Exit D, Kwai Fong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (7)
This restaurant serves signature Takoyaki. The flavors are black truffle, crab cream, sakura shrimps, and honey mustard. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
12:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
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Eco-Friendly Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (363)
📍章魚無雙🐙去完大阪食過好多章魚燒,好多都太淋都係最鍾意香港呢一間,做到外脆內軟👍🏻Sauce又香又正,中間又足料👍🏻係每一粒入面都會有章魚粒🐙分佈好平均明太子章魚燒🐙(6/8粒)明太子醬係比得一啲都唔手軟正常叫一隻味佢係會再額外加沙律醬但係因為怕肥所以叫走沙律醬😂你見到明太子醬係Cover晒每一粒章魚燒🐙所以食落覺得明太子好有咸香So good🤤雙併都係加兩蚊,下次要試埋其他味🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🐙Black Truffle Takoyaki 真·黑松露章魚燒: Satisfying with the filling. Very flavourful with the black truffle sauce. However, the sauce and the Takoyaki can achieve a better balance. The truffle flavours were a bit too strong and took over the Takoyaki flavours. It would be better if there was less sauce.Interesting to see Takoyaki with different flavours. However, I still prefer Takoyaki in original flavour. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
無論喺旺中或者葵芳,見到真 章要無雙,都會忍唔住買嚟食。比起其他嘅章魚燒店,佢哋嘅章魚燒大大粒,而且真係有大粒章魚係餡入面。章魚燒食落一啲都唔粉,餡料軟硬程度恰到好處。非常推薦🩷 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
真‧蜜糖芥末章魚燒8粒 $38黎到葵廣逛街,有點肚餓就去咗掃街。掃街必吃的小食必定有章魚燒份,依間有超過14款口味可選擇,比如招牌大阪風、日式咖喱、明太子、黑松露等等口味,口味真喺好多。粒數上可以揀6粒或者8粒,而且每份章魚燒都是即叫即燒,所以拎上手係熱辣辣。今次我就叫咗蜜糖芥末章魚燒,大約等咗10分鐘左右。每粒章魚燒入面都有大大粒章魚,面層淋上濃郁蜜糖芥末醬,蜜糖芥末醬唔太辣帶一點甜甜,口感柔潤帶點嚼勁,足料好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-11
日期: 星期五5:00等候:4分鐘環境/服務:不評價,葵廣外賣店 大家都明食物: 黑松露章魚燒$36我都受廣大食評讚賞和KOL 推介,經過葵廣 特登去試下。當日平日,無咩人等候,都只兩三人買,好快有得食。即場在旁邊食,諗住趁熱,但非我預期燙口,心都只是微熱,暖暖咁,拎上手都好香,嗅到黑松露味好重,八爪魚的確好足料,兩大粒。但我覺得不夠熱,而表皮沒有燒得脆口,八爪魚仲有少少雪味….純粹靠醬汁味道,都不能遮蓋雪味。 可能不是我杯茶……總結:價錢不算便宜,不是堂食,味道不算好好味,未必會再試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)