特別係全綠色外皮但老實說冇平時啲開心果咁香然後gelato好滑冇咩奶粉味|ૂ•ᴗ•⸝⸝)開心果味好真好香nuts味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
在香港高級西餐廳未進入百花齊放的年代,當年其中一間既好食又不嚴重Formal的餐廳,一定要數到在君悅酒店的Grissini。想當年,我認為這是香港數一數二的意大利餐廳。雖然是位於5星級酒店,但能夠多年來保持餐廳質素,面對種種不同的因素,可能是換廚師、換管理者、換方向等等,加上外在因素面對更多後起的對手,實在非常不簡單。最近再次踏足Grissini,這地方獨有的輕奢氣派不減當年,更多了一做親和力,比以前更加welcoming。餐廳名字是Grissini,當然其Grissini Bread是最負責盛名的。一別多年,我真心覺得他們現在的Grissini Bread比以前更好味!雖然我不吃牛肉,都要推介他們的頭盤薄切牛仔肉,一定回味!這裡一向出名墨汁意粉,但就不是我慣常的選擇,因為唔想食到成口黑晒。不同的意大利麵出品都有好水準,而我最鍾情是他們的Tiramisu,他們不是一杯一杯上,而是Tiramisu用一大個容器裝滿,到枱前才𢳂一大份給你。若然你夠大胃口,對著服務員說聲 "May I get more?" 他們一定會滿足你的要求! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-22
Grissini at the Grand Hyatt certainly lives up to its reputation as one of Hong Kong's best Italian restaurants. Warm and Fluffy Breadsticks: The star of the show is undoubtedly the homemade breadsticks. Served warm, they are incredibly soft and fluffy. Dipping them in the accompanying olive oil and vinegar is a classic and satisfying start to the meal.Prosciutto Perfection: The 24-month aged Prosciutto di Parma is a must-try. Its saltiness is perfectly balanced, and the thin slices practically melt in your mouth. Wrapping it around the breadsticks, as suggested by the restaurant, is a delightful combination.Pasta and Risotto: The homemade saffron pappardelle with wild boar ragout and rapini leaf is a flavorful and satisfying dish. The Carnaroli rice with Jerusalem artichoke, sea asparagus, and hazelnut offers a unique twist. While hazelnut in risotto might not be for everyone, it adds an interesting texture and subtle nutty flavor.Tiramisu Triumph: The tiramisu is a showstopper, both visually and in taste. Scooping into it with a large spoon is a satisfying experience. The mascarpone cheese is incredibly smooth and airy, like melted marshmallow. The cake is also generously soaked in liqueur, making it a truly decadent dessert. It's no wonder it's considered one of the best in Hong Kong!A Special Celebration: We were celebrating a friend's special occasion, and the staff at Grissini went above and beyond to make it memorable. They kindly prepared a cake for us, adding a personal touch to our evening.Overall: Grissini delivers a fantastic Italian dining experience. From the warm breadsticks to the exquisite tiramisu, every dish is crafted with care and high-quality ingredients. The staff's attentiveness and kindness further elevated our experience. It's definitely a place worth visiting for a special occasion or a delicious Italian meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
❀┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈生日約會之選✨包控不能錯過的Grissini麵包條-生日二訪君悅酒店的意大利餐廳「Grissini」,以人氣的麵包條及酒控必試的提拉米蘇聞名。grissini一詞是指新鮮出爐的麵包條,也是意大利南部的傳統美食🤍。-餐廳走輕鬆寫意的用餐環境,沒有那麼拘謹,平日中午也有不少商業聚餐呢~┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 𐂐 ⠜3 Course Set Lunch (inclusive of coffee or tea) $520 店員會先放下餐包,我地一人食左3條。一定要趁熱享用,外脆內煙韌的口感十分好嚼🤤,沾上橄欖油醋簡直係畫龍點睛,我會稱佢為全港最好食麵包之一!-𓎩 Burrata,Pomodori,Basilico (8/10)Burrata from andria,panzanella emulsion,roasted cherry tomato,basil 𓎩 Battuta Di Manzo (8/10)Beef tartare,buffalo milk yogurt,oscietra caviar,chicken consommé jelly (additional 130)這裡的burrata cheese很不錯,酸酸甜甜的蕃茄很醒胃,一碟仲有幾款蕃茄。另一款加錢試了牛肉他他,表面放了caviar作點綴,高級感up!他他愈嚼愈香,還有鹹香的雞肉湯果凍,有助提升鮮味😋。-𓎩 Spaghetti All’Astice (7/10)Shaghetti,atlantic lobster ,piennolo tomato ,basil (additional 150)𓎩 Tricorno Di Wagyu (7.5/10)Grilled Wagyu top blade,cardoncelli mushroom,roasted pumpkin,pickled tropea onion (additional 90)龍蝦意粉要加錢不太推薦,龍蝦味不算濃烈,重點意粉非煙韌口感,入口好硬感覺似未熟透🥲。男友的和牛則中規中矩,牛肉肉感強香氣濃厚,比較鍾意配菜的南瓜蓉,又甜又creamy❣️-𓎩 Tiramisù all’amaretto (9/10)Espresso coffee,ladyfinger biscuit,mascarpone,amaretto liqueur𓎩 Sorbetti e gelati (8/10)Mascato,lemon,chocolate,pistachio,hazelnut,vanilla 當見到侍應捧着一大碗Tiramisu真係好興奮🤩!這裡用的是杏仁酒,酒味比咖啡味強烈,好適合酒控。手指餅濕潤度恰到好處,係幸福既味道🥰。Gelato有我最愛的開心果味當然要試試佢,口感幼滑開心果味濃,有驚喜~而mascato就一般,不過雪芭口感透心涼。┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-11
平日的下午到訪Grand Hyatt的Grissini,為朋友慶祝。Grissini 點好餐後,侍應會捧著一籃Grissini,直接放在餐枱上。麵包條新鮮出爐,熱烘烘的,一上枱已散發出誘人的麵包香。一咬下去,外皮極之酥脆,內裡煙韌柔軟,好吃得不得了,真不愧是餐廳的名物!雖然侍應有供應橄欖油和醋,不過我更喜歡什麼都不點,純粹地享受它濃郁的麵粉香。麵包看似大大條,但質地輕盈,一個人幹掉一條也不會太大負擔;雖說如此,之後還有主菜和甜品,得忍口不要吃第二條,免得太快填飽肚子🤣BURRATA, POMODORI, BASILICO | Burrata from Andria, panzanella emulsion, roasted cherry tomato, basil賣相賞心悅目,burrata 質地柔滑,creamy而奶香濃郁。番茄有三種,新鮮的番茄甜得像水果一樣,焗過的番茄味更濃縮。Panzanella emulsion (橙色的醬汁)是番茄和洋蔥的精華,酸酸甜甜的;綠色的basil油清香提鮮,用來點麵包也很好吃。VITELLO TONNATO | Roasted milk fed veal, tuna sauce, caper leaf小牛肉非常嫩滑,牛味不濃。吞拿魚蛋黃醬稍嫌過份濃厚,和小牛肉一起吃會蓋過輕淡的牛肉味;加上醬的量多,作為頭盤,全吃光會太膩,如能加強醬的酸味會更開胃。LOMBO DI AGNELLO, FAGIOLINI, CAROTE | Roasted lamb loin, string bean, bitter carrot emulsion香烤羊里脊肉烤的火喉剛剛好,中間還保持著誘人的粉紅色。羊里脊肉表面煎得香口,肉質柔軟,嫩滑多汁,啖啖都散發出濃而不羶的羊肉香,嚐羊的必點!羊肉表面已灑上粗鹽,不用點任何醬汁已經夠滋味。配菜也是一絕,小甘荀烤得很透,質地變得非常綿密,味道甘甜,連綠色的莖葉部分也烤得酥脆好吃。只得一條還真有點不夠喉呢。橙色的bitter carrot emulsion 帶柑橘類的果香,配羊肉或法邊豆都好吃。因為羊肉本身已夠味,青豆蓉中的gravy是用不著了。MILLEFOGLIE ALL'AMARENA | Puff pastry, Madagascar vanilla, Italian chantilly, amarena cherry千層酥賣相相當漂亮,想不到還配上雪糕。酥皮牛油香氣十足,非常酥脆,面層有焦糖化,所以味道偏甜。以酥香度和層次感來說,酥皮還是帝苑酒店的優勝,不過這也非常高質。可惜這道甜品最出色的就是酥皮,其餘的部分都一般般:酥皮之間的chantilly cream 質地順滑,和伴碟的雪糕一樣帶有粒粒雲呢拿籽,但兩者的味道都偏淡,口感也類似,對牛油香濃郁的酥皮沒有加分的作用;而放面的糖漬車厘子實在吃不慣(有藥水味)。建議甜品都是試招牌的tiramisu較好。TIRAMISÙ ALL’AMARETTO | Espresso coffee, ladyfinger biscuit, mascarpone, Amaretto liqueurTiramisu是Grissini的招牌甜品!侍應會捧著一深碗的tiramisu到你枱前,當場挖一大匙的tiramisu給你,畫面非常治癒。因爲當天是為朋友慶祝,侍應特地額外多給一點tiramisu給叫了千層酥的朋友,讓她也嚐嚐這道甜品。Tiramisu 的mascarpone打發得幼滑輕盈,入口輕輕的化開,好吃極了。用夠深的碗做tiramisu有優勝之處,就是ladyfingers可以舖兩層,令整體口感更豐富。ladyfingers 浸滿了espresso和杏仁酒,咖啡味、酒香和甜度的比例恰到好處,而且和mascarpone cream的味道已融和起來;tiramisu是需要時間「休息」的甜品,新鮮即做好的tiramisu雖然也好吃,但經放置一段時間,咖啡、酒香和mascarpone的味道互相滲透、融合,味道變得更圓潤,不會像在吃兩種分別只有咖啡酒味的ladyfingers和只帶奶香的mascarpone。伴咖啡的小點心杏仁餅和榛子朱古力,杏仁餅口感似光酥餅,味道偏甜。在埋單時,侍應送了一份精美的檸檬曲奇給朋友,這種小小的舉動非常貼心。雖然這次負責我們枱的侍應稍有不足之處,例如落單後忘了吩咐同事給我們上麵包條,要我們主動問他;另外在吃過麵包後,枱面上留下的麵包碎沒有清走便開始擺主菜的刀叉,要自己提出他才清理麵包碎。不過整體來說餐點高質,用餐體驗愉快,值得在慶祝時再訪。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)