2023-12-09 676 瀏覽
Coming back to one of my favourite Indian restaurants, unexpectedly tonight was pretty packed. I was pretty lucky to get arranged to the last seat before the queue. Reading their variety authentic menu, this time we decided to try back their Indian signature, samosa, our all time favourite fish tikka, new attempts to their chicken bhuna and mutter paneer; serving with their garlic and onion naan.Samosa was first served. Visually, it was exactly how a typical samosa look. Sadly, it was served in
Coming back to one of my favourite Indian restaurants, unexpectedly tonight was pretty packed. I was pretty lucky to get arranged to the last seat before the queue.

Reading their variety authentic menu, this time we decided to try back their Indian signature, samosa, our all time favourite fish tikka, new attempts to their chicken bhuna and mutter paneer; serving with their garlic and onion naan.

Samosa was first served. Visually, it was exactly how a typical samosa look. Sadly, it was served in room temperature. I was hoping it was freshly deep fried. Flavour side, it wasn't as heavy as a traditional potato based, it was half potato and half chickpea side. Personally, prefer a stronger spiced samosa while this was on a mild flavour. In spite of this, perfect to pair with their mint sauce which gave a refreshing kick.

Fish tikka was again served on a hot sizzle pan. This time, they used the shredded carrots and cabbage underneath the fish. It used to be onions which gave a nice chargrilled sweetness, which I like the most. Fish was moist, thank for the great marinade, yogurt. Right balance of flavour with a smoky kick from the hot sizzle pan.

Chicken bhuna was claimed to have a mild spiciness. Chicken was in a good bite size. Chicken was incredibly moist and tender. This curry sauce gave a depth of flavours. First come with a hint of sweetness, moving on with a herby and spice flavour while heat came through your palate. Perfect to serve with the onion naan for some mild onion sweetness to balance out the heat. Onion naan was a thin type. Loaded with diced onions. Every bite gave some crunchiness.

Mutter paneer was a green pea based paneer curry. Love the green pea texture to give a chew. Green pea was cooked just right. Neither too soggy nor hard. Paneer was soft and milky. Cube bite size with indulgent explosion of flavour. I thought this curry would be on a heavy side because of the cheese, coming out it was never close to what I expected. Even though the curry was on a watery side, turn out it was still perfect to serve with the fluffy garlic naan. Garlic naan was on a doughy side that absorbed so well the mutter paneer. While the pungent garlic flavour great with the cheesy paneer.

Last but not least, rounding up my meal with a cup of masala chai to cleanse my palate and most importantly to warm my body up. It was as expected a very hearty drink. Strong earthy chai tea with a hint of sweetness from the cinnamon, while masala gave a warming inviting feeling from the mouth all the way to the stomach. Just a drink which felt like a big tight hug. Absolutely delicious.

As expected, this restaurant kept their standard and always end your day perfectly. Rewarding customers with deliciousness and warming welcoming.
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