OPPA Coffee Bar Restaurant

7-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station; 尖沙咀港鐵站B2出口 continue reading
The founder and head chef of this restaurant is an oppa from Busan. A lot of Korean dishes are inspired by his hometown dishes and family recipes. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:30
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Let’s say CHEESE!
Let’s CHEESE together!
Cheese and Alcohol is the two main characters in Oppa Coffee Bar Restaurant. Decorated with Grey wall and wooden desks and chairs, it demonstrates a cool style of Korean interior design and dining atmosphere.
The chef provides an authentic Korean cuisine; some signature dishes must be tried. The Kimchi Volcano is one of the recommended items, with the topping of mozzarella, the kimchi fried rice served on an iron plate. After placing the dish to the customers’ table, a cheesy and gooey texture is made after the staff (oppa) will fire the cheese with a torch!

「Oppa」 的心思誠意
Besides Korean Volcano, other must-tried items include Kitchen Chicken, Cheese Fried Chicken and Octopus Cheese Ball, etc. Accompanied with all these Korean dishes, the restaurant also offers wide variety choices of exclusive Korean beers, cocktails, fruit cider and soft drinks. To have an alcohol or soft drink with cheese is the most preferable way.
Come join us! “Oppa” would definitely bring you an unforgettable taste and dining experience!
About Reward Scheme
Review (1881)
Level4 2024-06-01
韓國餐廳通常都會在店內貼上飲品廣告,播放音樂影片,聽住韓團更有feel 。泡菜蛋漿熔岩炒飯店員將熔岩造型盤放上,我就唔使做,見佢倒入加左奶嘅蛋漿同芝士,然之後燒溶芝士同滑蛋,店員快速MIX到拉得起絲,咁就可以食了。炒飯比白飯香,質地似西班牙飯,加左芝士帶黏性,夾起飯時真係拉到絲,雖然係芝士同泡菜,味道唔會太濃味。年糕湯每次食韓國菜都會叫年糕湯,一串串魚糕,加隻雞蛋🥚,佢白蘿蔔好厚,加埋紅蘿蔔洋蔥,湯底更清甜,煙韌嘅年糕唔多,但總係唔少得,一定會有。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
話說幾年前食過係由Oppa起火舊地重遊已經唔見Oppa lu同朋友叫左秘製章魚蛋漿熔岩炒飯$198無Oppa但有店員起火~燒溶芝士再撈勻~等待已經覺得吸引,食落微辣,芝士拉絲可以拉到好高,章魚爽口。泡菜炒五花腩豆腐$198泡菜同五花腩夾既程度YYDS配埋豆腐可以中和油膩感包埋生菜食減低罪惡感一碟菜變化出3種食法呢個菜點可以唔配酒?真露哈蜜瓜燒酒$82酒精成份13.5估唔到哈蜜瓜味幾好飲,一啖泡菜五花腩一啖哈蜜瓜燒肉,可以暫時忘記工作既不快~不過因好易入口,好快上腦會飄呀飄😂😂朋友唔飲酒叫左韓國檸七,汽水配韓國菜一樣咁夾鋪頭會播kpop,bar枱睇到各式各樣飲品&各款口味真露,8點去到都幾多人 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
必食❗️韓式爆芝鐵板飯火焰🔥爆芝秘製鐵板章魚飯OPPA明火🔥噴射,大量芝士🧀,彈牙章魚🐙粒,燒到有飯焦,非常之香口惹味,芝士好似瀑布咁樣流落嚟🌊邪惡美味到一個點🤌🏻牛油蜜糖雞翼炸雞(柚子蜜),香甜脆嫩🐣,牛油嘅香味甜甜嘅蜜糖,仲係用柚子蜜👍🏻仲飲咗菠蘿同橙味梳打🍍🍊📍尖沙咀金巴利街1F號地舖推薦度(10👍🏻滿):8👍🏻滴汗度(10😅滿):不適用衞生(10⭐️滿):8.5⭐️環境(10⭐️滿):7.5⭐️賣相(10⭐️滿):8⭐️味道(10⭐️滿):8.5⭐️價錢(10⭐️滿):7.5⭐️服務(10⭐️滿):8⭐️地點(10⭐️滿):7.5⭐#晚餐#晚市 #食飯 #推介 #美食 #美食推薦 #美食日記 #堂食 #食好西 #吃貨 #香港必食 #韓國美食 #尖沙咀 #美食推薦 #食評分享 #美食博客 #美食分享 #美食しい #食左先講 #852ig #hkiger #hkkol #抵食 #winsomelai continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
📍#OPPA Coffee Bar Restaurant (尖沙咀)尖沙咀金巴利街1F號地舖▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️今日到訪韓國街既OPPA Coffee Bar Restaurant ,食客都幾多,平日夜晚幾乎滿座~ 餐牌上多款韓式經典食物,款式正常,定價偏高~✨# oppa激辣熔岩炒飯💰$208oppa熔岩炒飯係呢間店既signature ,店員會即場加蛋同芝士🧀,即時用火槍燒,香味十足,味道方面雖然係激辣,但完全唔辣🤭 反而係好重芝士同蛋味,芝士亦有拉絲效果🤓✨# 蜜糖牛油炸雞💰$228韓式炸雞係我既target 之一,款式仲有甜辣炸雞、醬油炸雞同蒜香炸雞,幾款味都吸引,可惜餐牌無得mix and match ~ 選其一下揀左蜜糖牛油炸雞🍗 炸雞炸皮好香脆,但有啲厚。表層有蜜糖牛油,醬汁味道不錯,牛油味香,如更多醬汁會更好。▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-28
尖沙咀金巴利街又名韓國街,整條街差不多八成都是韓國餐館,其中一間開業多年長期排長龍的人氣店「OPPA Coffee and Restaurant 」主打正宗韓式美食,例如炸雞、韓式蛋卷、飯卷、拉麵、海鮮煎餅等等,仲有大量不同的韓式燒酒和其他飲品,老闆仲要係韓國人,一入到餐廳就感受到滿滿韓式風味👍🏻不得不提呢一度每一樣食物嘅份量都係超大 ,真係非常抵食,兩個人點兩款食物已經相當飽肚,大食啲嘅再加多一份小食已經非常足夠😋▪️ 醬油炸雞 Soy Fried Chicken $ 228必食炸雞系列,今次選擇咗醬油味道,全份炸雞足有全隻雞,有成十多件超抵食,醬油味道充滿甜香,炸雞外皮仍然保持香脆,雞肉夠入味,保持每個部位的口感,例如雞髀嘅肉質嫩滑,雞胸肉啖啖肉唔嚡口,而且仲有炸薯條吸收咗醬油嘅味道,估唔到幾好味▪️ 芝士蛋捲 Jumbo Cheese Egg Roll $ 188一上枱真係嚇親人,芝士蛋捲大份到非常 Jumbo ,面層有巨量椰菜絲沙律,配上沙律醬和茄汁,口感爽脆味道酸酸甜甜,好開胃,跟住就見到巨型蛋捲,每件蛋捲都有大量芝士和少許蔬菜粒,非常美味▪️韓國有氣菠蘿汁 $ 27▪️韓國果肉果汁 $ 25最喜歡飲韓國的罐裝水果汁,味道保留原有的水果味道,清甜可口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)