裝修以灰色為主的咖啡店,設計時尚,提供各樣特色咖啡和飲品,賣相精緻。 繼續閱讀
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 八達通
支持減塑 詳細介紹
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食評 (273)
等級1 2024-05-19
0 瀏覽
我今日去開錦田,行多7-8分鐘慕名而來cohee fanling,諗 住支持吓小店。但今日好大雨。(擔遮都濕晒)我到咗見 到cohee 有兩邊buliding,有人示意我入咗去右邊,放低把 遮推門入去order cafe mocha +oat, 一個sourdough, 之後 order matcha roll cake, staff 話冇,跟住我就算啦,照俾 錢,單都攞埋。諗住搵位坐,嗰度有個吧枱再加一張大D嘅枱喺較入位置,但係staff 就叫我要擔返遮行返過去對面(即左邊)坐,雖 然得幾步路程,但又要喺咁大雨再開遮再門遮又或者冒雨 行幾步都會濕晒。我唔係太明白點解要過嗰邊坐不過算 啦。點知一坐低有個女嘅Staff就話。頭先你嗌咗杯 Mocha,我哋同事應該冇同你講個價錢其實唔係呢一個, 因為我哋轉咗隻朱古力個價錢其實係貴啲㗎,你而家一係 俾返補返錢俾我地,一係你轉過其他飲品。我回應: 但係 個Menu係冇提及呢個價錢,你哋嘅Staff order 時又冇講過 任何嘢已經收晒我錢了。個女嘅話我哋其實側邊有個牌仔寫咗喺度,但係個Staff冇講。(普通客人喺Cafe order係咪睇Menu落order 而會 唔會睇晒任何嘅牌呢?而且都唔知佢寫咗落邊個牌度。) 咁我話但係你哋個Menu冇寫,staff 落order 時又冇同我 講,而家你叫我過去比返多啲錢先可以飲?(其實唔係要 比多幾多錢嘅問題,係個銷售手法)佢回應佢哋冇時間轉 Menu,唔好意思。其實一間Cafe冇時間轉Menu, 嘅時候同客人講係冇問題,佢係交易晒先佢同返我講要收 返我多啲錢??)但係佢就好似我錯咁。我成個感覺係一 開頭落大雨,佢已經唔考慮右邊都有位坐,要我咁大雨擔 遮再去對面,跟住仲要遇到咁嘅情況。跟住我就話不如你 退返錢俾我離開(心諗乜嘢Mood都冇晒啦),佢又真係退 返錢俾我,仲有講唔好意思嘅,不過我嬲到呢本身想鬧佢㗎啦,但係我唯有我想唔出聲忍住就走咗。其實就算佢啲咖啡可能幾好都好,咁嘅銷售手法令到人哋點樣樣可以享受佢嘅咖啡呢?我有張單同埋當日落咁大雨嘅相片啊,如實報道。希望佢哋管理層睇到真係留意吓佢哋行政上面 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-05-05
78 瀏覽
My friend, who is 1st time visiting HK, and I were looking at the coffee beans they were selling. We asked which coffee beans will they recommend. A male staff just answer it's depends of which one you like. So, he failed to give any advices.So, of course we want to have a smell of the beans. Then, the male staff just got mad and said we should not squeeze the bag of coffee bean. In which, we stopped squeezing it and just holding it. He still said we squeeze it.So, we asked how can we know the smell of coffee if we were unable to smell it? He refused to answer.We were the one who said. Okay! We are just holding it and clam him down.After everything, there are no "Sorry" from any staffs or him.I will recommend the cafe stop selling the coffee beans, if they are so irritated with people holding their coffee beans.That's a rudest coffee shop I had ever been!My friend got shocked with such bad experience in Hong Kong as well.Won't come back for sure. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-05-01
68 瀏覽
🥯小龍蝦沙律 • 牛油果 • 三文魚籽 💰$98😈真係好Sorry🫠又潛左排水又要Update下我成日食既Cafe📞Cohee係係錦田再入少少👋🏻比較隱蔽🥹不過佢就幾好feel既個環境💛咁我多數都係叫小龍蝦沙律牛油果🥑佢呢到可以俾你揀酸種麵包或者Bagel🥯不過我就鍾意酸種麵包多啲🍞佢個小龍蝦沙律份量都唔少🤤啖啖都有🥑牛油果都係我鍾意食既淋淋地質感😬都幾唔錯🍞北海道帶子 • 三文魚籽 • 炒蛋 • 珍珠洋蔥💰$98😈而另一個就揀左北海道帶子🥯都係酸種麵包🤤佢個炒蛋都好滑身不錯不錯💛我幾鍾意佢個沙律菜係落黑醋💛食落夠哂Fresh😍同埋我地都叫左Mocha🍫佢仲會有杏仁跟🥜我覺得個咖啡味都算濃 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Cohee Hidden Coffee Shop is a cozy and inviting café that instantly transports you to a serene retreat. Nestled away from the hustle and bustle, this hidden gem provides a tranquil escape where you can unwind and recharge. The comfortable ambiance invites you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the delightful offerings.✨One of the highlights at Cohee Hidden Coffee Shop is their delicious Basque cake, a true treat for your taste buds. The rich and indulgent flavors of the cake perfectly complement their exceptional coffee selection. Whether you prefer a classic espresso or a creamy latte, their skilled baristas ensure that each sip is a moment of pure bliss. The combination of the delectable cake and the aromatic coffee creates a harmonious symphony for your palate. 🍰☕️Visiting Cohee Hidden Coffee Shop feels like a getaway to the countryside. Surrounded by nature-inspired decor and greenery, you can't help but feel a sense of tranquility and relaxation. It's the perfect place to escape from the busy city life and immerse yourself in a peaceful ambiance. 🌳🌼In addition to the delightful treats and serene atmosphere, Cohee Hidden Coffee Shop offers a variety of coffee classes. Whether you're a coffee enthusiast looking to expand your knowledge or a beginner eager to learn the art of brewing, their coffee classes provide a unique and educational experience. ☕️📚Cohee Hidden Coffee Shop also offers their own line of filter cups, allowing you to bring a piece of their coffee experience home with you. These filter cups are a convenient and stylish way to enjoy a quality cup of coffee in the comfort of your own space. ☕️✨In summary, Cohee Hidden Coffee Shop is a haven for relaxation, indulgence, and coffee lovers. With their mouthwatering Basque delights, serene ambiance, and opportunities for coffee education, a visit to this hidden gem is an experience that will leave you rejuvenated and craving for more. 🌿💕 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-04-27
50 瀏覽
黎過幾次 啲staff次次都係黑口黑面不過算啦 附近早開既得一間不過食埋今次就唔會再去受氣!今次個男staff唔知心情唔好定點啦我想自己去拎啲餐具 免得麻煩人點知拎果時 個男staff 好似覺得我做錯事咁好冇禮貌咁話 我拎俾你 頂 算之後去落單我叫個bagel啦叫果時我唔係叫哂個bagel既全名只係叫其中一個食物出嚟個男staff好似當我係犯人咁 話冇呢個 要求我叫哂個bagel 全名佢先肯落單Ok我忍 我大大聲逐隻字咁講 炒蛋 芝士 Bagel佢先收貨就算全錦田得返你一間cafe 我都唔會再幫襯! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)