港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (121)
等級4 2024-01-06
725 瀏覽
Omg! I bookmarked this cafe for a long time and today I tried it finally. I am a super fan of bagel and tiramisu, I was full of hope in trying this after viewing the recommendations in social media. In the end, it was totally disappointing. The bagel itself was hard like stone with a burnt taste, seems overbaked, without any bread taste. I hardly could call it a bagel. I totally did not know what I was eating. The tiramisu itself was running like water and totally separated from the bagel. It tastes sweet only without even a hint of coffee or chocolate. The bagel, if you still call it a bagel, is overpriced at $68 each with 10% service charge. This is the most expensive yet WORST bagel I have ever tried. It is not worth the calories taken in or my money at all. This cafe goes to my blacklist now. FOREVER! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-09-02
1064 瀏覽
🍴: 𝗠𝗢𝗡𝗢 𝗟𝗮𝗯🏠🤍📍: 𝗖𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗹, 𝗛𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗞𝗼𝗻𝗴 🇭🇰 🌟Tiramisu x bagel🥯🤤Bookmarked this little cosy cafe for months and finally got the chance to try out the bagel!!!😍🌟Their tiramisu bagel was really nice but a bit too sweet for me(I used to drink no sugar drinks haha) and I think you’d better share it with ur frd cos the portion is quite big, it is a bit too much for teatime👯‍♀️Hojicha latte was so-so, I would say it is not the best one I’ve tried but it can balance well the sweetness with the bagel. Next time I would like to try other bagel flavours!!⭐️: 𝗧𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘂 𝗕𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗹 🥯💰:💲𝟲𝟴👅: 💎💎💎💎(4/5)⭐️: 𝗛𝗼𝗷𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲☕️💰:💲𝟱𝟬👅: 💎💎💎(3/5) 繼續閱讀
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💜🤍𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐚𝐛 💜🤍{大館附近Cafe有醬爆Tiramisu Bagel}味道不是經典的咖啡蛋糕浸烈酒 加上意大利軟芝士味 反而是可可粉加忌廉芝士浸着的朱古力bagel🤎賣相吸引🍫 值得來試一試✨Seasonal Bagel [$76] 🍩🥯整體味道比較像朱古力忌廉芝士麵包 可可朱古力味bagel會略為焗熱 令麵包質地變得軟身 再淋上大量忌廉芝士 味道就是甜品用的全脂忌廉 表面灑上可可粉 大概可能採用了牛奶朱古力粉 吃下去沒有黑朱古力味的苦澀 也沒有加糖粉 整體吃得出口感是西式經典bagel的煙靭度 層次分明 不會過甜 底部的麵包皮焗有點脆脆的 吃之前要把握時間切開☺️😋味道 :4 / 5 🥗💰價錢:~$50 /人 (share兩個人)📌位置:中環荷李活道31-33號7樓🌿舒適度:3.5 / 5 (有室內和露天梳化座位 室內多數適合二人用餐 室外座位比較寬闊)🍽️用餐時間:無限 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-07-04
853 瀏覽
🌗Mono Lab in Central 🇭🇰🥯Tiramisu BagelRating:🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑The bagel has very strong coffee taste ☕️But the cream on top is too sweet and not delicious at allThe cream has no taste of mascarpone cheese, like tiramisu😅The texture is not pleasant as the bread is spread out like fragments inside😅🥯Sesame Mochi BagelRating:🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑The sesame taste is not fragrant🥲The surface of the bagel is slightly caramelised, but makes it unbreakable, very hard to chewHas very few mochi inside🍰 Oreo Cheese CakeRating:🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑No Oreo and Cheese taste just a slice of simple cheese cake with overload sweetness ☕️Cappuccino with Oat Milk Rating:🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑Mild coffee tastefeeling like drinking only oat milk——————The environment is comfy with beautiful Central view, but the quality of food cannot keep up to it Visit Again? Definitely Not Overall Rating:🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-04-28
1164 瀏覽
個人都幾鍾意去咖啡店Hea吓~無意中喺網上面睇到呢間咖啡店嘅好似好好味~今日特登嚟試~位置位於唐樓嘅7字樓,唐樓門口比較細,搵咗一陣先搵到,上到去個門都有少少隱蔽😅推開兩道門先入到去,店員都好有禮貌,上到嚟發覺日頭係咖啡店,夜晚可以飲酒同食水煙🥳🥳,有分開室外同室內座位~睇完餐牌,揀咗車單一產地熱朱古力($50),根據餐牌嘅介紹係比較濃郁同埋帶有Nutty味道,個人覺得都符合餐牌嘅介紹,算係好飲😋因為係3.3下午茶時間,所以嗌咗個小食Tiramisu Bagel ~食落應該係bagel帶有咖啡同朱古力味,口感唔算硬,面頭再淋上芝士醬同可可粉,真係成舊Tiramisu咁,個人比較鍾意帶有較濃酒味的Tiramisu,呢個我覺得稍為酒味有啲唔夠~整體尚算好食~呢度定期會做唔同口味嘅bagel,有時間可以再嚟試吓~ 繼續閱讀
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