2017-03-11 279 瀏覽
Fluffy pancake has become very hot recently. I finally got a chance to visit one of the popular places that serve fluffy pancakes while in Tsim Sha Tsui. As we were quite early, we didn't have to wait for a table. Looking at the menu disappointed me a little bit as there were only few choices. The only true fluffy pancake on the menu was the Souffle pancake. We also ordered another original Pan de Pain which was the signature dish to share between us both. The original Pan de Pain was slightly t
Fluffy pancake has become very hot recently. I finally got a chance to visit one of the popular places that serve fluffy pancakes while in Tsim Sha Tsui. As we were quite early, we didn't have to wait for a table. Looking at the menu disappointed me a little bit as there were only few choices. The only true fluffy pancake on the menu was the Souffle pancake. We also ordered another original Pan de Pain which was the signature dish to share between us both. 
Original Pan de Pain
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Original Pan de Pain
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The original Pan de Pain was slightly thicker than ordinary pancake. The top and the bottom was browned with hot pan which made it quite good-looking. However, it was not as fluffy as the souffle pancake below, making it less special than the latter one. I would prefer the souffle pancake below as the signature dish to be recommended. 
Souffle Pancake
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This is the real fluffy pancake shown on all the advertisement. Souffle pancake is the most fluffiest out of all the choices on the menu. It has to be served fresh and hot or else the pancake would collapse before reaching your table, since the air expanding the pancake doesn't last long. The inside of the pancake was really fluffy, light and creamy. The texture seemed more like custard than the traditional pan-fried pancake. Together with the maple syrup and whipping cream, the butter-rich pancake simply made a good dish, without having to add any other ingredients like strawberries or chocolate that would cover such simple goodness. 
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$80 (晚餐)
  • Souffle Pancake