2017-01-16 880 瀏覽
It was our first time eating there, as all of our usual places were closed on Mondays. As soon as went in, we were greeted by who I assume was the manager or owner, signalling us to walk further into the store. Upon entry, we saw that it was quite full, so we would expect that the food to be, if not good, at least average.Seated down and after a quick look (not even two seconds) at the menu, the waitress came up to get our orders, of course, being completely new to the restaurant, my Mom asked w
It was our first time eating there, as all of our usual places were closed on Mondays. As soon as went in, we were greeted by who I assume was the manager or owner, signalling us to walk further into the store. Upon entry, we saw that it was quite full, so we would expect that the food to be, if not good, at least average.

Seated down and after a quick look (not even two seconds) at the menu, the waitress came up to get our orders, of course, being completely new to the restaurant, my Mom asked what was good/recommended. The server immediately said the satay beef noodle was what 85-90% of their patrons order and would highly recommend us to try their original recipe.

Thinking that satay beef noodle would be a safe option, we ordered one each. Now mind you, I've never had a bad satay beef noodle in Hong Kong, or any other HK style restaurant overseas.

When the noodle came, visually, nothing looked off or wrong, the broth was slightly thick and looked akin to a thin curry soup, pieces of beef on top of a large bed of curly instant noodles. It smelled slightly sweet with the aroma of peanuts, albeit slightly burnt as well.

Upon taste, the beef and the noodles were flavourless. Both reduced to a soft texture, which I'm sure even if you were missing all your dentition would still be able to chew. The beef was extremely soft, obviously overly tenderized with artificial tenderizing agent and the noodles cooked to the point of melting. Now by all means, I personally like my instant noodles cooked until they are nearly straight, however, even this was too much for me. The broth you have to commend, because even with it looking so thick, was completely tasteless and did nothing to add flavour to the meal.

Now I have always been told that I eat food that isn't too flavourful, typically natural flavours is enough to satisfy me. However, even I was appalled at how little flavour was in this.

If I were to say one good thing about this little hole in the wall would be their milk tea, which was quite smooth (however, the strength of their tea was quite weak, I guess flavour isn't their strength).
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$30 (早餐)