3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
A ramen shop is helmed by Japanese ramen champion. Its signature white broth is mixed with nearly forty kinds of miso from all over Japan, tasting good but not oily. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay Google Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (690)
Level3 2024-05-11
地方有d難穩,試完最大感受係如果期待非常之高既朋友可以唔洗特登過黎食,可能會覺得一般,如果係剛剛好係附近既話可以試下,分量係真係好大,雞白湯麵個碗好似面盆甘大,四片叉燒加溏心蛋,湯底有dd膩,同埋面比較一般,醬油面配埋五花腩,肉好食,今晚呢餐最好食竟然係呢碟五花腩,拉麵總體偏咸。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-07
第二次嚟食呢間拉麵,因為知佢一定大大碗食得飽。不過今次夜咗,九點幾佢冇晒拉麵得返烏冬,不過我哋都照食。每人都有一個溫泉蛋,仲有三塊大叉燒,湯依然好濃郁,好好味。重點係食完都真係好飽。舖頭門口係一個巷仔入面行落幾級樓梯再行上去唔係咁容易搵,不過都唔少人來照揾食。嘢飲就可以叫佢嘅波子汽水、同埋啲水果梳打。🧃上次食過佢嘅扣肉拉麵真係好大份,女仔未必食得晒。#hkfoodsuggest #foodie #hk continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好多年無食日式拉麵,同另一半❤️去行山順便搵左呢間位於中環小巷嘅拉麵店,望住Google map 發現過左龍?行番後少少再望小巷就會見到,非常隱蔽。極上芫茜醬油湯拉麵 配 套餐 - 芫茜愛好者可以一試,個人覺得呢個組合非常Fusion ,富有香港特色,低溫慢煮日式叉燒,所以叉燒唔好靱,湯底清甜,天氣熱的話食呢個會幾Fresh!5倍極濃雞白湯味噌沾麵 配 套餐 - 職員介紹番佢地極濃雞白湯係即日由日本空運到港,非常新鮮,的確雞白湯頗岀色,濃而不膩,越食越滋味😋,大大塊叉燒,份量十足,麵條亦非常煙韌彈口,係我喜歡嘅口感,CP值算中上水平。由於係跟套餐的關係,我地叫左一份章魚小丸子同一份雞皮餃子。章魚小丸子有點扣分,章魚肉好少,幾乎吃不到的感覺。至於雞皮餃子就幾香口,不過我就唔中意點沙律醬喇。飲品只有樽裝及罐裝汽水,本人不飲汽水,所以對我來說就是沒有太多的選擇,略為遜色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-17
想試下中環呢間過江龍拉麵 @ramencubism 好耐啦!見到佢地出咗3款限定版拉麵,就同朋友一次過點晒嚟食!餐廳以木材元素為主調,俾人舒服的感覺~🍭明太子豆乳雞白湯拉麵越超濃郁豆乳的雞白湯,滿滿的豆乳香!湯底中特別加入了松露油的忌廉,配料有鮮味濃郁的明太子、岩海藻、芥末粒等,口感豐富有層次~🍭火炙烤豚肉担担沾麺沾麵上擺有大片火炙烤豚肉,另配有濃郁的雞白湯與芝麻醬和味噌醬混合而成的沾麵醬汁,再加入傳統的辣椒油,使拉麵味道更加豐富有層次~ 🍭雞醤油拉麺日本清湯底的醬油拉麵搭配三種叉燒和流心赤玉子。包括火炙雞肉义燒、柚子香味雞肉义燒及火炙烤豚肉,一次過滿足3個願望!*限定口味去到30/4咋! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-17
If you order delivery, they’d switch the ramen noodles to udon. As my colleagues would like to taste the ramen, to compare with the udon version of delivery, we came again of our own volition. There is tantan dipping ramen on the menu and this is the option which you can try the udon/ thicker noodles, otherwise I think udon might be available on special request when you dine in (?)This round I tried the chicken shoyu ramen 雞醬油拉麵 with very tender chicken. The egg looked superb with an almost red-hue jammy yolk. The broth was really flavourful and I drank all of it, as this was served in a smaller bowl- easier to finish. There’s distinctive yuzu and chicken taste in the broth and it’s my kind of soup. The bigger bowl was the signature white chicken broth ramen 雞白湯拉麵 with charsiu slices, on the farther end of the photo above. I also liked the braised pork belly thick-cut. Deeply marinated, melt-in-your-mouth fatty layers, and very juicy pork. Our team leader tried the spring-edition: mentaiko soy ramen. It’s good and interesting, yet he told us that the signature white chicken broth was better. He also liked the udon noodles in the delivery menu more than the ramen. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)