港鐵天后站 A1 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (2)
店舖以白色為主,並以木傢具增添文青感覺,食物精緻,打卡一流。餐廳主要供應多款蛋糕甜品及麵包配襯咖啡,另有冬蔭功意大利飯等主菜。 繼續閱讀
08:30 - 17:30
08:30 - 17:30
08:30 - 18:30
*星期一至五: Last order: 17:00 星期六及日: Last order: 18:00
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食評 (111)
等級4 2023-12-26
591 瀏覽
Walking down from the Tin Hau Temple Road seeing this classy simplistic themed coffee shop, we decided to stop by for a coffee break.Menu serves variety of breakfast, brunch, mains and dessert. They also serves a wide options of drinks, not just coffee base. What caught my eyes was their cauliflower rice mains which wasn't a common option found at a cafe. We asked for a chicken kimchi cauliflower rice and a soft shell crab cauliflower rice. For drinks, we got the orange black and coast lemonade. Both cauliflower rice were unexpectedly big portion. Even it wasn't a grain base main, it was definitely filling after finishing the whole plate. The chicken from the kimchi chicken cauliflower rice was moist but personally prefer chicken breast instead of thigh cut because some bites were with chewy skin and soft bone. Chicken itself was moist, love the shredded seaweed was topped for a hint of fishiness. Generous amount of diced kimchi, hard tofu and mushrooms gave so much texture which whole dish definitely wouldn't be boring. Not bad.Soft shell crab cauliflower rice was personally found it tastier. Well balance of crab meat, crab paste and egg which seems light but tasted indulgent. Love the amount of garlic which even full of crab richness, still able to taste the garlic flavour. The flying fish roe gave an extra crunch. Soft shell crab was quite big. Crunchy and meaty. Sadly the center of the cauliflower rice was pretty wet and a bit salty. Not sure if not well stir fried or the crab juice leaked down. Maybe a slice of lemon for drizzling may help. Overall, pretty good.Seeing the table beside eating their christmas dessert, pistachio raspberry tart. We decided to give it a go too. It was absolutely a happy dessert. Genuinely seeing the smily white chocolate star already made me joyful. Appreciated the friendly staff reminded that the star was made of white chocolate, otherwise many may think it was made from fondant. Tart crust was on a thick hard type. It might not be the perfect tart crust thickness but personally I pretty like thick shortbread crust for the buttery biscuit taste despite every fork bite was hard. Pistachio nibbles were covered a third of the tart which gave extra pistachio flavour. Pistachio crème was creamy and light. Wasn't strong at all. Was expecting raspberry jam or paste stuffed or filled the bottom, but only few dried rasberries. I wasn't a big fan of the garnish silvery balls which was hard and sticking my teeth. Not really a necessary. Maybe white chocolate balls may do the work. Anyway, not bad.My orange black was pretty smooth to drink. Visually served in two layers with the orange juice at the bottom. Once stirred, it looked like a coffee with milk. Even with the use of orange juice, coffee was still the main character. Not sweet at all. Just a good hint of orange flavour. Coast lemonade was kind of a yuzu drink instead. Even with a spoon for stirring, it's hard to well stirred. No lemon flavour. A bit disappointed. Overall, I may come back to try their signature caramalised apple cheesecake which almost all the tables ordered. Not the best convenient location but love the quietness and away of hassle. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-05-07
0 瀏覽
跟朋友小聚,到Coast Coffee吃輕食午餐。在天后斜路上的一邊,吃飯前要先行樓梯或斜路,先做一波運動再品嚐食物。人流不多,非常幽靜,配合天后的山上社區。單叫牛油果多士加炒蛋,鬆香多士,配上整齊上的牛油果,中間加炒蛋,非常健康的配搭。再叫午餐set,軟殼蟹蟹肉椰菜花飯。椰菜花飯既飽肚又健康,軟殼蟹香口,但有點過燶。午餐set配鹹蛋雞翼,香口,但是也偏乾。午餐可選咖啡,正宗咖啡店的咖啡,味道無可挑剔。午餐還有甜品,味道一般。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-04-09
64 瀏覽
焦糖蘋果雙層芝士蛋糕之前成日聽同事講呢度嘅蛋糕10分推薦,一路都想嚟而係一直都未搵到機會,適逢復活節冇出外旅遊,💃🏻一於同兩三個姊妹一齊過嚟試吓🧚🏻‍♀️唔知係咪香港真係少咗人呢?估唔到復活節假期都唔需要排隊,可以直入,叫得甜品當然唔少得先嗌杯咖啡啦,見到Menu上面有杯好特別嘅飲品叫做黑芝麻鮮奶,感覺好健康叫咗你CC,佢哋原來用獨角獸圖案嚟拉花,造型相當精緻,啱晒打卡,遺憾地唔記得咗影相,唯有下次再影返,朋友們叫咗普通嘅咖啡一杯Mocha一杯latte,正正常常重頭戲嚟啦,除咗主食之外,我哋今次最主要嘅任務就係食呢一個焦糖蘋果雙層芝士蛋糕,淨係見到個名都覺得相當之邪惡,食完應該要跑下步先搞得掂,果然不負所望,焦糖蘋果雙層芝士蛋糕,佢哋相當有層次,頂層拆咗一個果乾嘅造型,味道酸酸甜甜,相當開胃餅底仲混合咗蘋果粒,相當有口感 繼續閱讀
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今次兜轉到咗一間喺天后嘅餐廳,起初心諗會唔會又係普普通通,點知!餐廳簡約而家居嘅裝潢頓時令我放鬆晒,好似去咗朋友屋企咁。第一樣食嘅櫻花蝦蕃茄蟹醬虎蝦帶子扁意粉。啲意粉彈牙得嚟,每啖都吸晒啲醬汁嘅鮮甜,櫻花蝦食落微鹹惹味,帶子同蝦就鮮彈彈牙,啲蕃茄蟹醬又扮演好咗調和各種海味嘅角色,幾正!食甜品時間😋!焦糖蘋果雙層芝士蛋糕入口即溶,上面啲焦糖好夾蘋果嘅酸甜,而下面嘅芝士滑溜醇厚,層次感分明。食得我心都甜埋,係咪叫做一試傾心咁啊?飲品方面,嗌杯Chocolate Banana, 朱古力嘅濃郁同香蕉嘅甜蜜拍檔,確實亦係朝氣滿滿嘅完美結合。哩間舒適高質Cafe,提供嘅味道同享受真係無得頂,下次想同屋企人一齊再嚟,分享呢份香甜同滿足!🧀🍝🍰 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2023-11-27
324 瀏覽
因今日會在天后食飯,所以在附近搵間咖啡店,見到在天后一間感覺唔錯咖啡店,入裡人唔多,咖啡及蛋糕唔錯,dirty coffee 有驚喜,蛋糕有3款,叫左焦糖蘋果雙層芝士蛋糕👍👍,服務人員👍, 在閒暇時,坐在咖啡店嘆下咖啡,朋友傾談,好一個地方,今日時間唔夠,下次一定會再來,坐耐些。大家不妨一試 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)