2024-02-07 983 瀏覽
Revisiting for my friend's birthday lunch, I was so excited to try their signature soufflé pancakes! Lunch menu was offered. Not a lot to choose, but in decent price. Today's soup was carrot soup. Soup looks more on yellow side than orange. Slight watery but smooth. Quite sweet. Cracking black pepper might give a lift.Mango and prawn wrap was unexpectedly small. It was served soaking in a pond of mango sauce. Wasn't the best garnish. Those part that didn't touch the sauce was still slight toaste
Revisiting for my friend's birthday lunch, I was so excited to try their signature soufflé pancakes!

Lunch menu was offered. Not a lot to choose, but in decent price.
Today's soup was carrot soup. Soup looks more on yellow side than orange. Slight watery but smooth. Quite sweet. Cracking black pepper might give a lift.

Mango and prawn wrap was unexpectedly small. It was served soaking in a pond of mango sauce. Wasn't the best garnish. Those part that didn't touch the sauce was still slight toasted up while rest was soggy. Stuffing was pretty basic and simple. Seasoned cooked prawn, mango and vegetables. Side salad was nothing special as well. Not soggy but big leaves that mess up your face. Whole dish couldn't fill me up at all.

The soufflé pancakes we asked for took quite a long time to serve. Sadly, they mistakenly wrote my friend's name wrong on the dessert even we wrote them the words on a paper before seating in. Anyway, both pancakes look stunning, very instagrammable. Crème brûlée one definitely gave a cracking blow torched sugar crust. Caramalised flavour but not heavy. Love they served with some betties for freshness. Soufflé pancakes were fluffy as expected, neither eggy nor overly sweet. The only flaw was the pancakes were pretty moist that once stacked, they fell apart while separating. Hojicha ones was comparably let down as missing tea flavour, just sweet. Overly sweet.

Overall, everything took too long. If rushing in 1.5hr lunch time, this restaurant kind of unsuitable or it would be a stressful lunch. Staff were quite layback, making orders took awhile and nobody served water even asked. Big improvement there.
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