11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
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食評 (8)
等級1 2017-01-16
878 瀏覽
It was our first time eating there, as all of our usual places were closed on Mondays. As soon as went in, we were greeted by who I assume was the manager or owner, signalling us to walk further into the store. Upon entry, we saw that it was quite full, so we would expect that the food to be, if not good, at least average.Seated down and after a quick look (not even two seconds) at the menu, the waitress came up to get our orders, of course, being completely new to the restaurant, my Mom asked what was good/recommended. The server immediately said the satay beef noodle was what 85-90% of their patrons order and would highly recommend us to try their original recipe.Thinking that satay beef noodle would be a safe option, we ordered one each. Now mind you, I've never had a bad satay beef noodle in Hong Kong, or any other HK style restaurant overseas. When the noodle came, visually, nothing looked off or wrong, the broth was slightly thick and looked akin to a thin curry soup, pieces of beef on top of a large bed of curly instant noodles. It smelled slightly sweet with the aroma of peanuts, albeit slightly burnt as well.Upon taste, the beef and the noodles were flavourless. Both reduced to a soft texture, which I'm sure even if you were missing all your dentition would still be able to chew. The beef was extremely soft, obviously overly tenderized with artificial tenderizing agent and the noodles cooked to the point of melting. Now by all means, I personally like my instant noodles cooked until they are nearly straight, however, even this was too much for me. The broth you have to commend, because even with it looking so thick, was completely tasteless and did nothing to add flavour to the meal. Now I have always been told that I eat food that isn't too flavourful, typically natural flavours is enough to satisfy me. However, even I was appalled at how little flavour was in this.If I were to say one good thing about this little hole in the wall would be their milk tea, which was quite smooth (however, the strength of their tea was quite weak, I guess flavour isn't their strength). 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2016-10-09
658 瀏覽
好耐無打食評,今次不得不提示大家!之前行過門口見到尼間早餐餐牌都幾岩食,所以今早特登來吃個早餐。叫左個豬扒奄烈拼麵配熱華田轉蒜蓉厚多士得半塊$37,塊豬扒比人切到無可再薄,甩皮甩骨,睇見都唔開胃唔想食,要求更換另外一塊,三叫四請之下好辛苦咁説服更換了,但換來的更加甩皮甩骨,薄到好似切斷左㚒硬加塊薄片補上去咁最後來的熱華田得半杯,好似比人飲剩咁$37的早餐價錢在同條街已經可以享用大大份的豐富早餐!無下次,不會再幫(老)襯! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-04-17
694 瀏覽
說真的,這間小店一直都不被我留意,總覺得它太低調,令人提不起意欲去光顧。這天經過看見都幾多人係入面,於是就決心試一試。店員是清一色女員工,連廚房的廚師也是喔,感覺變得輕起來,員工也是笑笑口的。午餐的選擇都幾多,而且有輕食之選,啱曬食得不多的人。價錢中價,不收加一。我選了蕃茄濃湯套餐,配螺絲粉和意式雞翼(3隻)。份量是適合食得不多的人,湯底我覺得似羅宋湯,很濃,配上螺絲粉剛好,但就無咩蕃茄味。奶油豬烘得頗香脆,聞到陣陣牛油香。意式雞翼即是炸雞翼,香口但普通而已。另1個是焗咖哩牛肉芝士意粉。有薯角同3色椒做配料,芝士同咖哩味都不突出,意粉有咬口,時間控制上不錯,是填飽肚子的基本之選。周邊的客人有些是常客,會和員工打招呼。有時味道太好的店會引來大堆人士而令到服務和水準大降,不如當個中庸小店,默默努力,反而可以持久地經營下去。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-04-13
739 瀏覽
今日,小妹又係同個食友黎覓食啦。兩個人食午餐,上次食蛋包飯經過見到呢間外表唔錯既店,連個名都冇好好記住,不過就記得個位,所以就黎咗覓食啦。午餐時份都幾多學生哥,學生哥既套餐都平七蚊左右,不過只限著校服既學生。甫坐下見到各式各類既餐牌,除咗啲焗飯,意粉,日式定食外,我發現咗個蕃茄套餐啊!!!我就係見到蕃茄唔理三七廿一既人,咁就梗係叫左個蕃茄湯螺絲粉+ 香煎雞扒豬仔包$38 。 餐牌上有好多種配搭,例如雞翼等等。食友叫了午餐3號 和風牛肉定食$45 。我和食友也最愛是忌廉!!! 汽水或熱飲是跟餐附送的不用加錢。等齊啦!!兩個人的枱也差點放不下,因為每份都是巨人餐!蕃茄湯螺絲粉+香煎雞扒脆豬仔包$38 蕃茄湯螺絲粉深藏不露的蕃茄湯底, 本來並沒有抱太大希望,但這番茄湯底實在令人難忘,那茄膏把湯底的味提升,竟有番茄肉及洋蔥。 這番茄湯底有點像羅宋湯般足料, 洋蔥在這番茄湯底完全沒有新鮮洋蔥攻鼻的味道,淋淋的很好吃。 這並不是淡淡的番茄湯,而是濃郁的番茄湯底,螺絲粉更好吃。 加上肉碎在番茄湯,真的令人難忘。香煎雞扒比較油膩, 雞皮的油已經很多,煎的方法應該加上不少油, 把油煎封於雞肉中,雞肉表面也露出那油油的感覺,雞肉嫩滑多汁,略嫌有點油。豬仔包加了牛油香草焗成, 略嫌太乾, 香草牛油味不突出。食友的和風牛肉定食$45 食友說和風牛肉的醬汁過甜, 沙律的胡麻醬不夠,沙律的味道有點遜色。 值得一讚粟米及溏心蛋, 粟米應是罐頭粟米, 甜甜的。溏心蛋能做到溏心的效果,醬油醃蛋也入味。 飯有點過硬, 飯可轉意粉或其他。午餐時分元朗吃這個價錢也不錯選擇頗多的。 值得一讚,食物質素不錯,門面雖然有點普通,但也有意想不到的一面。評分:7.5/10 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-07-24
659 瀏覽
經過見唔洗等位又好似好多選擇,所以就入去試下啦!叫左個雜菌雞肉蘑菇意粉餐,有沙律,有野飲又有甜品跟餐沙律,都唔會有太大期望,不過個麵包糠燶左少少!主菜雞肉蘑菇意粉,都幾大碟,個醬汁唔錯.最後送嘅甜品係牛奶布甸,甜左少少啦,不過唔洗錢就無咩所謂啦!間舖嘅員工好有禮貌,d野又幾好食,下次等我試下lunch先,好似再抵d 啊! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)