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食評 (39)
等級4 2011-04-03
183 瀏覽
一般酒點內的餐廳都會有一定的水準的.. 但這裡完全不是這回事..服務亦不見得是好的.. 可能很久沒有到這裡用餐的關係吧.. 我們預訂了三圍酒席.. 提供了一間房和麻雀耍樂.. 是日晚上是區域年夜飯!乳豬燒得很燶.. 第一次吃乳豬是完全地瘦和沒有肥膏的.. 蜜糖豆帶子珊瑚蚌一般.. 蜜糖豆有絲.. 帶子珊瑚蚌沒有鮮味..髮菜蠔豉干貝又是一般.. 蠔豉不香.. 口感也不好..炸蝦多士雖然是熱辣辣.. 是剛剛炸起的.. 但太油了.. 吃不到食物本身的味道..魚翅材料不足.. 生粉太多.. 雞亦乾身.. 不好吃!整體來說是不好的.. 若果自選的話.. 一定不會來! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-06-18
45 瀏覽
同男友家人一行 8 人去 CWB "紫星軒" 食晚飯... 我地叫咗一個套餐 紫星六小碟 - 好似前菜咁, 有六款, 幾好味;好特別紅燒竹笙花膠翅 - 呢個真係正呀...又多翅. 好好味...蠔油鮑魚扣花菰 - 鮑魚幾大隻 ;花菰幾厚肉. 味道都唔錯 京蔥醬爆雪花蚌 - 雪花蚌炒得好好味.燒汁脆滑菰炒本地牛肉 - 我冇食.男友話炒得幾有鑊氣. 唔錯喎清蒸海石斑 - 條魚好鮮甜.而且蒸嘅時間冇過火...so good瑤柱粥皇浸莧菜 - 我第一次食. 我覺得非常好味呀. 可能我比較鐘意食粥啦...我覺得呢個菜, 又清淡又健康紫星水晶雞 - 雖然我好鐘意食雞. 不過我覺得呢隻雞麻麻地. 因為太瘦 & 太重雞味 燕窩冰玉流沙包 - 啲流沙包好好味. 一咬就流晒裡面啲流沙出黎...正呀合時甜品 (桂花紅豆糕) - 呢個甜品唔錯, 唔係太甜, 而且好多紅豆...幾好 鮮果拼盤 - 啲生果好甜呢一餐真係食得好滿足. 又好飽...正呀 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
The restaurant is not bad. The food is nice, and the prices reasonable. I have been there about half a dozen times with other family members. However, something happened today which means we won't be returning. I will try to be as unbiased as possible and just give the facts.First of, the waiters and waitresses are all very polite and accommodating. However, due to one reason or another a family member made a complaint to the manager. I am not sure if he is the head manager or just one of the captains, but he wore a suit instead of a uniform. During the complaint, the family member got quite upset and said, "You don't need to explain anymore". Now, regardless of what the customer said, as long as he wasn't swearing, being abusive, making personal attacks, or being unduly impolite, I think it's only good customer service for the manager to keep calm. Instead, this manager lost his temper, and said, "I also don't want to explain anything to you either". He said it several times and some other remarks then had the last word before just walking off!! What kind of service is that? I can imagine hard working waiters, working long hours with low pay losing their temper with a difficult customer. But a manager? This guy does nothing but stand at the door way. I already didn't like this manager before the incident because his body language is so low class, unlike the other waiters who are all very professional. Anyway, I have nothing against this restaurant and its staff overall, and had decent experiences in the past. Nonetheless we won't be coming back. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
(非會員) 2010-01-05
19 瀏覽
Went there on Sunday with family friends. I thought the cubed beef was delicious. It was so moist and juicy with a great flavor. Will definitely recommend people there for good Cantonese style food but with a touch of creativity and at a very reasonable price. We ordered many dishes and still it was roughly 150 per head. Yumm! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
假期與家人特意到銅鑼灣飲茶, 因本人及家人來過多次, 均對此餐廳有不錯評價, 所以要為其平反!!!出色點心1) 春風得意紅米腸 ~ 本人超愛!!! 可能你會以為佢係素菜, 但其實係腸粉類. 以中式春卷皮包裹大量鮮蝦,外層以紅米制作米漿成腸粉皮. (正)....緊記不要把豉油淋上(以免春卷皮變"林", 影響食物質素(2) 蒜蓉蒸鮮魷 ~ 頂級新鮮之作, 味鮮, 媽媽超讚(3) 蒸魚雲 ~ 有料魚雲配以麵豉醬清蒸 (出面所謂魚雲可以食既部份只有很少)(4) 螺肉帶子餃 ~ 特色新作...略帶點點芥末味道, 同是值得一讚, 鮮!(5) 鮮蝦炸雲吞 ~ 香口, 完全無多餘油滲出(6) 迷您干炒海鮮河 ~ "海鮮"非以雜豆蟹柳等配料出現....而是以新鮮海鮮用料炒得合到好處 (帶子, 珊瑚蚌, 鮮蝦, 斑片等)其他美點: 鳳爪, 流沙包, 芋蓉鳳尾蝦 (此配合略感"油膩") 略帶一提, 點心會比大眾化餐廳/酒家稍貴, ~~ 出色點心配以合理價錢, why not?另外, 下午茶時段可能有部份點心"已停" 間中一嚐, 此為享受. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)