豆沙鍋餅 灌湯小籠包
食評 (33)
等級4 2014-01-03
766 瀏覽
都喜歡去西環及上環那一帶找吃的,因為本身家住南區,一程車就到,非常之方便,加上咖啡館林立,吃飽再找個地方喝杯精品咖啡也不是難事,而最重要的一點,就是這區假日的人流比起老銅要少得多,本人真的很怕要跟人家迫,滿耳都是噪音的感覺。好!廢話說得夠多了,都是先介紹吃的,中國的八大菜系之中,在香港最受歡迎的,當然是自家的粵菜,之後都是滬菜及京菜了,川菜近年是有點苗頭,而魯菜仿佛都是少數,不過本人其實也將蠻愛這北方美味的,所以京香餃、阿純餃子,又或是什麼餃子東、餃子西,本人都一一吃過了。所以見到這所位於西營盤的山東小店,第一時間就跑了來吃,甫坐下就問店員有沒有煎餃,因為本人跟唔太都愛吃重口味的韮菜餃,而這一種餃子,都是煎了香脆的來吃更好味,店家說有,本人就來一頓豐富的餃子宴了。先來十隻蒸烚出來的京蔥羊肉餃,餃子皮很軟嫩,那感覺當然跟咱們的雲吞不一樣,沒有那陣滑溜的感覺,但就是厚得來又不會韌,同時又不會糊口,跟着同樣飽滿的餡料,感覺相當紮實。入口後盡是京蔥的香味,很香很爽口的感覺,跟羊肉的搭當是順理成章的合襯,一點點的羶味,豐富的肉汁,教人一件又一件的吃個光光。煎餃像金元寶一樣,非常非常之好看,煎過的餃子皮很脆口,脆得來也還帶點煙韌的感覺,這跟剛才軟嫩的感覺有別,但感覺一樣討好,不過稍嫌就是偏油,看來是有點油份回吸了在餃子皮之中。不過油膩的感覺又真的不算很強,所以當牙齒甫咬入餡料時,那肉餡豐富的味道及湯汁,就完全蓋過了這個感覺,肉餡菜肉比例剛好,吃得到豬肉的質地及彈性,既有豬肉的肉汁及韮菜濃郁的香味,那麼好吃又好看的餃子,真的包你過年吃過就行大運,怪不得中國北方人新年都會吃餃吧!也點了一份涼盤來吃,這是涼拌豬手青瓜,簡單而言,其實就是鹵過的豬手搭配拍黃瓜,先談鹵豬手,豬手其實鹵得夠入味,本人十分喜歡那些皮及筋,有咬口有彈性,充滿了骨膠原的美味,不過略嫌是切得太細片,這難免影響了口感。拍黃瓜有不少不規則的裂紋,而且不難發現黏着不少的蒜泥,所以黃瓜的蒜味很強,而且很是入味,那証明店家真的有拍過,加上本身夠爽口,無論食味及口感都棒,在夏天吃它當涼盤,食慾又立時回來了。兩人來吃胃納不夠多,很多山東名點都沒有試,但本人都要試這山東鹵麵,它是山東人的麵食,跟香港人要吃雲吞麵,川人要吃擔擔麵的道理一樣,山東鹵麵的鹵要煮得好,其實不難,只要茨勾的好就行了,此店的就有種近乎湯的感覺,喝起來有很丁點的酸味,也有一點醬油的鮮味,雖然感覺上跟認知的有點不同,但味道也不錯。有着這個基礎,加上一向的材料也下足,木耳爽滑,蕃茄甜美,加上一點豬肉絲及蛋花,簡單而美好,不過要這麵好吃,其實最重要都是店家用的手擀麵,要煙韌有咬口有嚼勁才是上品,而此店的麵條也沒有令本人失望,有咬口有彈性,不過個人認為韌度方面可以再強一點,不然感覺一定更棒。吃到了一餐飽足的魯菜,這麼好吃、又正宗的魯菜,實在真的是難得,不過很多時店子出名了,就會引來很多人來吃,之後質素大有可能因此下降,又或是因生意太好被人家加租趕走,所以究竟本人應否分享給大家呢?其實本人真的很矛盾,每一次發現了好食店也是如此。好景不常,某天走過店子,發現已經易手他人,心內感到很是惋惜,何解好吃的店子,那麼快就要結業了,不過其實本人得知近來此店已經在上環畢街開了新店,看來如果要一嚐山東美味,可以一去再看看究竟了。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2012-03-31
254 瀏覽
一直都知有好客山東的存在, 但一直都無意欲想去試試.自從係openrice 得知佢得分都幾高. 就決定今日去試試. 晚上7點半 , 好客山東坐滿人客, 好彩有咁岩有二個位 呢到的裝飾真係好似內地的餐館. !! 感覺十分"山東" ! 叫了2種餃子: 芹菜牛肉餃子 同 羊肉餃 一碟有十隻. 再叫多二個小炒, 蔥爆牛肉,同 手撕雞 . 芹菜牛肉餃子: 餃子脹卜卜. 十分吸引! 餡料非常飽滿, !! 但這裡的餃子皮好像没有我在北京時吃的那麼厚. @@ 可能是為了迎合南方人的口味, 點上陳醋後真係急不切待要放入口裡!! 哎了一口, 冷不防地湯汁四濺, 芹菜味十分濃郁, 可惜我真係唔多喜歡食芹菜 羊肉餃 :羊肉餃入面有蔥, 增添香味 , 羊肉果然無咩羶味>< 相比起芹菜牛肉 , 這款比較清 把整隻餃子放進口裡, 別有一返風味, 還可以完全防止湯汁四濺 這裡的餃子真係會令人食上癮>< 新鮮手制果然係唔同D ! 蔥爆牛肉,同 手撕雞 都偏咸, 所以我地叫左碗飯來送. ($6一碗) 蔥爆牛肉, 鍋氣足.比較普通. 手撕雞應該係呢到的招牌菜(好多人都叫) 全都是雞脾肉! . 肉下面有青瓜浸住係豉油入面. 雞脾肉應該係冰鮮雞, 很淋, 一點彈性都無. 味道幾多的. 面頭重有幾多芫西, 蒜頭. 辣椒, 呢到的碟頭飯同面食都好大碗/碟! 但係呢到好多蚊知係到飛 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-03-28
170 瀏覽
Eight hungry caterpillars slithered down bonham road and arrived at this small, homey restaurant. It was quite full. One friendly waitress helped rearrange some chairs, move some diners around and created a table for 8. So nice of her. We were very rowdy. Apologies to those trying to watch TVB soaps. Environment: One cannot expect much. It is a very local restaurant so please expect a couple other diners sitting at your table if there are empty seats. The waiters will arrange. You have no grounds for objection. Food:Roasted shredded Shandong chicken on greensChicken thigh/drumstick meat was used, so every bit was succulent and smooth, not rough (I don't think I ran into any chicken breast). Seasoning was just right - a nice mixture of sweet and salt. Deliberately omitted the greens (coriander mainly, which I avert). Served cold. Cold is good. Chilled cucumber marinated in garlic dressingNOT a palate cleanser, because of how heavily seasoned it is, with garlic. You will emerge from this restaurant with a strong garlicky aftertaste from only a couple pieces of cucumber. The cucumber was chilled, fresh and moist. Slightly slimy, in a pleasant sort of way. Slightly briny too, probably because a bit of salt was sprinkled on top, or was used for soaking the cucumber a bit. Chicken with shredded cucumber and bean starch sheets in yummy peanut/sesame dressingIf one were to choose any chicken-related dish at all, I would recommend this one!! Everything I love being served on the same plate is too cool a dream. Peanut/sesame dressing in itself goes well with anything, imho (At home, boiled veggies are anointed by a drizzle of sesame dressing which really brings up the simple dish by a few notches). Anyway. Sometimes you'd find a super thick sauce which kind of clogs up your mouth a bit (not that i mind), but I found that this watery version works extremely well too. Your health-conscious self don't wanna eat too much dressing anyway. The most special feature which distinguishes Ho Hak Shan Tung with other restos is the type of bean sheet used. I've come across many white sheets with an opacity like horfun (rice noodles). This one was almost translucent. Texture-wise, this translucent bean starch sheet had better bite - al dente almost, in the Chinese fashion. Bouncy and slithery. But not rubbery so it's not difficult to chew. Accompanied by the same delicious chicken and finely shredded cucumber, it is a delight. Chive and pork dumplings x2A big fan of chive and pork dumplings. No complaints - the filling was juicy but there cld've been more chives. Tasted good though. I would come back anytime for the filling. About the skin - a bit thick by average standards, but I'm a carb lover so I didn't mind at all. Actually helps balance the saltiness of the filling, so its' good. But be warned that it's quite floury. Not thin like the skin of soup-infused dumplings (xiao long bao). Seafood dumplings CAUTION. Didn't take a picture because they look basically identical to any other dumplings but...I did not enjoy the filling at all. It was pasty, the texture resembled that of stale fish although it certainly didn't taste that way. But it wasn't a very pleasant experience - I'd rather have two more chive n pork dumplings! Dan Dan Noodles - mildly hotNot a big fan because i don't like hot food. This isn't too hot actually, but I much prefer sesame/peanut-butter based noodle soup! Jaa Jeung Noodles - salty!The noodle texture is identical to that of the Dandan noodle. The 'meat sauce' is savoury and fatty. A bit boring in the sense that I couldn't taste much other than dark soy with a bit of sugar. I didn't like the texture of the sauce either - very floury and fatty - lack of bite. Really would want more chunks of pork in there. Conclusion:Will certainly revisit!! There is no reason why anyone living/studying/working in the vicinity shouldn't visit once. You are missing out on good cheap comfort food! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-02-15
78 瀏覽
月初去青島遊玩,其時適逢農曆新年,食店大部份都休息,山東菜幾乎沒怎麼正式吃過。心忖中國四大菜之一,怎樣也要吃一次。見過蔡San介紹「好客山東」,抱著不妨一試的心態嘗。若求山東菜之「鮮鹹脆嫩,風味獨特,製作精細」,小店未必滿足我,但小炒包點不失鮮鹹,帶點「重口味」。值得Encore餃子及山東燒雞。羊肉餃子皮厚薄恰度好處,竟然有些肉汁,羶味少,不嗜羊者也可接受。山東燒雞做得不錯,香口嫩滑,醬汁吊味但不Over,墊底的青瓜平衡肉食的豐腴。青瓜切成大顆大顆的,大概與北方「大大件」的飲食文化有密切關係。此外,也點了土豆絲和西紅杮蛋飯,兩者幾乎是到內地省巿都吃到的家常菜,不過不失。這種收費來說食物已令人滿意,唯一希望改善的是麵條,粗粗幼幼的麵條都偏腍身,不夠煙韌。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2011-11-19
85 瀏覽
去完街返屋企, 都係諗住係返西區食, 朋友話食過咪嚟try try. 地方就真係唔大, 見有人要搭台.叫咗3個dishes, 菜肉餃子 - 一碟10隻食咗5隻, 岩岩好! 唔會太飽荵爆牛-- 味道不錯不會太咸,酸辣麫 - 湯底比較浠d, 淡咗少少, 埋單103 HKD. 老闆我估係外地人, 以呢個價錢真係抵食! 當然不能expect有乜service. 我下次會再來.....可能係北方菜, 引咗幾多大陸人嚟食..好嘈 繼續閱讀
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