港鐵銅鑼灣站 F1 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
15:00 - 19:00
15:00 - 19:00
12:00 - 19:00
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日本宇治抹茶 洛神花茶 二零零六年易武青餅
食評 (40)
等級4 2023-01-05
704 瀏覽
Right in the middle of Causeway Bay’s busy shopping district, @bousen.teahouse feels like a world away with its zen-like aesthetics and impressive collection of Japanese teaware for sale. There are mainly 3 types of premium tea available for tasting - raw (sheng) pu'er, ripe (shou) pu'er and white tea. We opted for a Chinese white tea, which has a smoother and milder taste, making it more enjoyable for the common palate. Just like fine wine, the menu lists the name of the tea and year of production. The one we chose was called “The Smiling Proud Wanderer”, taking reference to the classic martial arts novel and a play on words for the year of the dog (2018). A mixture of aged and raw tea leaves, the light vegetal flavour is more unique and complex, and we especially enjoyed how the sweet aftertaste was more noticeable after the second brew. It was also super mesmerising to watch the tea master prepare the tea right in front of us: first using a tea knife to pry up the tea disc and measuring out 5-8 grams, then warming up the clay tea pot with one round of hot water and finally brewing the tea for around 10 seconds. P.S. They only offer some light snacks, so would recommend visiting when you’re not hungry 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2022-12-04
379 瀏覽
Went to a tea shop in causeway bay today, the tea room is decorated in a Japanese style to make you feel like you are in Kyoto. The teapots are made from the iron of Kyoto which is so dedicated. There are different types of tea such as puer, aged puer and white tea etc. You could ask for recommendation that suit your preference I chose a white tea. Floral taste with a hint of jasmine. Pleasure to drink. rhe tea is in high quality. yoy may have thre chance to make the tea by youself. that is a good experince to escape from the busy days 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-11-30
656 瀏覽
對於「三回」這件事,曾聽過兩種說法。當日在 @忘筌茶室,又再遇上第三種解讀。 / 普洱茶,泡上三回才能品出箇中滋味 /套畫中簡介的一句話—— 那份厚重苦澀,也會隨著一次次沖泡而變成柔柔的甜,恰如人生,苦盡甘來。來這邊品茶,先映入眼簾的是琳瑯滿目的精品鑄鐵茶壼,捉著店員稍稍了解,才知悉當中有很多都是明治時期鑄造的珍品,所以說這邊也是個茶壼收藏館。至於品茶選擇也很多,只能講出白茶、綠茶及黑茶,「冰島龍珠……?是Iceland 出產嘅茶葉?」「冰島是中國一個出產茶葉嘅地方。」乾笑兩聲,明顯技窮獻醜了,幸好有店員詳細介紹。悠悠音樂奏起,從menu中選好想喝的茶葉,便可以自己動手泡起來。沏茶同樣會用上店內珍品級的茶壼來燒壼滾水;黑茶用鑄鐵茶壼而白茶則用銀茶壼。我選的是冰島龍珠,用的便是鑄鐵茶壼,從十秒至半分鐘,依個人對濃淡的喜好去拿捏時間。然後便是留給品茶的時光,靜靜地一口茶一頁書。結語,想靜心自己茶葉自己泡,這邊真是不錯的選擇,亦有很多或名貴或稀有的茶葉可以選擇,喝過便知道,茶又是一門博大精深的學問。然後又暗自苦惱,學問太多,時間太少。好學的人,果然需時常勉勵自己要孜孜不倦。‑ ‒ – 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-11-30
259 瀏覽
| 筌 | 取魚竹器| 忘筌 |「筌之所以在魚,得魚而忘筌。言之所以在意,得意而忘言。」 《莊子·外物》— 意指成 功後就忘了本來依靠的手段或憑藉物。| 忘筌茶室 | 前身為位於崇光百貨的鐵壺軒,是售賣日本茶道具專門店。即使搬遷到的白沙道,茶室仍以日本京都的老鐵壺為主, 店主想強調茶具的重要,故此名為忘筌茶室。茶室走日系風格,前廳清寂、正廳雅緻、後廳憩靜。品茶能悠閒,但泡茶要講究認真。鐵壺沸點較高,所煮沸的水溫度更高,更有效釋放茶葉內的物質(尤其是普洱茶),能提升茶的香氣,而且更醇厚甘甜。我點的白茶笑嗷江湖芳香甜潤,泡茶的時間只需十秒。你可於店主沖泡第一回後,靜靜享受個人的品茶時刻。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Nestled in the crowded concrete jungle, this teahouse l is like an oasis in desert that offers a peaceful environment 🧘🏼‍♂️ for tea lover to sip some quality tea. They offer a wide selection of Puer tea that suits the newbie like me 😉I tried an aged raw Puer tea called 易武 2006. It was so silky in texture unlike young raw Puer tea that its tannin has been tamed by the time. It was mild in taste with very nice wood aroma and sweet aftertaste🍃The taste changed a bit from various brews while it intensified in the middle. They also offered some snacks to pairing with so that you could try how the tea change and react to other flavour 👀It was a very interesting tasting journey like wine or coffee. The tea master here was very friendly and professional that guided us step to step to appreciate and enjoy the tea💪🏼 It was an eye-opening and pleasant experience. If you like tea or would love to try something new like me, this hearty teahouse is definitely your pick👍🏼 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)