港鐵中環站 H 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
餐廳設計充滿時尚感,大蝦手工義大利麵及寬扁麵是必試菜式。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮二星餐廳 (2011), 米芝蓮三星餐廳 (2012-24),亞洲50最佳餐廳 (2017-2021)
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Visa Master 現金
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (178)
🍴嗌咗呢間中環米芝蓮餐廳嘅意粉,彷彿都係喺度搵到香港人嘅「家嘅味道」。👌🏼 海膽意粉真係霸氣,滿滿嘅海膽鋪喺頂,咬落去鮮味滿溢,口感都係滑溜溜,令人滿足。佢哋嘅紅蝦意粉都唔錯,蝦膏鮮香得黎,每一啖都有滿足感。黎到牛肩肉,呢個 "Mayura Beef Shoulder" 係Lunch Set嘅一環,肉質香濃而溫潤,刀工鬼馬,每一咬都嚟個滑得喺舌尖滑翻滾。😋而家嘅讚喎就係佢嘅環境同服務,儘管冇啲乜嘢過分華麗嘅裝潢,但都係夠舒適,令人放鬆。職員服務都算貼心,唔會令人尷尬。餐廳過江龍感覺都啱哂呢度多元文化嘅城市,正喎!客人湧湧,好似見証咗佢嘅受歡迎度。總括嚟講,呢間餐廳嘅食物質素真係岩岩好!下次想試下其他佢哋秘製嘅餐點,期待下次再嚟幫襯啦!🍽🥂#米芝蓮美味 #香港飲食 #舌尖上嘅香港 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2023-11-12
3229 瀏覽
Otto is my favorite restaurant in the world in terms of overall experience, winning by a hair, with its most attentive service, intimate venue and celestial food. It might lose by a hair to Single Thread Farm in the food department. The latter is the only one in world restaurant history that won Michelin two stars in its first year and 3 stars before the second year was up. It beats Otto by a hair only for its more diverse selection of dishes, with the owner/chef having trained and worked years in some of the best restaurants in the world, including Fat Duck and Michel Bras having learned Japanese cooking in Hokkaido under a 3-starred French chef and then in UK, assimilating the best of different culinary styles. So if you are one that wants 16 course meal with many different ethnic blessings, you may go for Single Thread, If you are not merely impress with variety alone, but wants simply the best overall dining experience, then you may vote for Otto. I love food, but at the end of the day, the overall experience is most treasured, that’s why Otto is my overall #1. I put my precious dollars where my mouth is. I live in Carmel, blessed with dining at many amazing restaurants in Northern California, including the wine country, so Otto has some fierce competition indeed and to be numero ono in many book is no small feat indeed. I visit Hong Kong twice a year, spending an average three weeks each timeand I dine at Otto at least twice on each of my visit, and that is in the face of the many tempting choices locally.Kudos to the wonderful, unrivaled team both in the back and the front of the house! 繼續閱讀
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#pb食在中環 #pbfinedining系列🍽️ 米芝蓮三星意大利菜 - 中環8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA🇮🇹又到Fine Dining介紹啦❤️ 今年嘅週年紀念男朋友book左呢間我想去好耐好耐嘅米芝蓮三星意大利菜🥰 呢間位於中環歷山大廈嘅意大利餐廳係2010年開幕 開業11個月就拎到米芝蓮二星 然後由2012年開始就摘下米芝蓮三星 一直到依家😍 佢係香港唯一一間意大利餐廳拎到米芝蓮三星 所以真係好高期望🤪 一去到會係Bar Area 之後就係餐廳部分 店內裝修以玻璃、啡色、白色為主 對住文華東方酒店👍🏻.晚市佢有一個Degustation 8 1/2 Menu(5-courses Menu)價錢$2450一位🥰 相比起之前去Caprice食($2488 / $3588一位)佢相對平少少👍🏻 另外佢亦可以散叫 Appetizers價錢$420-$540不等 而Main價錢$400-$2280不等🤪✨Starter✨🔹Hokkaido Scallop with Cauliflower🐚用左北海道帶子 幾厚肉 味道幾鮮甜😋 簡單配上椰菜花醬、少少魚子醬帶出帶子嘅甜味👍🏻🔹Truffle Turnip Lobster Salad🦞推介❤️ 既然係松露季 冇理由唔叫番道松露有關嘅菜啦🤪 呢款前菜用左新鮮龍蝦肉 中間配上大頭菜 最高放上成片黑松露😋 龍蝦肉好新鮮 好爽口 味道估唔到會同黑松露咁夾😍 龍蝦嘅鮮味同黑松露嘅香味食落融為一體 好特別👍🏻 食嘅時候記得點埋旁邊嘅黑松露醬 / 加多片小嘅黑松露食🥰🔹Confit Abalone Carpaccio🐚將鮑魚薄切 然後油封👍🏻 食落味道唔算好突出🤪 佢用左Osietra caviar 屬第2等級嘅魚子醬 好重鹹香味😍 .✨Main✨🔹Trenette🍝推介❤️ 用左北海道海膽 加上濃縮嘅海鮮汁 煮成嘅意粉😍 一放入口已經食到滿滿嘅海鮮鮮味 味道好濃郁😋 再加埋海膽食 真係好正👍🏻🔹M9 Sirloin & Beef Cheek🐮推介❤️ 店員建議我地食3成熟👍🏻 一望到咁粉嫩嘅肉質已經心心眼😍 食落牛味唔算好濃 但有少少肥膏 所以油香好豐富 而且肉質好嫩😋 另外最推介就係一粒粒嘅牛面頰肉 牛味超濃 而且肉質好淋🥰 .✨Dessert✨🔹Cherries🍒推介❤️ 臨上碟先加上去左核嘅車厘子 味道好甜😋 最驚喜係開心果gelato 係食過最濃嘅開心果味 而且中間有開心果碎 超級正😍🔹Limoncello Soufflé🍋推介❤️ 梳乎厘好大個 好鬆軟 食落好似一陣風咁👍🏻 佢另外仲配埋柑橘果肉、檸檬gelato 味道微酸 係一個好refreshing嘅甜品😋🔹Petit Four🧁佢嘅Petit Four係一架甜品車 有8款選擇😍 我地試左開心果餅乾、Hazelnut Puff、Lemon Cake、Hazelnut and Banana Cake😋 整體味道較甜 一定配埋咖啡 / 茶食🤪.整體✨ 呢間中環意大利菜係唯一一間米芝蓮三星嘅意大利菜 一直被公認為全球最好嘅意大利餐廳之一🥰 佢位於中環歷山大廈入面 一部分係Bar 而餐廳部分就望住文華東方酒店👍🏻 食物質素好高 雖然擺盤唔算好出色 但味道、用料絕對高質❤️8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA (中環)中環遮打道16-20號歷山大廈2樓202號舖 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-08-31
2741 瀏覽
今日去咗中環商業中心區嘅一間米芝蓮三星級意大利餐廳《8 1/2》,佢以佢嘅黑松露料理出名。不過,入到餐廳嗰一刻,其實冇感受到作為三星級餐廳嘅服務水平。佢嘅裝修風格簡樸而輕奢,感覺唔似精緻嘅Fine Dining,反而更似商務行政午餐嘅感覺。午餐時間有好多客人,大部分都係附近上班嘅金融才俊。未點餐之前,已經為我哋送上麵包。米芝蓮餐廳嘅麵包通常都好好食,配埋佢地嘅橄欖油同埋黑醋,真係食麵包都食飽。我哋點咗三個course嘅set lunch,其中值得一讚嘅係佢哋有季節菜單,為配合夏天,大廚花咗好多心思。首先,作為全餐嘅開胃菜,大廚準備咗凍蜜瓜配火腿。咸香嘅火腿配上凍嘅蜜瓜,真係好適合夏天嘅開胃菜。然後頭盤分別係紅蝦配帶子同埋八爪魚。紅蝦同帶子真係絕配,而八爪魚呢個我一向唔太鍾意,雖然大廚處理得好好,不過我都覺得一般般。之後嘅兩客意粉分別係吞拿魚意粉同羊肉手打意粉。大廚用咗吞拿魚配意粉,相信係想配合夏日風情,不過意粉入面嘅橄欖味道太搶戲,如果一齊食,吞拿魚嘅味道就完全被遮蓋咗,要分開食先可以品嚐到吞拿魚嘅鮮美。不過,值得一提嘅係佢哋嘅手打意粉真係做得好好,口感好細緻。最後嚟到主菜,延續夏日主題,兩個主菜分別係魚同餐廳主打嘅黑松露配牛肉。大廚控制魚嘅熟度恰到好處,配埋醬汁,非常適合夏天嘅口味。而最後就嚟到重頭戲嘅黑松露,呢個係我第一次食新鮮黑松露,但係我絕對無想到,我接受唔到新鮮黑松露嘅氣味。之前聽人講黑松露嘅香氣無與倫比,但對我嚟講,呢個味道真係難以形容,令我有啲噁心嘅感覺。當侍應生攤黑松露喺我面前嘅時候,我真係有啲唔舒服。不過我明白呢個係我個人嘅問題,因為餐廳嘅每張桌都有客人享用黑松露,整個餐廳都彌漫住呢個特殊嘅氣味。儘管如此,總括而言,呢間餐廳係值得推薦嘅。如果你鍾意黑松露,可以嚟試下。口味因人而異,只係我個人接受唔到黑松露嘅味道而已。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-06-22
2983 瀏覽
If you're looking for a truly exquisite dining experience 💯👍🏻, look no further than 8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA. I recently had the pleasure of trying their lunch set and was blown away by the quality of the food and the impeccable service. The meal started off with the 🌊Marinated Sea Fiod "Crudo" which was a highlight of the meal. The fresh seafood was perfectly marinated and served with just the right amount of acidity to really make the flavors pop.Next up was the Linguine Mancini, a delicious pasta dish that was cooked to perfection👏🏻. The sauce was rich and flavorful, and the pasta had just the right amount of bite to it.For the main course, I opted for the Grass Fed Wagyu Beef and Veal cheek, and I was not disappointed. The meat was cooked to a perfect medium rare and was incredibly tender and flavorful. The accompanying sauce was delicious and complemented the meat perfectly.Finally, for dessert, I had the 🍓 Gelato which was the perfect way to end the meal. The gelato was creamy and had a strong 🍓 flavour that was not too sweet.Overall, I would highly recommend 8½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA to anyone looking for an exceptional dining experience. The food was of the highest quality, and the service was impeccable. It's definitely a bit on the pricey side, but it's well worth it for a special occasion or a treat. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)