10:30 - 20:00
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食評 (23)
等級4 2011-09-06
678 瀏覽
雲吞麵需然細碗,雲吞也細粒,但皮薄涵靚都幾好味。湯底一般不太油膩,麵的韌度適中不難咬。蜆介鯪魚球,夠新鮮熱辣,蜆介不腥好味。一般茶餐廳環境,坐位舒適環境尚算清潔,茶餐廳式服務。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-06-21
451 瀏覽
在上環考完試後很疲累,想食一頓好的慰勞一下自己,上openrice尋找一輪,最後決定要去食出名的麥奀記雲吞麵!初時很擔心這類‘名店’,尤其在星期六要排好耐隊,哪知道去到店內‘吉吉如也’,大大的店只有兩檯客人,基本上任坐的樣子。我隨便找了個卡位坐下,再望下餐牌的價錢,感覺似乎都幾貴,不過難得經過呢頭,豪一次又如何呢!因為沒什麼胃口,所以點了個簡單清爽的蝦子撈麵。先試一口撈麵,蝦子滿滿地覆蓋在麵上,賣相不錯;但味道令人很失望,麵條雖然沒有我最討厭的鹼水味,質感卻是黏糊糊的,尤其是底層那堆,被豬油黏成一餅餅,感覺都有點嘔心;至於蝦子,味道也沒什麼特別,咸咸地卻不夠香口。幸好那碗大地魚湯味道不錯,充滿濃郁的咸鮮味,而且一點也不腥。食完撈麵後不算太飽,原本是打算試多碗淨雲吞的,但在這麼著名的店舖,撈麵卻是如此質素,確實有點駭人,試一次已經很足夠了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2010-08-16
250 瀏覽
7pm - Just finished meeting, looking for PCCW to reconnect my WIFI and saw this branch of Mak's Noodles. I once promised myself that I'd never not go into a Mak's if I see one.7:05pm - Ordered the noodles with wonton. I like their relatively small portions with, from my point of view, perfect ratio of noodles to soup to wonton.7:15pm - Really satisfied... the lady at the cashier told me to come back with my friends. I will.She also told me about their branch in Richmond B.C.Will try that too if I ever go to Vancouver. 繼續閱讀
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I usually visit the 永吉 Street store as its more accessible to me, even though that isn't impressive in many ways. One day, I walked a little further to the western end of town than I normally would and walked into this shop for some noodles,埔魚撈麵 - The noodles were above-average but not exceptional. It lacked a bit of eggy taste but the texture was great in that it was 'uneven' in the strands like hand made pasta. I believe this is hand-beaten still? Not certain.The Dried Fish Floss was really good, it wasn't bitter but it was really aromatic, more so than the one at Yeung's Noodles (which I've been twice). Surprisingly it also seemed better than the 永吉 忠記. The soup was way better as well. It has a very strong flavour from the roasty 埔魚, also a bit of Shrimp Roe as well as likely chicken or pork broth taste, but all of which was overwhelmed by the fish part. I didn't mind as it was really enjoyable despite being a bit pungent and 1 dimensional as a result. Wontons Plain - The wontons are more prawns than pork, but the wonton skin was slightly over-boiled. It reminds me of HK style 'specialty shop' wontons in general rather than the more porky ones in lesser HK wonton noodles or the Macanese wonton shops.Its above-average but not impressive.Wonton Noodles -The Soup base is slightly weaker than the one which came with above 甫魚撈麵 - this is expected but was still quite good. Usually the 撈麵 has a stronger broth - some people dip these noodles into that strong soup before consuming, but nowadays its not as 'popular' as an eating method in Hong Kong (I think?). Its not dissimilar to eating cold/hot Japanese Soba with dipping tsuyu.The noodles in the wet soup rather than in the dry noodles dish was ok-good, it wasn't artificially too crunchy but chewy nonetheless. It lacked a bit of desired wheat or eggs taste though. Overall I still enjoyed its slightly irregular noodle strands but I like the original Mak's Noodles' noodle a bit more.*******************************Overall, I was initially quite shocked that the quality of the noodles, especially the 'soup base' here was so much different to the 永吉 version. I can tell because I've eaten that quite a few times and compared to my first time to here, I picked it up right away.The shop lady actually asked me whether I liked the version here or at their other outlet and I said there was a fairly big difference. She then proceeded to tell me that even though the wontons are the same, the soup base in both shops are completely different. They use much better quality products to make the soup here, plus I also thought the noodles cooking timing is better too. The price difference between the two is also very obvious, its much more expensive at this outlet barely 500m away !!! Overall, I must say I really enjoyed the Wonton Noodles here, especially its soup base. Its DIFFERENT from say the original Mak's and Chi Kei's and just about anything else - here, the emphasis is on the strong taste of the dried fish floss, you even get a bit of it in solid form at the bottom of the soup bowl! Wontons: '4'Noodles: '3.5'Soupd: '4.5' 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2009-07-24
60 瀏覽
今日好熱,行行下又有點肚餓在麥奀記和隔離舖之爭下...揀了麥奀記阿姐好有禮貌, 好少可麵店會帶埋位,抹埋張檯先叫你坐又無催我落order點了牛腩雲吞麵$41只係得3塊牛腩仔加2粒雲吞, 有點失望因為$41,對於學生來說都叫幾貴...牛腩係好入味,但有少少乾...!雲吞, 第一次食鮮蝦雲吞,入面有兩舊細細地的蝦肉(唔知點解食落去無味)我都係比較喜歡吃有豬肉的雲吞多D下次...應該試下食蝦子撈麵或魚湯米線我見到多OL都食魚湯米線..而且魚湯好香一路食麵時 阿姐一路執檯阿姐真係好勤力,抹得好乾淨!好少餐廳麵店d阿姐會咁清潔 繼續閱讀
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